What wives are different zodiac signs



Be sure that you will never disappear with such a woman. Here everything will be: both horse, and burning hollow, and seven along the beings, and full of guest house, and removed, and cooked. Just balm and air conditioning in one bottle. They always know that you have to put on a dinner, which tie pick up a husband to a suit and how to get, for example, the Nobel Prize. Despite all the talents, the wife-Aries will remain your shadow, but if you really reach heights, then she will sit opposite you and slyly smile, giving it to understand that without it you would hardly come to the finish line.


The main thing is that the suit is sitting. Taurus fit to choose a husband very seriously. They always remember what mistakes did in the past, and never repeat them in marriage. Even if they get married, then mentally continue to choose her husband until the end of their days. And even if everything is excellent, they will sometimes remember the past and crushed, that they gave their heart to the first oncoming, clearly forgetting that the list to choose was great.


Opinions about twin wives are always different and very contradictory. If your friend has a great housewife, then yours may not be able to cook completely, despite the same zodiac sign. But your can be an excellent mother, but a friend has nothing to boast in this regard. The thing is that your wife will be an accurate copy of you. "Mr. appointed me with his beloved wife," here's twin wives, they will be disclosed for everyone in their own way. If you want to correct and see your shortcomings, then take married twins and work on yourself to old age.

Galina Yanko

Galina Yanko


This is the type of woman to whom many others seek, being married, because it is the embodiment of an ideal wife. First of all, she thinks about the needs of his spouse. It seems she always knows that you need close and how to provide it. When her husband feels depressed, she intuitively finds how to cheer it up. She does not like to risk and disrupt the harmony around and inside himself, so a man who needs an ally in adventures or a bright, emotional partner, with a woman-cancer will be very boring.


The lion is the type of wife who anyone could be proud of. She knows exactly what to do and speak at any secular event, it has a bright appearance, knows how to present himself, she has a wonderful sense of humor. She can say a full package - and is very proud of it. Sometimes she feels depressed, and when it happens, she needs a lot of attention - it is generally its basic need, and in these moments it can be very selfish.


Virgo often performs a man's function in marriage, this is a wife who solves all the problems and tasks. Very often, the Virgin become wives of not the strongest men, because in such a marriage it is possible the most convenient distribution of roles - the spouse knows that she looks after him, and in some sense depends on it. Do not have answers to all questions and ways to solve all the problems that will arise from her loved ones.


It will always be fun and there will be no hints for a hassle. It tries to minimize any possible conflict. She loves communication and disheartal leisure, so sit with it all day at home and look at each other exactly not. But even at such moments, her husband will be comfortable, because the comfort and beauty in the house she creates as no other woman can.


One word is rocky. Very passionate and emotional natures. In love, they are given entirely and require the same instead, so you should not perceive them as a job, they need to constantly demonstrate their love, otherwise not to avoid conflicts. But conflicts with scorpion wife are similar to this war, but usually end with passionate sex.


Fearless, active and very curious wife-Sagittarius can be the best companion on travel, searching for adventures and other active and exciting activities. She is able to support his spouse in a tone always when he needs it, its energy and resourcefulness is enough for two! Sagittarius are free in spirit, and this openness and life excitement stimulate her husband to achieve new heights.


This is a wife, next to which a man is getting better every day. Capricorns simply make her husbands, including their own example, work, put goals and go to them. But not every man can pass the test by this union. The one who is content is small and wants to stop at some medium mark to lead a careless life, will not be able to be near such a woman.


Wife is the best friend. Most often, it shares the interests of her husband or devotes him to their own hobbies, thus joint leisure causes both positive emotions. She is independent, so the golden mountains most often does not require a husband and is trying not to point out that and how to do it, because he wants for her freedom to also no one causing.


The most romantic type of wife. She loves to show creative and romantic signs of attention for her husband. It is working to light the spark among themselves and husband, and she likes it. She has his own view of the world, which is completely unique. With her, any man will feel loved and confident in tomorrow, but if a man is emotionally cold and does not like romantic, he will get tired very quickly.

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