Clean radiance: how to effectively wash the bath


We buy a new bath, but after six months we notice that it does not glit, as before, and the color may change and become dim. Of course, there is a huge amount of funds in the sanitary market, but we will tell you how to return without much the cost if not initial, then at least a decent view of your bath.

It is not necessary to acquire an expensive means

It is not necessary to acquire an expensive means


Vinegar and bleach

Immediately, we note that such a composition is not suitable for the bath from acrylic, only cast iron. You will need the following components:

- Baking soda.

- bleach.

- vinegar.

Add some water to the soda so that Cashier turns out, then process contaminated sections in the bath. Then mix in equal proportions vinegar and bleach and apply over soda. In half an hour, you can already wash off the composition, but at the same time, wash the bleach well, as it should not get on the skin.

To each coating it is necessary to select your composition.

To each coating it is necessary to select your composition.


Lemon acid

If you have chosen a bath from acrylic or metal, citric acid will come to help, which is also not inferior to more powerful chemical solvents. Big plus acid - it can be used on all surfaces.

So, metal and cast iron baths are processed as follows:

- In one glass of water, you dissolve a tablespoon of citric acid.

- Sprayer apply it to a polluted area.

- We are waiting for 15 minutes and rub with a sponge dipped in citric acid.

With acrylic baths, the process is a bit more complicated:

- Type a full bath of warm water.

- Add a tablespoon of citric acid.

- After 12 hours, drain the water and rinse with clean water from under the tap. In this case, you clean the bath without spoiling the coating.

Watch out for cleanliness

Watch out for cleanliness


Bura and lemon juice

This simple composition perfectly copes with rust stains on any coatings. How to cook and use?

- Take the Iron Tase, pour a quarter cup of lemon juice, then pour the boos powder. You must receive a consistency that resembles sour cream.

- Apply the resulting composition on rusty stains.

- We are waiting for complete drying, after which we wash off with water. If it did not work out the first time to cope with rust, repeat the procedure.

Cleaning powder

Another way against rusty spots, the difference is only that it can be used only on enameled surfaces.

You will need:

- Hydrogen peroxide.

- Any cleaning powder.

- Crystals of wine stones.

How to apply:

- Stir all the ingredients.

- Processing stains.

- wash off after 15 minutes with water from the tap.

Calcined Soda and Soap

Also a good composition whose components are in every home. Perfectly copes with spots of different complexity and origin. Establish:

- rub the household soap on the grater.

- Mix with soda in equal proportions.

- After that, add soda still.

- We apply on a stain and leave for an hour.

- Thoroughly wash off the sponge and we go with hot water to wash off the remnants.

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