Why do you dream deep omut?


Dear readers, welcome again on this page. For those who are here for the first time, I will explain. In this category, we will interpret dreams. Not with the help of dreams of past centuries or brochures in transitions. I, Mary Zemskova, a professional psychologist, I argue: Everyone is our dream - in hand. That is, in every dream for us there are very important information sent by our intuition. It is her who we will decipher.

What do Nature images mean in a dream?

Usually sleep dreams in some context: we are in the forest or on water, or in the air, or in the field. Dreams enters us far from the place where we are in ordinary life. Today we will analyze what is meaning massive images of nature in a dream.

Water image

These are pictures in a dream associated with the sensual, emotional side of our lives. Deep and powerful reservoirs - with similar power of feelings that we cannot express in relation to someone.

As a rule, these feelings are greatly crushed by our logic, and there is no place in the conscious life. For example: "You should not fall in love with a boss" ... Love does not go anywhere, but with her our subconscious has to cope in a dream.

Another example: one my friend told my sleep: "I look at the pond, and he is dirty. I know that he is shallow, but the bottom is not visible because of the muta in the water. In a dream, my husband bathes in this pond and can't dive into it deeper. " With the analysis of her sleep, we encountered the fact that in ordinary life she is angry with her husband, it's hard for her to forgive him certain actions. Therefore, in a dream, she trample him in a "dirty pond" of his anger.

Forest image

Once upon a time I heard such an example: "I am in me in the forest, he is big, something whispers me. People live behind the forest. It seems I want to be closer to people, but everything is so familiar in the forest, safely. I wake up from what I don't know where I go. After all, it is not necessary to make efforts to anything, but with people will have to communicate. "

When we decipher the dream, it was found that the forest is a familiar environment, the illusion of a comfortable existence. Apathetic, dull and at the same time, the usual state in which you can do nothing and want nothing.

This, of course, on the surface.

If you look even deeper, the place where we all had comfortably - this is the maternal womb. And it's time to go to people. The image of the forest in a dream is the desire to plunge completely into total care and secureness of all and everything. It is possible that in everyday life it is missing and even dreaming about it is somehow strange. It seems to be adults and independent ...

The image of the Earth

"I dream, as I try to plant the shoots of young plants in sandy land." So started the narration of sleep participant of one of the trainings.

When deciphering such dreams, it is important to pay attention to epithets and metaphors that a person uses when a story.

In this dream the ground "sandy", dry, lifeless, deprived of water, and therefore, feelings.

Deciphering this proposal is: "I'm trying to force something, although the soil for this has long died and dried. I close my eyes to the fact that the foundation of this project has crumbled for a long time, and still continue in vain work. "

Earth in a dream is the basis of the foundation. Foundation for projects and relationships. It is important to pay attention to how much this foundation is suitable.

Of course, most of our images are unique and in a dream can mean anything. However, some regularity is still there.

If you dreamed of the raging ocean - this is, of course, about feelings. But what - to solve you!

Sweets dreams!

Waiting for your dreams, which we will be able to decipher here on the site. Send your stories by mail - [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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