What are men watching?


Scientists built their assumptions on the basis of numerous tests. Such a narrow choice, according to psychologists, is due to purely physiological reasons. In this case, we are talking about the fact that no matter how evolved, the emotions of men continue to manage the "animals" of the beginning. It is this factor that makes them look at a woman like a man's continuer. Accordingly, they note that the more chest, the more milk for future children, the better the hips and legs are folded, the higher the chance to endure and give birth to a healthy child. Along the way, men pay attention to the aesthetics of forms and appearance.

How to do men?

Of course, there is no "taste and color of comrades", nevertheless, even the most ardent lovers of thin bosses with pleasure look at the lush bust, at least 2nd size and more. Check easy: Dress with a girlfriend dresses with deep neckline and stroll around. Over 70% of men will pay attention to the lush bust. Arbitrarily or not, but such is reality.

To combine a man about the size of the chest and visually make it a little more, you can use the Push-up bra with special inserts. In addition, the size of your forms will give the clothing of a special cut, for example, with a rock-swing or a wide neckline, as well as correctly selected accessories.

To hide disadvantages of legs like cellulite or varicose veins, you can wear a skirt to the floor. But it is unlikely that the "monastic" robes will attract the attention of men, and problems with legs will still remain with you. Moreover, if cellulite is a purely aesthetic misfortune, then the varicose veins is striking and for a long time, and the disease has been developing for years to 30 or after the first birth.

The blue mesh on the legs looks so assensually that the girls immediately run into beauty salons. "Unfortunately, many girls think that the" mesh "is just a cosmetic problem, Alexander Borkivets, vascular surgeon, is crushed. "They go to beauty salons, remove them, and then surprised why they have developed varicose veins."

In fact, these actions are just a short delay for the development of varicose veins, so the best prevention is the preservation of the health of the capillaries. Usually, doctors recommend to stimulate the vessels with the easiest exercises, for example, to void from foot to foot or flexion-extension of the lower extremities. Additionally, it is possible to use creams or gels with the capilery terrorist act. The main task of such drugs is to improve the work of capillaries and restore the microcirculation in the vessels of the entire body. Effectively use them as follows: In the morning, apply the cream, for example, the Capillary, known for its valuable component of the bioflavonoid of the Siberian larch, and in the evening, take a warm conifer body for legs with sea salt.

If these events are not enough, then we need to carry special knitwear. Modern products are so aesthetic and respond to fashion trends that no one even guess their medicinal appointment. However, before buying such a lingerie, it is worth pre-consulting with a phlebologist.

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