How to raise yourself mood?


This is due, first of all, with the fact that in winter we are so tired and psychologically depleted our body, that the forces to enjoy the onset of something light and updated, just no strength. Nobody is insured against such problems, so let's think together for how to overcome the opposite mood and raise yourself a morale :)

For most people living on Earth there are such moments when they feel completely depressed, quite rightly notes JLADY.RU. But do not forget that the bad mood is completely normal. The main thing is to know how to raise it so as not to immerse yourself in this depression. It's not worth frightening a bad mood - you just need to take it and drive it. If you do not have any reliable techniques to cheer up, we will tell you them!

15 ways to raise yourself mood

1. Breathe deep and calmly

If a bad mood was surprised unexpectedly, then deep breathing will quickly help you come back to normal, because it is a special relaxation technique, with which you can remove the body voltage and clear the mind from alarms. Many people unconsciously resort to such a technique, not even guessing about it. Breathing exercises can make literally miracle. But the most important thing is to do it right. Sit straight, make a full deep exhalation, put your hands on your belly, just above the waist line. Now slowly breathe, gradually like pushing the hand up. It will ensure that you breathe deep enough. Inhaling, imagine that you fill your body with air - bottom up. After the breath, hold your breath to the account from two to five (you can even cope with it; the main thing is to be comfortable). It will be easier for you to make breathing delay if you continue pressing your hand on your stomach. Slowly and gradually exhale through the mouth, feeling how your stomach is reduced and the hand returns to the previous place. Exhale make a little longer than inhale.

2. Drink clean water

Yes, do not be surprised! It is so necessary for a person that even a small dehydration can cause a number of problems, including imbalances that are responsible for our mood. So fill the glass with this clean transparent and truly magic fluid, and drink it. In addition, why don't you drink multivitamins to help your body even more? By the way, with regard to water, then do not limit you in one glass. Make yourself so that during each day you used so much fluid as you need to each person for the normal functioning of the body.

3. Embed

If you have a loved one next to you, then come and hug it. You must give someone your hugs to get them in response. Sometimes it's all that is needed to quickly improve the mood for yourself or another person. Moreover, the emotions, which give the arms of a loved one, contribute to the enhanced production of oxytocin - the present "Hormon of Happiness". The sensory sensations also contribute to the brain of chemicals that are responsible for our good mood - serotonin and dopamine. It is not by chance that in many cultures of the world, people who have just met, primarily open their adhesions.

4. Play with your four-legged comrades

So who can really quickly raise you the mood, so this is a pet! With his devotee and selfless love, he causes only positive emotions from a person, and cheerful from a dog or a cat make you quickly forget about sadness. Only here is the participation in the fun. It is necessary to take the most active: run in each other, throw a dog with a ball or share a cat with a piece of paper tied to the thread, borrow and joking "begging" with animals. Such physical activity will give you an energy charge, and you will feel much better.

5. Drink coffee

Caffeine is a natural mood "enhancer". He will not only add to your life of joyful notes with his pleasant taste, but also give you more energy to take a walk, which in itself is one of the best ways to raise the mood. But remember that the abuse of coffee is still not worth it.

6. Look at the funny movie

Find your favorite comedy, and get ready to enjoy it. When you get to that place that always has fun you, allow yourself to enjoy changing the episode and heroes of the film. Do not hold back, hurry in full force! Laughter is very beneficial on you, and you will forget about a bad mood.

7. Go for a walk

You already know that it will help you to fight with despondency and sadness. Ask yourself the question: When do you feel better? When are people, trees around you, are you near the water? And, having answered him, go exactly there. Even if you have to go there - do not postpone walk on your favorite place. Try to allocate at least fifteen minutes to stay there. Fresh air, invigorating environment and physical activity from walking will definitely raise your mood.

8. Take a bath

Arrange a truly luxurious bath - with candles, music, foam, bubbles. Treat yourself! Relax, read the book or touch your beloved and spend the time together.

9. Go shopping

And it is not necessary to spend a lot of money - this is, on the contrary, it may later cause a feeling of repentance, which in itself is capable of someone in the despondency. You can please your domestic and inexpensive purchases, because we have such a variety of options! Decorations, postcards, games, hair accessories, books, all sorts of snacks, sunglasses, plush toys, etc.

10. Listen to music

Do you love her? Put your favorite melodies, turn them on the highest possible volume, and sing in all the throat. Feel the music that surrounds you! It will make you feel very good.

11. Dance

It must be done by analogy with music: put your favorite melody, close the curtains so that random viewers do not confuse you, and start dancing. If it seems to you that it is stupid, then give yourself a period of just five minutes - at least five minutes you must dance. And then see how you feel after that. If you won't become more fun - Well, stop "experience". But we are sure that you will be very fun! And even if at first you will feel terribly stupid, try to pretend that you are just before the lucky person, and your mood will certainly improve.

12. Digit in the ground

Scientists have found that friendly bacteria that live in soil can cause in our body the process of producing serotonin, which gives an antidepressive effect. Well, of course, watching birds, beautiful flowers and growing seedlings will only strengthen this effect.

13. Cook yourself something delicious

When was the last time you spent time to cook your favorite delicacy? Lay the tested recipe and make cooking. If you are already tired of all that you have prepared so far, look for new and interesting recipes. But only beat yourself from excess stress and choose not too complicated recipe :)

14. Give sports

Physical activity releases endorphins, which, as we have already spoken more than once, allow us to permeate the spirit. Some studies show that training is as effective to get rid of a negative mood, like antidepressants.

15. Give yourself a rest

Of course, the fatigue itself can not cause bad mood, but it is still capable of pushing you to the despondency. Therefore, it is useful to sleep a little even during the day. And when you wake up, then take a cool shower or at least rinse the face. After these simple procedures, you will feel how vigor and energy will fill you, and you will begin to start life again.

As you can see ways to raise a lot of mood! If the above methods are not very effective for you, you can come up with your own ways to deal with poor mood. Do not let depression overcome you at such a beautiful season as Spring!

Matyukhina Olga

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