Ziraddin Rzayev: "Beauty does not guarantee happiness"


- Ziraddin, tell me how a gift for clairvoyant appears and is it possible to learn this?

- There are different universities in the world, institutions, but these institutions have no faculty in which poetry would have been taught. The poet should have a huge spiritual world, a unique imagination, allowing to become elected in this world, and therefore only with the help of one formation it is impossible to become Pushkin. Poetry is a rare gift that cannot be developed in itself. Also concerns and clairvoyance. Sometimes I see psychics who say they develop extrasensory abilities or simulate the future, in fact it's all nonsense. Extraceptor abilities are either given or not. I accepted what was given, I was accepting this and nothing depends on me, because how much it was given, it would no longer be given. The main thing is that not in evil another ...

- And how do you feel about the fact that some magicians possessing this gift, at the request of women who want to return their husbands to the family, make love spells? You yourself were never engaged in such services, because it is done for the sake of salvation of the family.

- A love spell for me is a great sin. When a woman wants to return her beloved home for love for love, he still returns to her not the same man, and zombies with a destroyed psyche. Zombie takes off his will, mind, feelings. Moreover, witchcraft overlaps all his channels, he begins to suffer his health. Do you know if you figure out the essence of things, why do some women resort to witchcraft? The reason is often the fact that incorrect men want to return because of money. A man was gone, gone money from the family. And when he is returned for violently back, due to the intervention in its energy structure, his career collapses, the business suffers and, as practice has shown, such men are immediately uninteresting and not needed. Love was not, there was a female care and proprietary instincts. On the contrary, I remove the love spells, the zombie, I do everything to returned to yourself.

"You can give advice to a person how to recognize a negative attitude and do not let yourself be bad people?"

- This advice is very difficult. For example, you can feel a good attitude of a person to yourself, and he has a lot of "mud", negative to the environment. There are almost no parameters, it must be felt. But there is one way working almost trouble-free. He who does not like animals, he does not like people. Place next to this person cat or dog and you will see his real reaction. You can rely on a person who sheltered a stray animal, this speaks of his true kindness and compassion. And the one who torments the animals, you need to stay away from it, such a person is nothing but grief, you will not bring you. I would advise every family to have an animal in the house, from this and the children grow the kinder and the atmosphere in the family becomes harmonious. When a man returns home after a hard working day, he knows that a loving wife, children, a faithful dog await him, a calm and peace reigns in the house, nothing threatens such a family.

- What do you think the family union is strong, you need to listen to astrological recommendations? After all, many signs of the zodiac are completely compatible with each other?

- No one hurts to look into horoscopes. In the end, people listen to the weather forecast before going out on the street, so why not listen to wisdom, which thousands of years. Astrology is in all sacred books, it exists in the Quran, in the Torah, in the Bible and plays a huge role in our lives. Now modern astrology is in poor condition, because a real astrologer should know mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, physics and such astrologers, like Pythagoras, Nostradamus, Isaac Newton in our time no longer.

Most often, forecasts are on the Internet and in glamor magazines are generalized, but the science of signs has a solid foundation, you can believe in it. It is desirable that people choose their partners from the position of astrology and took into account that some signs are really incompatible among themselves.

For example, I have a sign on the sign of the Sagittarius, and I - Scorpio. She is "fire", I am "water", in life all the way it is very hard for us, I do not fit the shooter at all. But here it turns on to understand that we are given to each other fate and must do everything for this to stay together and be happy. In order to be peace and happiness in the family, everything is important - upbringing, genetics, the environment and I would add astrology here. When astrological signs do not coincide with compatibility, partners should pray to stay together forever, otherwise astrology will win.

- Isn't love to win? It is believed that before getting married, people should understand that they love each other.

- Love is inconstant, it is always temporary and always passes. Rarely, who of the spouses loves each other to the end of life. We can't eat all your life and the same food, drink the same drink, always want a variety. We are so arranged, it is not bad and not good, the body requires different things in life. But my holy conviction that in addition to the love of spouses should be sincere friendship. A man loves first, then a family appears, children. Love turns into attachment and that the family is preserved, you must need friendship.

- Explain why you need such a long family? Why do spouses live along forty years together, although many people say that a long marriage theme has exhausted himself?

- I will try to explain it to you if you understand. Men woman is needed not only for sex. The wife is a good mistress, a good mother, reliable friend and the man should have a realization that if he is destroying the family for the sake of passion, he will destroy the most reliable that there is in his life. Love is inconstant, and a reliable family is forever. As for passion on the side, it must be stirred, stop. Bad, when you no longer feel passion for your wife, you need to pray and ask for feelings to come back, because people, entering into marriage, are configured for life. And if you go about your vices, they can make you in the abyss.

- You advise you to stay in the family for the sake of children, and if the children grow up and say that they did not need your victims and your broken life, whereas?

- If a man married or a woman married and they felt that they were not suitable for each other, then, of course, it was necessary to quickly divorce. And if you have already started living, children were born, then you need to live for children. This is not our business, the children will tell us thanks or not. If you bring up children correctly, they will thank our successful life and care about you in old age, and it will be good from the thought that your children are successful. If you destroy the family, children remain with childhood and injury - it may well reflect on their future. I insist that all physiological phenomena need to repay and save the seven in any way. Of course, if both are walking - both the husband, and the wife - nothing will help here, this is the end of the world.

- When a husband and wife, trying to save the family and good relationship, live guest marriage, how do you feel about this? Many men say that there are posses in it - you do not see my wife in the old bathrobe and slippers, and she meets you always smart.

- This is a formal marriage and this is not considered a marriage. If a man does not want to see his wife in slippers or in a bathrobe, he can tell her: "Favorite, when I do not go to the house, you want what you want. But with me, be always beautiful. " He has the right to this. He is her legitimate husband, feeds her, it contains her beautiful clothes, and let her respect her husband, especially since it is not so difficult for a woman - to be beautiful every day. Care for yourself, dress it elegant, use cosmetics, do a hairstyle, now there are all the conditions for this - beauty salons, fashion stores. Women have so many secrets to be sexual and attractive, it seems to me if a woman loves her husband, it is easy for her to try for a loved one.

Is it right when a man says: "If you are beautiful, then you are my wife, and if ugly, then not a wife?" They promised to love each other in the church and in illness, and in health. Guest marriage is a complete nonsense, they say people who want freedom and severity of feelings with a new partner.

- once came the conversation about female beauty, what do you think a beautiful woman is happier?

- Happiness is given to a woman from God, the beauty here has nothing to do with it. I know for sure that beauty does not guarantee happiness. For me, a woman should be beautiful, it is very important quality in a woman. Physical beauty is attractive and for a man plays a crucial role in sexual entry. But the most important thing - in a woman there should be a beauty of spiritual, in life it is more important.

I noticed that just beautiful girls is not more often lucky, beauty has one torture: the girl walks, taking advantage of his attractiveness, she crashes his youth on entertainment, staying without a family, without children, and when it gets late, time leaves, she goes for the first time Not suitable for a man because it is afraid to stay alone with his fading beauty and an empty soul. Youth and beauty is given to a woman in order for her to calmly choose her husband, and not to walk, squandering herself on trifles. Therefore, answering your question, I will say - women's happiness is not connected with beauty. And what is real happiness, we do not know. The Saint Matron did not have a family, children, and who could say that she is unhappy? It was the most spiritually beautiful and happy woman chosen by God.

- You talk about the life of the chosen person. A simple woman How can I help if she comes to you with your problem?

- Sometimes women who say: "I have everything. I earn well, I have my hotels, restaurants, young lovers, but for happiness I have no loving man, baby. I am ready to do everything for this to be my children and husband with me. I can help in this and I can do it, I am glad when they are healing with my prayers.

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