Anita Tsoi: "My life is a constant struggle for a beautiful body, and while I go out of it the winner"


Singer Anita Tsoi is known to fans not only as a popular singer, but also experienced TV presenter. A new realistic show on how to lose weight, as if created for Anita, because the artist is a real expert in this matter. Meets with the singer and listened the rules for the struggle for the ideal figure.

- Anita, is it possible to say that you agreed to participate in this project, because the topic of combating extra kilograms is close to you?

- The synopsis of the project "Wedding Size" is written by my personal life. Therefore, I simply did not have another choice, as agreed to the offer of producers. If you remember my past, then after the birth of the child, my weight reached a hundred kilograms. I, like many women in our program, was an exemplary hostess that did not fit into perfectly created by it. My husband stopped interested in me, began to delay at work more often. I am a straightforward man, so I once asked his forehead: "What's wrong?" He looked at me and honestly answered: "Did you see yourself in the mirror? I not married such a girl. " This hurt statement made me think and start acting. I lost fifty kilograms, and since then my life is a constant struggle for a beautiful body. Fortunately, while I go out of it the winner.

- Your loss story has already become legendary. You have done a lot to achieve the desired size ...

- Yes, I really tried everything: Thai pills, vibrator massagers, express diet, but nothing of this has a long-term result. I was blown away, it was inflated, just like an air ball. Only when I had health problems, I realized that it could not continue to continue to continue, and asked for help to a nutritionist. Together with it, we have passed a long way from a frivolous relationship from my family to a total change in the power mode. Now I already know what I need, and even loved the gathered gathered me earlier. So now I post on social networks not only the recipes of delicious dishes and selfie, but also video tutorials with exercises. (Laughs.)

Anita Tsoi - a real expert in losing weight

Anita Tsoi - a real expert in losing weight

Photo: Press Service TV channel "Home"

- After you lose weight, the husband tells you how you look great?

- We are as if returned to the candidate and bought a period of relationships. I remember how after one of the show he told me: "Do I live with this woman?" That was incredible!

- How do you support your weight now?

- On October 27 of this year, I have a presentation of the new show - and the preparation for it is in full swing. I reduced my daily diet to 840 kilocalories, I eat five times a day in small portions, while the last meal is up to seven in the evening. I am going with me, so in my bag you can always find a bottle of water, vegetable soup and fruits for snack. Control itself is obtained thanks to a special application on the phone, where I write down everything eaten the day. While hold on without breakdowns. The only digression was: in the New Year holidays, I decided not to think about the consequences and tear into the full coil, so four extra kilograms fell. But after the holidays again entered the usual regime and almost got rid of them.

- And who prepares you all this dietary food?

- I adore cook and do not trust such a responsible business. Yes, and I will not delve into: in the question of cooking I am a real master, and it will be just not fair on my part not to use these skills.

- How do you develop relationships with sports?

- Before the start of the filming of the "wedding size" of training in the fitness room, I called me claustrophobic. I preferred to lead an active lifestyle: run on the stairs, walk with dogs, ride a bike, Diving, etc. But, having acquainted with the coach Edward Kanevsky and having seen the results of his work, I got up and got on the right way. (Laughs.) Now I train six times a week, and I like it.

- We can say that you have already become an expert in losing weight?

- I became not just an expert, but a real guru in matters of weight loss! And I can say one thing: the only effective way to get rid of excess weight is the right nutrition plus sports.

Anita Tsoi:

"We are talking to the truth. Our estimates sometimes are rigid, but they help the participants of the program finally open their eyes and look at themselves in the mirror.

Photo: Press Service TV channel "Home"

- What was the best result that the participants of the show were achieved?

- Minus 25 kilograms! I think that it is possible to achieve the result in one case: if a person has a vital motive for weight loss and he is ready to abandon his many years of habits. And I am very glad that there were such ambitious and purposeful personalities on our project, which even after the end of the filming continued to go to their goal together. In general, the issue of motivation is probably the most difficult. You can look for a long time to look at the photos of people with tightened bodies, to be signed on thousands of groups with recipes for proper nutrition, to be offended by the phrases "you are fat" and every time it is disappointed, trying to get into the size of XXXL. But if a person himself is not ready to change his life and his diet, he will not help him. So the main thing is to desire, and my colleagues with my colleagues just help make the way to a beautiful and healthy body more productive.

- True, what did you burst home to the participants of the program and discarded the "wrong" content of their refrigerators?

- Our program has its own list of "sanctions products": sausage, mayonnaise, alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks that we destroyed like real raids! We burst into the apartments of the heroes without warning and threw "wrong" products. And how otherwise, if people themselves are not ready to do it? Fortunately, the case did not reach the scandals, but I had to listen to excuses constantly. But we were impenetrable: no harmful products in the refrigerator! Of course, it is always difficult to lose weight, because we are all living people and are hostages of their habits. Unfortunately, not all heroes were able to pass the tests offered to them. Some of them were for verification were ordinary void, one couple did not even divorce because of the discrepancy between interests! And one of the heroes fainted directly on the set, having heard from a nutritionist because of the danger of preserving its current weight. After all, people do not even understand that overweight is not only aesthetic problem, but also a serious threat to health.

- Anita, you are a pretty brave girl: can speak directly in the face: "You are fat." Nobody was offended?

- We do not tell them anything that would be wrong. You can deceive yourself and each other, but this will not help. Our estimates sometimes rigid, but they help participants finally open their eyes and take a look at themselves in the mirror.

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