Maria Petrov and Alexey Tikhonov: "For the new year we were presented with two weekends"


In the new ice show based on the fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland" at once, three paired roles will play Maria Petrov and Alexey Tikhonov. He met with skaters and found out that artists on costumes were offended for them, who did not allow them to polish their daughters to ride in performances and that there are world champions to do on New Year's Eve.

- How did you receive a proposal about participating in the ice show and what role did you get?

Maria: We participate with great pleasure in all New Year's performances that Ilya Averbukh makes for children. This time we will participate in the formulation of "Alice in Wonderland". I remember, I suggested Ilya: "I never played a negative role. Should we try? I'm very interested!" Because after some time he came and said: "Maria, you will have three roles at once, and all the characteristic!"

Alexei: Of course, everyone wants to be in the show pretty. To us with Masha this time will be difficult! But we are not afraid to try new, it is not afraid to be funny, it seems to me that in each role you can find something interesting and make it in my own bright, spectacular. And here we have such an opportunity. We will be a nice mother and dad Alice, funny pyrodes and confident and chess queen and king are the very characteristic characters.

- I heard that there will be any incredible scenery ...

Maria: Ilya is always incredible scenery. He himself comes up with what character from where it will appear: go on top, jump out of the door or from somewhere.

Alexei: What is interesting, the scenery is not built on a small thirty-meter board of ice arena, but by a large, which is almost sixty meters long. And at each level of decorations, something happens!

- How was the work on your costumes?

Maria: They are now being developed, we saw sketches, they were discussed with us. Costumes are beautiful, bright, which is very important for children's performances.

Alexei: Costume artists, it happens, we are offended that we cannot be due to the technical reasons exactly look like cartoon characters. Of course, we are ready to be thick, vanilla or marshmallow, but in such a costume to make support or complex emissions - it is simply impossible. And it is still very important how you feel in one role or another. And if you can give the viewer the character of your character, then the costume will make everything brighter. It is very important that the costume reflects the character of the hero, decorate it. Children like bright, memorable images!

Maria Petrov and Alexey Tikhonov:

In the new ice show "Alice in Wonderland" at Mary and Alexey at once, six roles for two

- It is still holding intrigue about who will play the role of Alice. Do you know something about it?

Alexei: I can not call names, but I think this girl will show himself as Alice. She very well makes the most complex triple jumps, she has excellent rotation. She is very charming and looks like Alice.

- You did not want to try your daughter on this role? Or is she still very small?

Maria: There was such an idea. Ilya thought, but Polina is only eight years old, and it would be hard to work for three ideas a day. She is engaged in figure skating the third year and rolling quite well. Her grandmothers really wanted her to engage in figure skating - she was presented to her three and a half years. At first, of course, accounted for hard. And Polina, and we too. Because children's training starts at six in the morning. We get up in five to get to rink. Going around at ten o'clock in the evening. Otherwise, do not pull this schedule.

Alexei: You can say for sure that your daughter in its almost eight years rides significantly better than Mom and Dad did at her age. It is so happy!

- Does the child have time for something else other than sports activities?

Maria: It is additionally engaged in English and painting. Three years later practiced in the dance studio - even performed at different contests. But this year due to the fact that the daughter went to school, there is not enough time to dance. And now we take once a week. An individual lesson - Dancing Polina does not want to leave and seeks dance contests.

Alexei: We have a small stable next to the cottage, where we walk and just feed horses. So when we choose to the country, Polina still takes the riding lessons.

- Before the new year there is quite a bit time. You already know where you will celebrate the holiday?

Alexei : Ilya Averbukh made it possible to relax two days:

December 31 and January 1. It is fantastic. We will be at home with your daughter, parents will arrive.

Maria: Christmas tree decorate in advance, the whole family. This is our tradition! Dad sets a live tree, and then we decorate then. Decorating the Christmas tree is a serious occupation, but very funny! Under the ready leadership of Alexey, our Christmas tree turns into a festive beauty, under which gifts from Grandfather Frost always appear in the New Year!

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