Time has come: When you can give birth to a second child


When the excitement after the appearance of the first child passes, a woman often thinks about the second pregnancy, the longer there is no initial fear, as it happens during the planning of the first child.

In the case of a second pregnancy, it is worth considering not only their capabilities, but also the difference between the older child and the future kid. Let's try to figure out what time it is best suited to become a mom for the second time.

Make a short break between the first and second pregnancy

Make a short break between the first and second pregnancy

Photo: unsplash.com.

Difference between children

Please note that the relationship of children will not be in low to depend on the difference in age. Experts consider the optimal gap at the age of 2, since the elder child still does not feel with imaginary danger from the new family member, he is not yet able to understand that the attention of parents will now have to divide for two. Problems may arise with children of 4 and older years, as the child has completely different needs at this age, he needs more attention from adults, and you will have to break between the cooking of the eldest, younger and my husband. Therefore, the smaller the gap aged, the smaller the quarrels and misunderstandings in children, however, there are already difficulties in mom.

Mamino Health

Of course, you should not plan a second pregnancy immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital: give the body to completely recover, because such a load in the form of pregnancy hits all the systems. In addition, too short intervals between two pregnancies may result in the following problems:

- Premature childbirth.

- Low weight child at birth.

- High probability of development problems.

Chronic diseases are exacerbated with age

Chronic diseases are exacerbated with age

Photo: unsplash.com.

How much to wait?

Too long break between pregnancies also does not promise anything good. If you and your husband agreed that you will have several children, you should not delay, since even a five-year break threatens with various pathologies of the fetus, one of the most common problems can be considered a delay in development and premature labor.

You must make a decision together with my husband.

You must make a decision together with my husband.

Photo: unsplash.com.

In the modern world, the second genera most often falls for 35-40 years, at this age the woman has a strong psyche than the body does not boast as a whole. After 35 years, the fertil function begins to fade at high speed, which nevertheless does not interfere with modern specialists help a woman to conceive and give birth even much for 40. But still doctors advise not to pull for a long time, because, together with the oppression of the reproductive system, chronic diseases are beginning to develop May complicate pregnancy. In any case, you should only focus on your own well-being.

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