Influenza and ORVI: Differences in manifestations and proper treatment


At the end of the autumn, the seasonal increase in the incidence of sharp respiratory diseases (ORVI) comes, one of which is flu. Why is it so important to highlight the flu separately?

There are several reasons for this.

First, there is flu vaccination that can significantly reduce your chances to get sick with this disease.

Secondly, there are specific treatment from influenza, and if we take the right drug in the first 48 hours from the beginning of the disease, recovery occurs extremely quickly.

Thirdly, the flu with some success can be recognized by symptoms, as well as at the reception at the doctor's express test (smear from the sewage) on the flu, which will help accurately and quickly appoint the necessary medicine.

A big problem is that in nature there are several hundred viruses causing ARVI (or simply - cold). All of the diseases are similar to each other, which are characterized by one or a combination of several symptoms familiar to everyone: a runny nose, an alloy or pain in the throat, cough (dry or with a spray), an increase in body temperature, not to mention weakness, lubrication in the body, drowsiness . Alas, today truly effective drugs from ARVI exist only in advertising, but a lot of happiness for all of us - open scientists specific drugs from influenza, which may terminate the disease, including in a matter of hours (though, in Russia is presented far Not the entire range of these funds).

Immediately make sure that trying to treat any cold with influenza drugs are meaningless and even dangerous: first, because of the side effects of these medicines, secondly because of the empty waste of money. Also, the incorrect use of these drugs for influenza can provoke the stability of the virus - and you can transfer to another person, including your close, a new type of virus, which does not have this medicine.

The main difference of influenza from other ARVI lies in the fact that it is most often a strong infection flowing with a state resembling poisoning. The flu can be suspected of the following features:

a) High temperature that increases very quickly. With a conventional cold, the temperature rises smoothly and not higher than 37.9 s; With influenza, it increases the "jump" to 38-40 s in a few hours;

b) pain and throat error are uncharacteristic for influenza.

c) Rubber is uncharacterted for influenza - patients complain of dryness in the nose and sip.

d) The influenza is characterized by headache, weakness, pain in the body, photophobia (unpleasant feelings in the eyes with strong lighting) - this is reminiscent of poisoning.

e) the flu is very characteristic of a dry cough, with a feeling of pain in the chest or "scratch" in bronchi.

If you understand that they are sick with the flu - consult a doctor, which (preferably) must be quick (10 minutes) the flu test, taking your sample from the sewage. In case the doctor (with the help of test or clinically) confirms the flu - you will prescribe a specific drug and you quickly recover. The drug from influenza is accepted no later than 48 hours from the onset of the disease, strictly the doctor prescribed you. Otherwise, the treatment of flu and ORVI is similar, and it is familiar to all: antipyretic drugs with uncomfortable body temperature, abundant drink, as well as drugs, overwhelming dry cough. In case the flu is still accompanied by a runny nose and / or throat pain - appropriate means are used. Remember that antibiotics do not act on the flu itself, nor any ARVI caused by the virus.

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