Do not quarrel: how to get sharp cheekbones without implants


Unfortunately, not every woman boasts the perfect chin line and sharp cheekbones. And the case is not always in excess weight or age changes - sometimes the face form simply does not allow to have the most acute cheekbones from nature, but what prevents us from trying to make them yourself? And no, you don't need a plastic surgeon for this, because it is too simple. We will tell about effective exercises that can help see the reflection of dreams in the mirror.

Why are the cheeks lose "sharpness"?

The most basic reasons are:

- age-related changes.

- sharp weight gain.

- Hormonal problems.

- Incorrect meals.

- The use of poor-quality care cosmetics.

How can Facebilding exercises help?

As you know, there are many muscles in our face - to educate alone smiles we strain the intake × 17 muscles. Over time, in the absence of high-quality training, the muscles of the face begin weakening and the face very quickly loses the form. Exercises aimed at maintaining the tone of the person help tighten the skin, improve blood circulation and thereby provide skin oxygen.

In addition, small wrinkles gradually disappear, swelling approach and the person acquires clearer contours, and not only in the region of cheekbones.

Do not be lazy to do exercises

Do not be lazy to do exercises


Be careful

There are some contraindications to the exercises with which we highly recommend familiarizing yourself:

- Discard the exercises if you have facial fillers installed.

- You suffer from pinching facial nerve.

- Exercises are not recommended during the recovery period after operations.

Complex exercise for strengthening facial muscles

We go to the "That very" a set of exercises on Facebilding.

We work with the chin

Lightly leaving your head back and slowly put forward the lower jaw forward. We raise the corners of the lips and give the tongue on the sky. At the same time, all the muscles in which you feel tension should remain in this intense state. Then we relax the face and after we do 4 approaches.

Strengthening chewing muscles

Squeeze the lips and teeth, after which it also spin the teeth and put forward the lower jaw forward to the maximum possible distance. Hold the position for 10 seconds. We repeat the exercise 3 times. Watch that there is no unpleasant sensation and crunch in the joint.


Unnamed finger put on the corners of the lips, press on the cheeks the index and middle fingers. In this position we are trying to smile. Delay in such a state for 5 seconds. We repeat 5 times.

Cupid's bow

It is clear from the name, which form we put lips. In this position we try to smile, straining muscles. Delay in such a state for 10 seconds.


We fold the lips in the form of the letter "O", the lips are tightly pressed to the teeth. Discover in this position for 10 seconds. Exercise is recommended to repeat 7-8 times.

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