Tale in a plate: Children's recipes from the tarta Larsen


I have three children of different ages: Luke 12 years old, Marfe 7, and Wana 2 years. I am working my mother, so I don't always have time to cook, and the spouse helps me in this matter. I myself prefer simple recipes without intricate ingredients, it will turn out delicious, useful and beautiful. This approach especially like children.

The scrambled eggs "Portrait of a Bunny."

Ingredients: 2 eggs, pepper, zucchini, carrots, cabbage.

We rinse vegetables, clean and cut into small pieces. Heat the pan, add butter and vegetables. While the vegetables will steal, draw a portrait of a bunny: In order for everything to go with a bang, you need to separate the protein from the yolk. To preheated and lubricated with oil, we put the shape. And now it is poured into it protein, and yolk - to another part. Vegetables are ready, lay them on the bottom of the plate. It turns out something like a clearing for will happen, and from above - a portrait of a bunny.



Ingredients: Glass of milk, 2 eggs, a half cups of flour, prunes, honey, sugar and pinch of salt.

From these products knead the dough. In order for a web, carefully underwear we pour liquid dough strips to a preheated frying pan. Fry as ordinary damn - on both sides of 2 minutes. To make a spider, you can use dates or berries of black grapes, and honey will make our dish useful and give a special fragrance.


Tip: You can use special molds, and you can with a healthst room or a spoon try to give the test the desired form yourself.

Vitamin dessert "Dolphinarium"

Ingredients: Muesli, a glass of milk, banana, raspberry, blueberries.

Pour muesli with warm milk. From pieces of bananas cut dolphins. Sea waves make from blueberries, the sky is decorated with juicy raspberries. Berries can be bought in a frozen form in the store. They do not lose useful properties. So that the sun smoles, make him eyes, nose and mouth from berries and banana.


Tip: Tailing and torso from one banana, and from the remaining pieces cut the fins-fins from the remaining pieces.

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