What hair paint is dangerous for life?


Women simply adore experiment with their appearance, especially with hair. Being a blonde, we dream to paint into the brunette, and having straight hair, we wish to become the owner of romantic curlers. Moreover, spring is an excellent reason for reincarnation. But not everything is so cloudless. For the desire to become more beautiful, there are many dangers: from the ugly appearance before ... fatal outcome! The situation from all sides was examined by a special correspondent "Womanhit".

It is known that a sensational case occurred in Britain, when the girl fell into someone after hair color. She stopped breathing after at home she struck the mixture for staining. Later it turned out that the British had a severe allergic reaction, which suffered sad consequences. And this is not the only case.

Also, many doctors warn that hair paint can cause serious diseases. Elena Malysheva, for example, in his program stated that the black paint for hair is the most dangerous - it can provoke cancer. Therefore, before painting in black, you know it can lead to a planning result.

But Ksenia Sobchak, apparently, seriously thought about changing the image, despite the warning of doctors. Immediately after the wedding, it began to pursue the question: to paint or not? In his tweet, the girl put up a photo on which I radically changed the image and tried on the image of a dark-haired young lady. The photo was accompanied by the question: "paint" the opinions of fans on this occasion were separated. Someone the new image of Ksenia fell to taste, supposedly dark hair color emphasizes the already expressive eyes of Ksenia. And someone in horror began to assure the girl in the fact that the dark color of her hair is old and the blond looks much better. Some sarcastically noticed that Sobchak with such a hair color resembles the frowning star of Mairlin Manson.

Ksenia Sobchak. Photo: instagram.com.

Ksenia Sobchak. Photo: instagram.com.

Remember: Before applying hair paint, it is necessary to check if you have allergies to the components from which the product consists. To do this, you need to apply a few drops on your hand and wait 20 minutes. If it does not appear from it, redness or something else, you can feel free to paint. There is also a risk of getting a chemical burn. This may occur if the paint was mixed with the components inappropriate to each other.

It is categorically impossible : Paint the paint on the hair. In this case, you risk burning your hair. The most optimal experience of paint on hair is 20 minutes, and maximum - 40 minutes. If you are angry at home, do not forget to damage the time in order to avoid irreparable consequences.

With or without ammonia, this is what the question is. Women often torments the question of which paint to choose. On the shelves, various boxes are planted with images of fashion models with a chic chapel. But, choosing a new color, few people think about what the difference between ammonia and non-ammmonic paint? It turns out that ammonia penetrates the bulk of the hair and changes its structure. Its action, naturally, differs from non-ammmonic paint. If you want to brighten your hair for a few tones, paint gray and get a long effect, you can use exactly this option.

Many professionals say that paint without ammonia is harmless and it is worth using it exclusively to achieve the desired results. Of course, it is more gentle, but less chemical. And this means that it is worse than seeding and keeps on the hair, this paint is less than usual. Pregnant or women after surgery is recommended to use paint without ammonia. If you want to paint your hair in a brighter color, hide unwanted shades and just about two months to change the image - you are perfect for this option.

How do the owners of straight hair make them wavy and vice versa?

It is known that girls who have straight hair from nature dream about curls. But how to make a dream to become a reality? There is such a structure of hair that do not help either curiosities or fluffs. In this case, you can resort to biowaway, but the consequences are not always delight. It is almost the same as a chemical curling, only practically harmless due to the fact that a substance is taken on a protein basis, and not a chemical permanent. But this procedure has its own minuses. It is necessary to immediately make a correction, because the hair in appearance is obtained fragile and overwhelmed. And in order to bring them in a former form, nothing remains anything else, how to trim. And for this, many girls will not go under torture.

There is a completely harmless option that does not take much time and will not require money. Before bedtime, apply a little special mousse on the washed hair, turn them into a braid to the most tips and go to bed. In the morning, depart Spit, re-apply foam and compress strands to your hands until the desired effect is achieved. On heavy, thick hair, such a hairstyle will last long, but it's worth trying.

As for hair straightening, then we will not say anything new. Just buy a good ceramic iron and do not forget to stock thermal protection. Before laying, wait for the spray or cream over the entire length of the hair, wait until it is absorbed and boldly straighten the strand behind the strand. Good thermal protection not only protects from the effects of high temperature, but also from the Sun, moisture and various natural factors.

Vlad Lisovets: "The head should look like you just woke up"

But the well-known stylist Vlad Lisovets advises the readers of "Womanhit" to forget about all styling means of this spring and become "natural."

Vlad Lisovets. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Vlad Lisovets. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

"In fashion short haircuts with light negligence. At the same time, the hairstyle must be necessarily untidy in appearance, not quite well-groomed - Vlad Share. - It is necessary that the surrounding evolving such an impression that you just woke up and you have troubles not enough for the laying time ...

It is welcome, of course, only natural hair color. If you have bright hair from nature, then you should not repaint, the same applies to the owners of a dark color. By the way, in fashion naturalness, there are great advantages. Girls, spending on the laying every morning a lot of time, so that the hairs lay to the hairs, will be immensely happy. After all, it is already not necessary to get up two hours earlier to surprise everyone with its perfect laying. From curlers, iron and other means it is worth abandoning at least this spring. As the hair lie on nature, so let them lie - they better know what your head wishes. "

And on the question, for what then to draw special attention to women, the famous stylist answered like this: "The hairstyle should not attract attention, the focus must gradually move on clothes. If the girl came out all the sleek and incomprehensible styling, she will definitely be commerized fashion connoisseurs. It is quite another thing - to come in this form to the evening event: here you can show all the beauty of styling, but, of course, it is also important not to overdo it. As for the bang, they should not look natural. "

Vlad advised to give preference to uneven, abandoned bangs. In general, in the spring it is better not to focus on the hairstyle, but to pay a little more attention to what is below - our clothes.

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