Alexey Barabash: "I found a lot of parallels in my life with the life of Ozodzinsky"


The life of singer Valery Ozodzinsky - love, fame, oblivion, alcohol, loneliness - ready-made script for the movie. What the creators of the series "These eyes opposite" took advantage.

The series is dedicated to the history of the life of Valery Ozodzinsky, one of the most vivid representatives of the Soviet pop and a person of amazing fate. A simple guy from Odessa becomes a real superstar in the USSR. Ozodzinsky is not like everyone else: it does not walk in the general building and does not sing Hymf Komsomol. It seems that his fantastic tenor is created to chant the woman. But over time, the uncompromising and unresolute is closing the path to the scene. And one day the singer just disappears. Further in his life was oblivion, poverty, alcohol, loneliness. But when the singer seemed that his star had already rolled out, he met one of his loyal fans - Anna Yesenin, who became his civil wife and the guardian angel. At that time, Ozodzinsky worked a guard at a tongue factory, but Anna persuaded him to return to the scene.

The role of a young Ozodzinsky got Vyacheslav Chepurchenko

The role of a young Ozodzinsky got Vyacheslav Chepurchenko

"In the life of Valery Ozodzinsky, a lot of things happened: the drama neighbor with a comedy, comedy - with the tragedy, - explains the director Sergey Komarov. - From youth ease and recklessness, he passed the way to the state of closetness and total loneliness. We tried to go through this way with the hero - together with him to smile, to grieve with him. The hero changed, and with him - and the intonation of our film. For me, this is not only a star biography, but also a story about human audacity, about achievements and falls. How, why did a person from Odessa suddenly considered himself in some sense better, more interesting than others? I went to the capital, showed myself, achieved popularity ... "

The role of Valery Ozodzinsky played actor Alexey Barabash. His wife is Eugene BRIC, and a devoted fan, who gave the forgotten idol of millions of the second chance - Miriam Sekhon. "Alexey Barabash is not very similar to Ozodzinskogo, but he has been baptized by male charisma," says Sergey Komarov film director.

The picture covers 40 years of life of the singer - from the 1950s to the 1990s, therefore, at various epochs of the main characters are played by various agents: in adolescence - Vyacheslav Chepurchenko (Ozodzinsky), Lyubov Aksenova (Nelya) and Oleg Rebrov (Zarubin), and in Youth and maturity - Alexey Barabash, Evgenia Bric and Kirill Safonov, respectively. Since their heroes had to live on the screen not one decade, it was not without the use of age-related grima. Special plastic makeup liners made on the faces Evgenia BRIC and Alexey Barabash.

Evgenia Brick played in the TV series Valery Ozodzinsky

Evgenia Brick played in the TV series Valery Ozodzinsky

"The role of Valery Vladimirovich was not easy for me - and physically, and emotionally," says Alexey Barabash. "I found a lot of parallels in our lives, I even awkwardly talk about it - this is very personal." By selling our astral connection, I listened to his wonderful songs. Undoubtedly, a talented person fate "threw" a chance to spoil his life - and this is the "chance" Ozodzinsky took advantage, and this is his tragedy. But the musician lived just such a life as he lived. He could not be more compliant, loyal - and as a result he sacrificed himself and his talent. "

The daughters of the singer Angela and Valeria Ozodzinsky and Anna Esenin, his last life companion, provided for filming the film all their archives - notebooks, notebooks, photos and letters. Work on the picture lasted for more than three months in Moscow and Moscow region. Also, the film crew visited the expedition to the Crimea, where the stadiums and concert halls of Soviet times were removed. The film sounded the most famous sms of Ozodzinsky: "These eyes are opposite", "Eastern Song", "Gold Manits us", "Moon". In addition, there is a lot of atmospheric music in the picture reflecting different epochs.

Miriam Sekhon starred in his own vintage dress and decorations. Olga Khokhlova brought a few ties of his father and mother's silk scarf on shooting. Evgenia Bric also brought several blouses from grandmother's wardrobe. "This story is from the era of the youth of my grandparents, which I heard so many interesting stories," says the actress. - Photos that I looked at all my childhood, things from the grandmother's cabinet - on this site, all this seemed to come to life. And I plunged at the time of their youth. "

The life of Valery Ozodzinsky is a deafening glory and sudden oblivion that followed

The life of Valery Ozodzinsky is a deafening glory and sudden oblivion that followed

"We threw the cry at all costumes who collect the vintage dresses, went to flea markets and special retro stores, stylized things and fabrics themselves," Evgeny Makeev says. "And one yellow trouser costume stitched on the sample of the heroine costume Natalia Krachkovskaya from the movie" Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession. "

For director Sergei Komarova - this film is the fourth joint project with his son - Operator Sergey Komarov. In order not to be confused, the whole group jicely called the younger Komarov Sergey Sergeevich. Komarov-Jr. finished the production department of Vgika and studied operator art in Los Angeles.

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