Women's check-up: What hormones need annual control


The female reproductive system is an incredibly fragile mechanism, because any external changes may adversely affect the work of women's organs. To maintain health, a woman needs to be checked annually, whether the processes that may disrupt the right work of the reproductive system occur in its body, and it is important to control the level of hormones about which we will talk today and talk.

What hormones pay special attention


One of the most important hormones in the female body, which has a powerful impact on the female sexual system. For the most part, it is formed in the ovaries, but also produced in adrenal glands.


It is produced in adrenal cortex, progesterone is necessary for the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Follicle-stimulating hormone

This hormone is important for the development of the follicle in the ovaries.


Without it, ovulation is impossible, namely the output of the egg from the follicle. The front fraction of the pituitary is responsible for the production of Lutropin.


Another hormone, without which the reproductive system could not function normally. In addition to the fact that Prolactin prepares the breast ducts to the formation of breastfeeding milk, it is also able to strengthen the libido.

Why is it important to check the level of hormones

Even if you are confident that none of the organs need treatment, each year it is necessary to take the analysis to clarify the level of these hormones - the failures in this system can lead to irreparable state when it is too late to correct something. Many female diseases develop "quietly", you can not even guess them and consult a doctor when it will be too late and you will need powerful therapy. In order not to bring yourself to such a state, it is important to check regularly, thereby controlling all changes in the body.

annually spend hormonal checks with their attending physician

annually spend hormonal checks with their attending physician

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

When your condition suggests that hormones "Shalyat"

Problems with estradiol

When the hormone level is too high or low, the woman most often faces the following states:

- pulling pain in the field of small pelvis.

- Menstruation violation.

- tides when climax.

The gynecologist also conducts regular control of estradiol during pregnancy.

Problems with progesterone

Women, in whose body there are problems with progesterone jumps, often faced with:

- abundant bleeding.

- ectopic pregnancy.

- No ovulation.

- Complete cessation of the menstrual cycle.

When need to take an analysis to a follicle-stimulating hormone

As a rule, gynecologists prescribe an analysis on FSH at the pregnancy planning stage. Young girls can face such problems as disorders of ovarian development, tumor processes in the organs of a small pelvis, as well as with developmental anomalies against the background of serious disorders when developing FSH.

Problems with Lutropin

Most often about violations in the development of this hormone, the following states indicate:

- Low libido.

- Too early or later the onset of Klimaks.

- Polycystic ovarian.

- uterine bleeding, not related to the menstrual cycle.

With any of these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor, together with which you will begin to adjust the states worsening the quality of life.

Problems with prolactin

In the last decade, the pituitary tumor is increasingly found in people under the age of 40, visual impairment and constant headache becomes frequent signs. But still prolactin has a greater impact on the reproductive system, which means that a woman should contact a specialist if he notices the following symptoms, because they can talk about the violation of the level of prolactin:

- Spraying in the chest area.

- Long delay.

- problems with breastfeeding.

In any case, before surrendering any tests, it is important to consult your attending physician who will prescribe research depending on the specific situation.

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