Let the Hollywood hairstyle


In 1981, a young and full of strength entrepreneur George Schaeffer acquired a small company for the production of dental materials called Odontorium Products Inc. Cases in her went out of the hands, badly, which required the adoption of rapid decisions. After consulting specialists, Schaeffer came to the conclusion that dental materials can be adapted for manicure masters. Together with an experienced chemist, George began to develop a safe and practical acrylic system - a new life of OPI began with this. It is she who has a 50% of the world market of the nail industry, it has 36 patents - more than all other companies combined. In 2001, George Schaeffer bought the aloxxi little-known brand, which produced professional hair paints and an extensive line of luxury hair care products. From the very first day of the existence of this brand, he established an unshakable rule: considering its products not from the point of view of the manufacturer, but as a final consumer. For several years, the brand philosophy has been exclusively an individual approach to the hair of each client - does not change.

The ALOXXI brand was founded 2 years ago by the creator of the legendary Nail company OPI - George Schaeffer, a real guru in the field of color, which decided to step outside the nyl palette. .

The ALOXXI brand was founded 2 years ago by the creator of the legendary Nail company OPI - George Schaeffer, a real guru in the field of color, which decided to step outside the nyl palette. .

"I decided to do hair also, not because I have full of free time," says George Schaffer. - In Opi, we constantly come up with different things, globally changing the presentation of customers about the service. I always wanted to do something extraordinary, which would put forward me to the first plan among other brands, although I first did not know whether it would be appreciated and adopted by the public. And I explain to my success simply: I follow the quality and pay attention to the wishes of customers. The same principle is laid in ALOXXI - we want to make the client more powerful. In most salons, the situation is this: the master offers, and you submract listening, nodding, give up. And should be the opposite! You come to any salon in any corner of the world and declare that you want to paint your hair in a particular shade, say its name. And already confident in advance that you will receive it, and not a perceptible view or a result that your mood will spoil for a long time. Staining your hair, you do not just change the color - you become another person, which means that your way of thinking changes. Be different, charm and remember your brightness and individuality! "

In new colors

Today, as a few years ago, the basic principle of the brand is the impeccable quality of products - both in staining and hair care, which guarantees not just a good, and stunning result.

The brand philosophy is based on an individual approach to the care of the hair of each client. Down with the stamps and the same standards for the whole world. .

The brand philosophy is based on an individual approach to the care of the hair of each client. Down with the stamps and the same standards for the whole world. .

In America, the production is carefully controlled, a small part of which is located in Italy. Products line do not contain sulfates, parabens and sodium chloride. They are not tested on animals, which also confirms their highest quality.

"The main place in the line is occupied by the famous dyes that have already conquered the whole world, and now they got to Russia," says Denis Skakunov, the stylist of Aloxxi brand in Russia. - Aloxxi Chroma line gives you the ability to get a resistant hair color, whatever the coloring procedure choose the client: tone to tone, painting the seeds, lightening or highlighting hair. The main highlight of ALOXXI is the unique ingredient - polymer P22, the patented formula of which makes hair are healthier, alive and shiny than they were before staining. The result is luxurious hair, like Hollywood Star, without any additional procedures. In addition, all aloxxi dyes contain crystallized micropigaments. They are so small that they easily penetrate the heart of the hair, connected there and do not wash out for a long time. Two unique, not having analogues of the means - "primer" and "finisher" - allow you to make the process of staining safe for the hair structure and provide persistent color. Gifts are also seized for blondes - "Blue oxide"

and "Blue Powder", which allow you to achieve perfect cold shades and get rid of the appearance of unwanted yellowness in the process of staining. "

At the heart of all drugs lies with natural ingredients base, which makes hair alive, healthy and shiny. For example, the Aloxxi dye is based on palm and coconut oils that moisturize their hair in the process of staining. Due to the low content of ammonia (from 1.3 to 1.5%), Aloxxi Chroma does not harm even the most fragile hair and does not cause the client inconvenience associated with the sensitivity of the scalp.

Alaxxi style is a bold, chic, emphasized individual - charming and remembered with its brightness. .

Alaxxi style is a bold, chic, emphasized individual - charming and remembered with its brightness. .

The unique composition of ALOXXI products is not the only advantage of the brand. George Schaeffer did not change himself, and the names of the Alaxxi paints after the names of the OPI varnishes are sparkling playful names. Is it interesting to paint the hair with tone B1 or E7? It is much more pleasant if the chosen shade is called the "Florentine Dream" or "came. I saw. Won! " In addition to staining, Aloxxi presents a whole range of salon procedures, such as keratin recovery and an extreme reconstruction for hair restoration, which in a few minutes improve their structure, filling with vital energy and strength.

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