Cold does not matter: 3 lifhaca, how to wear summer things in autumn


Winter came, and with this, our problems with the wardrobe begin! Usually this means the analysis of all summer clothes, but is it really? Many summer things can be stylized under the autumn and winter wardrobe, in which they will look appropriate. Here is a brief description of how to wear stylish summer clothes in autumn and winter:

Wear pantyhose

1. Shorts. Oh, how do we love them in the summer, right? But in combination with stockings you can wear them in winter. If you are going to a restaurant or go to work in a classic image, you need dense black tights. But who said that Colored - Movetona? Try!

Wear tights and stockings under the bottom

Wear tights and stockings under the bottom


2. Mini skirts. Even in the fall, you can boast slender legs. On top of thin pantyhose, wear warm stockings until the middle of the hips, combine them with beautiful boots, and the cool image is ready!

3. Pencil skirt. The most favorite office clothing, a pencil skirt, usually goes into the background, as soon as cold come. But this season, try to wear it in a new way. Pick up a sweater or sweatshirt of your boyfriend and create a casual image. For the office, we carry a skirt with a turtleneck and do not forget to add accessories.

Do not postpone the dresses on the far shelf

1. Dress-combination. Put the turtleneck that fits tightly to the body, and over the combination dress. This is a trend image in which you will not be unnoticed. Combine with rude boots to get a winning bow.

2. Denim dress. Do not denim be removed? Not! You can combine a dress with a coat or with a sweater, a jacket or sweatshirt. In principle, it will be suitable.

3. Maxi-dress. Floral print - our favorite. So for the winter just put on a leather jacket or coat over the dress. Rough shoes, black tights and a backpack on one shoulder, and ready.

Complete summer dress upper clothes and accessories

Complete summer dress upper clothes and accessories


Do not forget about the top

1. With open shoulders. At the cold season, put on a sweater with open shoulders a thin turtleneck or a shirt with lace straps. You can bind the neck with a volume scarf.

2. Cropped tops. You bought them a whole bunch of different colors and prints, right? So do not let them disappear in vain while on the street of frost. Take a monophonic shirt or turtleneck and put on top of it shortened top. And even better to supplement the image of a spectacular fur coat from artificial fur.

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