Alternatively, your: cream, mask, serum and lotion


Even the most fashionable shadows and a modern mascara will not give expressiveness to your glance, if the skin around the eye is dim, with a network of wrinkles and dark circles. Already starting from 18-20 years it is necessary to teach himself every day to apply a moisturizing cream specifically for this sensitive and tender zone. Moreover, in the extra moisture, the skin around the eye needs all year round. After all, in the summer it is exposed to the sun and heat, and in the winter it should be protected from the cold and the impaired wind on the street and the underwent indoor air.

Approximately 30-35 years old, it is worth adding nutrient and regenerating agents to daily care, which will speed up the cellular update and supply the skin with the substances necessary to it. To strengthen collagen fibers, it is proposed to use funds with biologically active components: organic silicon, vegetable extracts, extracts from algae, vitamins. Thanks to them, the skin will be able to stay in good shape for a long time, it will look young and beautiful.

Emulsion for the anti-age eye contour from the brand "Health Quartet" is ideal for care for mature and sensitive skin. It not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also reduces small and deep wrinkles. Improvements are noticeable after a short time, while the result is long-term due to the restoration of the normal level of metabolism of skin cells.


The complex of phytoestrogen of wild yams, soybeans and the roots of the licorice enhances the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, contributes to its alignment and reduction of small wrinkles. Ceramides and Squalane, in combination with oils of evening and bran of rice, saturate the skin with polyunsaturated acids and the necessary lipids, stabilize the epidermal barrier, restore the quality of the water-lipid mantle. The copper tripeptide, caffeine and rosemary leaves extract have a pronounced anti-age action, stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the skin.

Mask Rada

Cosmetologists in the voice advise that at least once a week you need to make masks. And we obediently follow their advice. That's just masks we make on your face, neck and zone. And the sensitive zone around the eyes usually remainsless. What is rooted incorrectly. The Ilona Lunden cosmeutsection brand created "intensively moisturizing mask for the skin around the eyes", due to which the skin's natural humidification occurs - both from the inside and outside.


Four types of natural oils and three types of extracts return the skin around the eye elasticity, elasticity and radiance of youth. Coenzyme Q10 and lecithin smoothed wrinkles. Rice protein moisturizes and saturates skin minerals. Panthenol and amorphofalus root eliminate micro-damage. Vitamin E improves the blood supply to the skin and stimulates cell renewal. Outcome: Already after the first use, the skin around the eye is perfectly moistened, and after a time, the minor wrinkles are smoothed out, and the major smoothed slightly. If age changes are already noticeable, it costs to use a mask in a day or two, and it is enough to apply it for approximately once a week to prophylaxis.

Slaft eyelashes

Lush long eyelashes are able to transform the face, make a look deeper and expressive, create a mystery veil. Alas, far from every of us nature awards dense, long, curling eyelashes. For the middle strip of Russia, such a type, rather, exception than the rule. Much more in this respect is lucky in the residents of the Southern and Eastern regions, there are dark eyes in the frame of bulk black eyelashes - not at all uncommon.

Regardless of the genetic features, women at all times sought to make their eyes brighter and expressive. There were mascaras and tongs for curling eyelashes, and extension. But, of course, the most ideal option is your own eyelashes. Help them become longer and consistent with modern beauty products.


Oil serum for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows Anna Gale stimulates the synthesis of keratin hair, ensuring an increase in the length of the eyelashes up to 5-40%. In parallel, it strengthens the hair onions, prevents fragility, strengthens the structure of the dermis, preventing the loss of eyelashes and eyebrows. As part of this serum is only natural ingredients. It is necessary to apply it in the morning and in the evening on eyebrows peeled from makeup and upper eyelid along the growth line of eyelashes.

Delicate approach

Special attention - means for removing makeup, especially if you have sensitive eyes or you carry contact lenses. Delicate two-phase Lotion from Declaré delicately removes from the skin around the eyes of pollution and makeup, including waterproof. This miracle is not annoying, does not dry the skin and is suitable for all its types (including for the most sensitive).


To understand that in front of you is a truly effective tool, it is enough to just explore the composition of this lotion. This is hyaluronic acid (keeps moisture in the skin, fills its drawback at the epidermal level), panthenol (moisturizes the skin, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effect), vitamin E (one of the most effective antioxidants warning aging) and glycerin (moisturizes and softens Skin, makes it smooth and elastic).

Remember that if you delete waterproof makeup, your cotton disk impregnated with lotion must be attached to the eye area at least for a minute. Thus, you carefully dissolve the waterproof ingredients of the cosmetic agent and remove the remnants of makeup without problems without tightened the skin.

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