And I dreamed of a former ...


Many of us are shooting people, the relationship with which they have long ended. And the reaction to this is usually unambiguous. We believe that this person is still with us in connection, remembers, waiting for a meeting or asks for forgiveness.

For many, this is a way that relationships can be kept or saved. At least in the imagination.

Some now can argue: "Yes, can not be! I do not remember about him and I don't need a relationship with him! " But let's see a dream about the former sweetheart.

Researchers of dreams argue that we are "saming" a dream. Let the phrase be roasting, but the meaning is preserved for sure. During sleep, the subconscious displays entire films in front of us. We also have the opportunity to understand the intricate hint as accurately as possible. And if we assume that our subconscious shows us someone's personality, it means that the former appeared in a dream is not nonsense and not hallucination. This is some kind of our part, which is no place in consciousness, but it will certainly break out through our subconscious.

Let's make real examples.

I remembered the case when I saw a girl in a dream, as her former bridegroom regrets a broken relationship. When we disassemble the dream, it turned out that in the situation when they broke up, she would have ceased to think about him and wander. Since it was difficult for her in life to admit that she still grows, in a dream the image of a former beloved reminded of poor feeling.

Please note that in a dream it does not see herself in tears. She sees another person. And it is much easier to see me to see melancholy and sadness. So the projection mechanism works. So our psyche copes with difficult experiences. It is easier for us to notice in other unlucky sides of behavior or unwanted feelings than to detect these manners and experience in themselves.

Also in a dream about past relations. Such an image is a call for yourself: "Pay attention! Something from the past is still relevant and requires permission. "

Of course, you can dismiss, as from an annoying flies: "Everything is fine with me, nothing bothers."

Let me bring another interesting example.

Another woman saw in a dream that relations with the former recovered that they were bright and passionate sex, feelings - saturated and ardent. But in a relationship with the current husband everything was exactly and calmly, habitual.

When she disassembled a dream, he discovered that it was easier to dream of love, than fill in love with her own relationship with her husband, who was near.

This dream was an excellent invitation to fall in love with each other and get close to each other.

I wonder what kind of dreams do you have about? What they invite you to. Let's discuss it. Send your stories at [email protected] with a note "Dreams".

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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