It's time to dispel myths about a healthy lifestyle


Milk strengthens your bones. Since childhood, we teach us a lot of milk to drink, so that the bones were strong and healthy. Yes, it has a large amount of vitamin D and calcium - bone cloth foundation, but these substances you can receive from other products.

The same applies to the eating of carrots. It contains vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the work of the eyes, but it is unlikely to help you immediately become the owner of perfect vision.

Organic products are useful and safer. Many are convinced that vegetables grown on private farms do not have pesticides and contain more beneficial substances. In fact, sometimes farmers use natural substances that harm nature more than chemical. And it turns out that products from the store are no worse. And you can only be confident in vegetables from your garden.

Chocolate use causes acne. A scientific experiment was conducted: two groups of people were identified, one was given chocolate with natural sugar, and the other is a fake chocolate without its content. A month later, the scientists have made such a "diet" that this product has no effect on the skin condition.

Honey useful than ordinary sugar. In fact, honey affects the organism as well as corn syrup with fructose. The difference is only in the concentration of this glucose itself.

Sugar causes hyperreactivity in children. Many associate the appearance of the deficit deficit syndrome in children with sweets. In fact, you will not find any scientific confirmation of this fact.

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