Love your husband on his mind


From the letter of our readers:

"Hello Maria!

My name is Elena. I am glad that your heading appeared. This is very by the way for me. I'm married about six months. It is not long, but we have already had problems. Husband accuses me that I do not like him. Constantly reproaches me in an insensitivity. I am very insulting, because it is not. I love him very much and rushing with our relationship. He works a lot, and I try to take care in every way. Almost every home I do myself, although I also work. I myself was engaged in arrangement of the apartment: I chose stunning furniture, unusual wallpaper, pastel underwear, dishes and all-all-all ... I myself remove it. I follow myself, I always try to look good, and it is for him. But he somehow does not appreciate all this. Sometimes I'm even angry with him. After all, I do what many are not trying to do. Attach so much effort and care - isn't it a manifestation of love? Isn't it necessary for a man? Please advise me to prove my love. "

Hello, Elena!

Thanks for your letter. The problem you describe is very relevant, and not only for you. The fact is that people are not always obvious, in which the manifestation of love needs their partner. And this is normal, because we are all different, we have different desires. And most importantly - we differ in the ways of perception of the world, so we understand different ways to express feelings. So, all people can be conditionally divided into kinestics, visuals and audits. For the kinestics, the most convincing and understandable way of expressing feelings - touches. For visuals - visual impressions: beautiful appearance, furnishings and order in the house. Audials perceive the words better. We use all senses for information, but some one is the leading. Try to look at your husband carefully and admit to him in love in his language. If he is a audial, then tell him more affectionate words if the kineeter - your delicate touch will be the most convincing. Perhaps you will need to talk frankly, ask him that it is for him a manifestation of feelings. After all, oddly enough, marriage is very important to discuss not only the distribution of household duties, but also manifestations of love and tenderness. Otherwise how can we make happy each other? And remember, most often the simplest ways are the most convincing ...

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