From Monday: how to start losing weight?


You can start losing weight from any day. The main thing - for this there must be a certain inner maturity. Like any task, this process requires the placement of the goal, the definition of short-term contributions, careful planning and control. It is best to start with the consideration of your routine of the day in order to introduce time in this routine on motor activity. Without it, it will not be possible to reduce weight for a long period of time. Perhaps you will visit a regular fitness center, and you may simply use the time of walking to work or from work.

You can purchase a pedometer, so you will be easier to control the amount of load. Be sure to get rid of the harmful products-temptations your refrigerator and download it with new useful products that will now be in your constant diet. Think up your snacks in advance and buy all the necessary products for them, do not forget to take them to work.

Think about where you will dine and dinner: whether it will just buy (then you need to think about the fact that it is a place where there is a choice of acceptable dishes, and not one free fries or hot dogs) or you will be eating with you From the house, then you will need a container or thermos. All these troubles are only at the beginning require efforts to make some decision. When you get used to a new way of life, you will all happen automatically and you will not feel any difficulty.

The first time, while you get used to, enter the diary of the food, it helps you to control you everything you eat per day, analyze and make adjustments when something failed. If it is hard to start to control both the technical side and the quality of nutrition, consult a nutritionist's doctor, which will make a large part of organizational work for you, giving specific individual recommendations and behavior algorithms for all issues.

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