Sultious time: how to escape from heat without air conditioning


The heat is an excellent beach holiday satellite, but not in the apartment when the thermometer is offshore. Not everyone has a full-fledged air conditioner at home, for which you have to give a good amount. Of course, if you live quite high, and even on the sunny side, sooner or later you will have to get this useful device, but for now you have not decided on a purchase, we will tell how to cope with heat in the urban apartment with priests.

Plants will help reduce the temperature of several degrees.

Plants will help reduce the temperature of several degrees.


Check out correctly

Many make a mistake: open the window in the afternoon when the temperature on the street translates for +30. Do not be surprised that the situation only aggravated. Proper ventilation is possible in only early in the morning or late in the evening, when the earth and the air have not had time to warm or have already cooled. However, this rule does not concern the rooms that go to the shadow side, as well as rooms that can save the crowns of trees that do not let the powerful rays of the sun.

Water mode

You probably know that on a hot day our body works in reinforced mode, including consumes a large amount of water. So stock up a few bottles of clean water without gas when you get sideways to get out of the house. There is one rule - water should be room temperature, otherwise there is a risk of catching in the most inappropriate season for this.

Also, do not ignore the shower, at least once a day, but, again, not too hot.

Support water balance

Support water balance



We have already talked about the benefits of "green" assistants in your room. In addition to the healing properties, indoor plants are able to lower a temperature of several degrees. So that the plants really "worked", it is necessary to maintain them in the fresh state and constantly process the leaves with a pulverizer, which can also be used for cooling.


Of course, you should not expect grand results from a simple "pshikalki", nevertheless in the wet air is much more pleasant and more comfortable to spend time when asphalt melts outside the window.


Not only is the aquarium and living creatures in it help to fight stress, a large capacity with water perfectly moisturizes the air in space with high ceilings. The main thing is to follow the purity of the water and stop any prerequisites for flowering. The disadvantage of such a useful subject is complex care, especially when it comes to large aquariums.

Aquarium can be your salvation.

Aquarium can be your salvation.



No, you do not need to buy drinks in the store - it is much more useful if you make it yourself. You will need half a lemon, a few pieces of orange, lime and a pair of mint twigs. All this you pour clean water and leave for a couple of hours so that all the components manage to become one. Such a simple drink will help to avoid dehydration and give a charge of cheerfulness in the morning.

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