Gerard Depardieu will be Russian TV presenter?


Full Gerard Depardieu, who recently received Russian citizenship, can find a new thing here. The other day he discussed with the Minister of Culture Vladimir Midage the possibility of creating a cycle of transmissions on Russian television. The actor met with the Minister in the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. After the conversation, he went to journalists waiting for him for more than an hour, and reported. "We have just discussed with Medina the possibility of collaboration in Russia. Very wanted to come up with some kind of television cycle, based on Russian literature, where artists will play from different countries, so that these series will be shown throughout the world, "said Depardieu on the results of the meeting. The actor decided to change the place of residence after the tax reform of the President of France Francois Holland, who intended to introduce a tax of 75% on income more than a million euros per year. In December, it turned out that Depardieu acquired a house in the Belgian december of Nechech near the French border. Soon after that he stated that he intends to pass the French passport and request Belgian citizenship. At the beginning of the year, the President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on obtaining an actor of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

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