Chocolate or gym: Is it possible to combine a pleasant with useful


Abandon the sweet in favor of a healthy lifestyle - a difficult task. Most women do not represent life without Tiramisu, Makarun or classic "Prague". What we only come up with in our justification, only to enjoy your favorite delicacy for a cup of tea. "Another piece - and from tomorrow I sit on a diet" - familiar phrase?! The new day comes, and everything is repeated again. But is it worth keeping your food in a rigorous framework or still somehow you can combine a pleasant with useful?! Let's look at the situation from the point of view of psychology.

History from life

Once a woman applied to me with a request to help her establish a personal life. The history of banal and is pretty simple: over the past fifteen years, my client could not find his love. A lonely life without children, emotions and joyful meetings forced her to contact me for advice. Surprisingly, the woman understood his problem: she was coward, unsure of himself a man, avoided new acquaintances and noisy companies. To the question when she last visited the beauty salon, she frankly replied that a few years ago. At the first meeting, the woman shared the most important experience: she could not refuse to eat, flour and sweet - her weakness. We did not immediately change the diet - it is incorrect. The most important problem of many of us is "chaos of thoughts" and the lack of motivation. A few months after we worked with her inner world, the woman herself admitted that there were fewer sweets, although it was not going to refuse completely from them. What is also correct. Now my client is a loving wife, a happy mother and my constant guest. When meeting, we do not refuse themselves in small weakness and eat on a piece of your favorite delicacy.

We find a thousand reasons for tea drinking with sweets.

We find a thousand reasons for tea drinking with sweets.


The picture of the world has changed

An unlawful story shows us the most important essence of female nature: we have to find a balance, not excluding from your life what it gives albeit little but joy.

Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors worked a lot, and coming home, eaten kilograms of meat. They did not suffer obesity, they had less sick, they had healthy internal ecosystems. The useful intestinal microflora contributed to active digestion of food and healthy life in general. When antibiotics and nutritional supplements appeared in the modern world, the picture has changed dramatically. The daily stress began to have a great influence on the inner ecosystem. In a state of increased excitability, modern person spends most of the time. To all of the listed, you can add ecology, biological rhythms and much more.

I have repeatedly asked people who are actively engaged in sports, whether they allow themselves to be sweet. Oddly enough, but many answered positively. The athlete's diet should consist not only of slow carbohydrates, but also from fast, however sweetness of sweetness - Return.

What sweets do not harm the body?

Dark chocolate. During the day, it is safe to use up to 30-50 grams of dark chocolate (from 70%) without fear of their body weight.

Honey. Fortunately, no matter how sweet we want, but do not eat honey. A couple of tablespoons of an unusually useful sweet product can be added to the daily diet. The most important advantage of honey is that it is easily split and is perfectly absorbed. A rich source of vitamins and minerals is able to charge energy for the whole day.

Marshmallow Low-calorie product, a real find for those who do not want to refuse themselves in pleasure and at the same time trying to stabilize the weight. In the production of marshmallows, a natural component is added - pectin. The use of such a dessert allows you to improve the work of the thyroid gland and the process of removing slags and toxins.

Marmalade. Sweets are different species, but the most useful of them are fruit-berry. High-quality marmalade should not be in the form of sticky and structureless, and the taste is shining-sweet. Jelly delicacy is produced with the addition of gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. I already told about Pectin, let's stop at the last. Agar-Agar - a natural agent that is obtained from algae. Its unique composition improves digestion, normalizes blood pressure and liver operation.

Dried fruits. Dried fruits contain a unique set of useful components. In folk medicine, dried pears and apples are used as a means to normalize digestive processes. Kuraga is an excellent source of many important trace elements. 5-7 apricots are enough - and your daily need for iron and calcium is satisfied. Dried fruits are an excellent snack between meals, in addition, small portions are safe for the waist.

Eat your favorite dessert in the morning or replace it on dark chocolate in the evening

Eat your favorite dessert in the morning or replace it on dark chocolate in the evening


What time is it best to take sweet food?

After awakening . In the morning, we particularly need energy, the complex carbohydrates are not split off immediately, so you can add your favorite sweetness to oatmeal.

Afternoon person . Before lunch you can eat dried fruits. Date is perfectly quenched with hunger and adjust the brain for intensive work.

After physical activity . Fast carbohydrates allow you to speed up the process of replenishing the expended energy.

The most important rule: no sweets and fat for the night. Just because during this period, food is properly not learned. Leave a delicious dinner at morning and believe that for your body it will be only better.

Find Balance

I am desperately not understood by women who have been damaged to exhaustion: sit on strict diets, weighing with them and weigh every portion. Once I also had overweight, but I could find motivation and achieve a good result. I do not strive to lose weight further, I do not need it - I just support the body in such a state in which I am as comfortable as possible. I am engaged in sports, dancing, lead an active lifestyle and scaling itself in the morning sweets. It is important to find the balance - and the impossible becomes real.

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