Hairstyles for summer that will not be allowed to overheat


In the summer, it is important not only to choose a trend hairstyle to taste, but also take into account the weather features: as a rule, in the summer most collects hair to avoid strong overheating when the temperature simply rolls.

This summer you have a great opportunity to experiment with images using accessories, which are presented with a great variety. We collected 7 major hairstyles of the summer of 2019, which you should pay attention to.

You can choose almost any accessories.

You can choose almost any accessories.


High tail

A pretty simple and practical hairstyle that will become a real salvation if you plan to spend a lot of time under the sun. Not in vain, many celebrities prefer this particular option: with a high tail you can go on a red carpet, even on a run, the difference is only in the amount of varnish and hair accessories.


Most of us have passed all the school hours with simple pigtails, now it comes to a shift, a stylish spikelet comes, which is not so difficult to do, even if you have never tried. But do not forget to leave some of the hair for the tail - so hairstyle will look original.

don't make smooth beams

don't make smooth beams


Large bargains

No, we are not talking about hairpins with bows and fish that you thought about, but rather, accent hairpins with pearls or simply made in the original form. The trend on bulk bargains is already from spring, but does not lose positions. Try and you!

Ribbons, scarves and dressings on hair

We have already managed to admire various options for hairstyles with a handkerchief, however, you can choose almost any fabric accessory to add originality to your hairstyle. It is best if the handkerchief is a little lighter of your hair color - this option will look more spectacular.


Probably the simplest and most universal hairstyle. You can safely experiment with form and accessories. It is not necessary to make a smooth classic with which you will remind the stewardess, hurrying to the flight: try pulling a few strands or make a bundle on your side - do not limit your fantasy!

MESSY HAIR - Summer Trend 2019

MESSY HAIR - Summer Trend 2019


Bunch and loose hair

The hairstyle that met at every step some a couple of years ago returns. You just make a classic beam, but leave free hair that you can also fill in a bundle.


Down with hair lacquer and styling! Give the hair to dry at least in the summer, and for this not tighten the tails and beams too much, and the loose hair does not need supersensile fixation. Summer 2019 - time slightly negligent and simple hairstyles, and which one to choose, solve you.

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