How to meet the warm season in all its glory?


I do not know how you have, but personally, I have a feeling of spring is born when at the end of winter in the boutiques on the Kuznetsk bridge change the AUTUMN-Winter collections on the Spring-Summer. You run somewhere in cases, under your feet dirty snow porridge, "eating" suede boots "eating" for ten minutes, the gray sky generously watering the ice rain ... And suddenly you see in the showcase of the heavenly beauty dress. Of course, it needs to be immediately performed. And after half an hour, you go further, in the hands of the package with a piece of chiffon with a trendy floral print, and the world around no longer seems so frown. At home, you once again wear a new job ... then they notice the contrast between the desired and valid. Against the background of perfect creation of citizens of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, their own flaws are becoming more clear. The tips of the hair are excised, the hair themselves resemble dry pass, the skin of the blue shade, and it also flashes on the forehead ... the reflection in the mirror testifies, no, literally shouts: it's time to take action! And all the masterpieces of famous couturiers from spring collections will not save your desperate position, if you immediately do the skin and hair in the proper order.

Fruit cocktail

Since the hairstyle is a business card of a woman, I was going to start with Locks. To confess, the desire to go and just paint the hair, having solved the problem with one fell swoop, it was great. But, as it turned out, this option is only a temporary way out. According to the Nutriciologist, Tatiana Bandurina, an expert of the company Inne-OV, the spring "Link", generally speaking, the case is usual. It is important correctly (and most importantly - on time) respond to such a "leaf fall".

"The offseason is not an easy time for hair," explains Tatiana. - In the spring and autumn, their natural shift is accelerated, they fall out, and grow faster. And if we get a sufficient number of vitamins required for the update with food in the fall, then at the end of winter there is a lack of nutrients, as our table has become much poorer. Therefore, in the spring you need to start preparing in advance. First of all, review your diet. Daily meals must contain a sufficient amount of protein, trace elements and vitamins. For this, it is important to include low-fat meat, bird, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs. And the bean-rich legumes, "noble" porridges - buckwheat, cousin and oatmeal. Of course, do not forget about vegetables and fruits, although at this time of the year they are poorer in their composition. I advise you not to neglect traditional Russian dishes - pickles, marinades, sauerkraut. They have a lot of useful substances and vitamins. "

Well, the Council should be left for the storehouse of vitamin C - sauer cabbage - and the favorite salted cucumbers clearly refers to the category of pleasant. An expert of the French brand Garnier Alla Mimikina also strongly recommends paying attention to the products with a high content of the Vitamins of Group V. It is they strengthen the hair onion and suspend hair loss. There is one more important point that is directly related to the state of the champions: the early spring is not worth raging without a head of the head, because the supercooling of the scalp causes the spasm of small capillaries that deliver nutrients and "building material" to the bulb of the hair. It inevitably leads to a slowdown in curl growth, and they look worse, as you understand. Even if the passion like reluctant to wear a cap, it is quite possible to replace it with at least a silk handkerchief. And you will look decent, and the hair will be "under cover".

As for the care program, it should be complex, Alla believes. Shampoo, balsam, rinse, nutritious or moisturizing mask - here is the required minimum. You can add immentable sprays that moisturize curls, and a special means for splitting hair tips. By the way, argan oil is suitable as the latter. There is about eighty percent of fatty acids that feed curls and give them shine. This is not counting vitamins A, E, F. Not in vain one of the most valuable oils in the world is called liquid gold Morocco.

If we talk about staining, then I did not refuse him, but my choice fell on the most sparing option from all possible - toning. Yes, not simple, but with the help of a natural pigment cocktail Kydra Sweet Color. This is a new development of Kydra. Actually, the brand of professional means for hair coloring is known exactly in the fact that the composition of the paints are completely absent or contained in the meager amount of aggressive chemical components. Thanks to herbal pigments, Kydra cocktails are powered, restore the hair structure, giving the desired shade. As a bonus - the aroma of fruits that will be locked even after you will wash your head three times.

Course of a young fighter

"Yes, you have a typical avitaminosis!" - Joyfully told me a beautician when I came to her with a request to adjust care and choose the procedure program. Earthy complexion, dryness, loss of tone, tendency to irritation - typical signs of avitaminosis. Alas, a lack of vitamins and a violation of the hydrolyphid balance forcing the process of aging. The first thing that I was recommended to acquire is serum actively with a high content of trace elements, antioxidants and vitamins. Then I advised the minimum twice a week to indulge the skin of the moisturizing mask, as well as to undergo a biorevitalization course (it was done using hyaluronic acid - a natural leather humidifier). From mesotherapy, I immediately refused due to fear of injections. In addition, it was necessary to come to the next session only every two weeks, and only four procedures were needed. It was also forbidden to use aggressive peels with a high content of acids.

Diligently fulfilling the data to me instructions, I decided to independently add to them also the facial massage Belle de Jour from Kenzoki. This procedure is an alloy of classical and acupuncture equipment borrowed from traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, it does not just return the skin of radiance, but also restores muscle tone. After the first session, the health processes are improved, the exchange processes are stabilized, a good mood is returned. One procedure is true, here it is not necessary to obtain the result, about five to ten sessions. What is curious, during the procedure, the muscles of the face and neck are not only worked out, but the massage of the zone around the eyes is done with the help of special greedy chopsticks. This contributes to the influx of energy and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

Judging by the compliment I received, returning after the procedure home, time was spent not in vain. It remains to wait for the end of all the "rehabilitation" sessions and warm weather. Then it will be possible to wear a purchased chiffon dress, rejoicing its own reflection in the mirror.

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