How they filmed the series "Family Album"


The 1950s of the twentieth century. THE USSR. Big family of academician Kolocoltseva lives at the cottage near Leningrad: Academician himself with his wife, the bell teres-junior - also a brilliant physicist scientist, his wife and two daughters - Olga and Katya. In 1955, the Kolokoltsev junior project suddenly close - at the very moment when the scientist stands on the threshold of a large opening. Soon after, the bell tents dies in mysterious circumstances. And the family begins to fall apart: treason, fears, old insults and new hobbies seek the heroes in different directions from the old and native home ...

"When I read the first series of" family album ", I literally joined the atmosphere of the 50s in the USSR, that is, the youth of my parents. Well, of course, the international intrigue, the flight of the hero from the country into the country, when the concept of "abroad" was so far from the Soviet people, "says Director Leonid Prudovsky.

"All our heroes are fictional. And all - typical for that time. The fact that in the center of the film is a family of scientists, not by chance. Soviet science (especially physics) has always been the world of grandiose romance, grand courage. And Grand Non-Device, "says Writer Marina Esther. "After all, Nicholas Kolokoltseva, the hero of Igor Sklyar, is not careful, not a position, not money, not even success. By and large, he chooses between family (and his own little happiness) and the happiness of all mankind. And it loses absolutely everything. It is very interesting - put the hero in such a difficult position. "

The authors of the series tried to recreate the atmosphere of the 1950s of the twentieth century

The authors of the series tried to recreate the atmosphere of the 1950s of the twentieth century

"The whole story in general is enough documentary, truthful, there are human feelings, experiences, human logic of actions," the actor Igor Sklyar believes. - My hero seemed to me a man at the crossroads, and it is always interesting to reproduce! As a person makes a decision, as he regrets himself about him, but nothing can be returned: in general, everything is like the truth! And only such scenarios and characters attract me. "

The casting of the film was very complicated. Igor Slab director Leonid Prudovsky remembered by childhood - "We are from jazz", "for a week to second". The director was looking for a Soviet scientist and a family man, in which the crazy woofer, a man who can escape, risk, put on Kon all. When Igor Borisovich came to the sample, it was clear from the first minute that it was he. Daniel Insurance (the role of Lyapunov), Prudovsky knew for his role young Isaev.

"Era Zyganshina (Galina Vasilyevna, Wife Academician) - It was my all. Deep, wise, strong. Half an hour to communicate with her, and I did not regret what quickly approved her, "Pudovsky recalls.

In the plot, the family of Academician Kolocoltseva lives in the country near Leningrad

In the plot, the family of Academician Kolocoltseva lives in the country near Leningrad

The ability of Evgenia Sidichene (Astakhov) to reincarnate in the unwanted military and at the same time not to lose a wise humanity bribed the director pretty quickly, like the subtle intelligent nature of Boris Leonidovich Romanova (academician), with his endless professionalism and readiness to work, regardless of any obstacles. "I remember the scene in Geneva, in which Boris Romanov had to be in one jacket and the beginning of which we removed in October in St. Petersburg, and the end - in December in Riga, at a temperature of minus 10. Around everything was dressed in fur coats, and Romanov - In the jacket, "says Leonid Prudovsky. "With his persistence and self-dedication, you can only compare Tatiana Cherkasova's talent (the role of hope), which did not allow the dislocated leg to prevent her to run, drive the car and even dance."

Director Leonid Prudovsky with the operator Vladimir Bashtoy viewed photos of the 50s-60s, trying to repeat the atmosphere with color, angles. They watched the dozens of films of that time and scarpurasely studied, as dressed and talked then, the spirit of the time that was in views, in movements and so on.

Well, of course, artists and costumes made the greatest contribution to the recreation of the atmosphere. "I would especially like to emphasize the artist on the costumes of Elena Bryanskaya, who is just a goddess of costumes," says Director Leonid Prudovsky. - Our artist for makeup Sergey Sirin scream inspiration in the appearance of the kinodiv of that time. "

One of the main roles in the series was played by Daniel feasures

One of the main roles in the series was played by Daniel feasures

"The images created by him helped to find a line of the internal development of my heroine Olga," says Actress Catherine Olkina. - Well, and the image inspired by the heroines of the beautiful Audrey Hepburn, caused the delight of our entire team. When I appeared on the site, partners and colleagues did not immediately recognize me. "

Carefully creators also reacted to the video sounding. The sound engineers wanted to achieve sound, which would remind the Soviet cinema. "Revising a dozen films of that time, we decided on a symbiosis of the" then "mix and" today's ". It is clear, in those years there were few special effects and backgrounds - mainly, speech, music and in some way synchronous noise. We tried to combine traditions and, let's say, entertainment, - explains the sound engineer Irina Vikulina. - It would be impossible to do it without the music of those years. We have listened to a huge number of compositions, both Soviet and foreign (remind, the action takes place in the Soviet Union, Belgium and the United States of the 50s 50s). Therefore, jazz, and rock and roll, and, of course, Soviet pop. And, of course, the classic. Pretty many tracks that support the playwright of a given episode were chosen. By the way, at the stage of the scenario, it was stipulated: we use fragments of the cinema of those years. For example, "different fates" and "self-amphibian".

Artist for Mercury Sergey Sirin Blagal Inspiration in the appearance of the kinodyav of that time

Artist for Mercury Sergey Sirin Blagal Inspiration in the appearance of the kinodyav of that time

The most important task for sound engineer is to create the right atmosphere. So, in order to record the atmosphere of "Kolocoltsev" atmosphere, specially traveled to nature, in the ancient country village near Moscow, where the backgrounds were recorded. With synchronous noises, they have suffered at all - they took the real shoes of those years. Something found on Lenfilm, I bought something specially for the project. Previously, shoes did a great - leather sole, heel a little deafness - Song! "Honestly, the game of artists inspired," says the sound engineer. - Academicians - Era Zyganshin and Boris Romanov - turned out to be people of those years, which means that they should have stayed literally in everything, right up to gait and knocking heels. But the Americans in the series "walked" the Italian Army Berbs of 42 years of release, Igor Sklyar - dear Italian shoes. After all, the steps are not just "Tuk-Tuk", but a real drama! "

In one of the episodes, which was filmed in St. Petersburg, the character of Slare should have changed in the scenario. "Right during the double, the Mat from the windows of the second floor was unexpectedly heard, it turned out that the dock was swore, deciding that some hooligan ran down in a small need. It was very funny!" - recall an actor.

For the role of Igor, the squad half the picture had to glue the beard: "It was terribly inconvenient and painfully. And so, when I was called to act already in the next film and said you need to play with a beard, I asked: "Wait a half months while I don't reflect myself!"

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