Comrade Inspector: how to pass on the right from the first time


"Yes, it is impossible to pass on the right to himself," we heard at least hundreds of times. Then follow stories from friends with different rates depending on the city's size. It will be stupid to deceive himself and you, saying that corruption is not. But do not despair! In this material will be lit a few instructive stories and give a couple of practical advice. Go!

How was it before?

During the times of the Soviet Union, it was not easier to pass than now, contrary to popular belief. Our reader Mikhail drove cars yet from adolescent age, and therefore I passed the right from the first time the only of the study group. You will not call you to sit behind the wheel without the right - it is dangerous, but a couple of his advice we advise you to take into account.

Mikhail, 47 years old, lawyer:

"What is needed to pass on the right from the first time? First, practice on exam tickets - they are sold in any book, or on the Internet. Secondly, to learn on that car on which you will hand over the autodrome on the exam. For beginners, it is important to "addictive" to the car (as a trained, transplancing from mechanics on the machine, already experiences discomfort). Thirdly, when renting a city, you need to memorize signs and guided by them, follow the markup (in our time, the examiner could ask what a sign just drove). Fourth, try not to worry, as you can easily forget to omit the handbrake, do not fasten the safety belt, etc. Well, and fifth, a simple luck and good location of the spirit from the examiner. And what is this spirit "lift", here everyone decides himself. Good luck! "

The experience of the past and the present almost do not distinguish

The experience of the past and the present almost do not distinguish


How are things now?

The opinions of the surrendering exam for rights are greatly different. Some believe that the staff of the traffic police "bold" them, whereas the rest are confident - the fault in religion lies on them. The chief council of former students is well to learn the theory and before the exam once again ride along the routes of your district traffic police, which should be posted on the official inspection website.

Catherine, 20 years old, student:

"I passed in June 2017. I was only 17 years old, so I was very worried about the exam. In addition, on the city inspector 'Valil "almost all. I was one of the latter. I was helped by the fact that, after 6 hours of waiting for his turn, I just just wanted home, so I was not worried. Probably, because of this, I managed to gather and pay all the attention of the road.

It is necessary to focus and carefully listen to the instructions of the inspector to accidentally do not turn the other way or stop in the wrong place.

The day before the exam, my mother and I left in the evening in the evening and drove on the alleged routes - if you have the opportunity to do as well, it will help you on the exam. The most important thing is to concentrate, then everything will turn out. "

When driving it is important to choose the correct instructor

When driving it is important to choose the correct instructor


Anna, 20 years old, student:

"The epic for the rights in my case began before the first wave of a pandemic and stretched almost half a year because of her. I have never sitting in a driving school before learning in a driving school, especially since I didn't try to take this role completely, because it is difficult and scary. I will draw attention to the fact that I did not require the impossible personally from my absent person and simplified the task by choosing an automatic transmission.

The surrender of the theory has passed quickly and painlessly, occupying, from strength, 10 minutes (during quarantine there was plenty of time to literally memorize all 400 with the tail of questions and answers to them). Now, of course, after changing the regulations, it will make it harder.

But on the site did not cost without incident. After two months of self-insulation in the village, where there is a circle of field and forest, I learned to tritely walk along the city streets, and the replacement of rubber boots on the belt on light sneakers survived and worse ... what to talk about the management of the vehicle ... Therefore, it is absolutely not surprising to me It was not possible to even immediately drive up to the overpass, although it would seem that everything makes an automatic transmission almost without human participation. As a result, an understanding that I safely left all the skills of driving practices in the forest from which he returned.

Three unsuccessful attempts remained behind, and disappointment and uncertainty did not go anywhere.

Here and the most important stage begins, vital for successful delivery is a set of work of a good instructor and the regularity of practice. For the entire period of study, 4 instructors worked with me, and as long as I did not find a person with whom I was as simple as possible and comfortable in communication during work - there was no speech about any improvement in skills.

The fear of the road, misunderstanding teams and in one of the cases is an unbearable smell of ham in the car. And ridiculous and sad. As soon as the instructor was engaged in a hot-dedicated instructor and able to infect a positive attitude, everything immediately changed. I practiced every day for a month before the exam. I think that this is the whole key of success. The more practice, the calmer and more confidently feels the driver on the road. Learn to predict the maneuvers of other participants in the movement and get used to awesome couriers and taxi drivers.

The city was handed over to me on his own first time, which I wish everyone who has not received right! "

And how in Europe?

For the sake of diversity, you probably wonder how difficult it is to get driving license in other countries. The laws of the EU states are not applicable to us, however, the experience of other people to find out will not be superfluous:

Sofia, 19 years old, Hungary:

"To get driver's license to Hungary, you need to comply with several requirements. To begin with, you need to pass the exam for knowledge of theory - you can do in class or online. Only after passing the exam, you can proceed to the practice of driving. It is necessary to undergo classes for a total amount of 30 hours.

In different parts of Hungary, the process of passing the exam in practice varies. For example, in the capital, that is, in Budapest, you can pay for the surrender of the exam, although it is out of law. In small cities, for example, in the furnace, from where I come from, it is almost impossible to pass on rights from the first time. Almost everyone is confident that the exam will turn out due to strict inspection. And it is impossible to pay for the surrender too.

And the last stage before getting the right to undergo a course on first aid. "

So, let's sum up. Three China's successful delivery: good memory for theory, an experienced instructor for the practical part and confidence in your abilities.

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