Old as the world: what myths about relationships are still alive


Date and subsequent construction relationships are very important stages in life, so many young people try to learn from their experienced familiar information as possible, how to behave with a partner, what to say, however, not always the advice correspond to reality - many of them have long been Outdated. We have collected the most popular myths about building relationships that do not want to go into the past.

Girls and guys model appearance may also have problems getting acquainted

Girls and guys model appearance may also have problems getting acquainted

Photo: unsplash.com.

Myth # 1.

The more partners I have at the same time, the more the choice

This tactic works only if you are looking for nothing binding links. During the search for a partner for a longer period, you should not chase after quantity. Most likely, people who agree to spend not only the evening, but also the next night, and it is a couple of hours after dating, do not consider you as a long-term partner. Do you need such relationships?

Myth # 2.

Than an attractive woman outwardly, the more she has a chance to marry

Many of us have familiar women: it seems to be unmarried, but with marriage is not lucky. At the same time, there are rather modest girls in all respects who are literally fighting from men. What is wrong with this world?

Beautiful women are afraid. The man feels that the risk of failure is very large, so, no matter how he wanted to get acquainted closer, most likely, he will not be solved on contact. Of course, the girls of model appearance get more attention, but such attention may not correspond to the expectations of the girl itself.

Do not let love blind you

Do not let love blind you

Photo: unsplash.com.

Myth # 3.

If I did not like a person, we have no chance of building relationships

It is impossible to know the person after a single dinner in the restaurant. It is necessary to spend together at least a few weeks to say with confidence: "This is not my man." Many couples live a happy family life precisely because they gave each other a chance. Do not break the acquaintance only because of the incomprehension of interests - perhaps a person will be able to hit you with something else.

Myth # 4.

I am absolutely not necessary to listen to the opinion of my relatives regarding my second half

You may be crazy about the partner, however, it is the people who you trust will be able to consider what you are not able to see because of a blinding feeling towards a dream man. Of course, no one eliminates a banal envy, but if not alone and not even two acquaintances indicate you some unpleasant moments associated with your second half, it is worth cooling a little and look at the partner with a sober look.

Let's the second chance

Let's the second chance

Photo: unsplash.com.

Myth # 5.

The most important thing is love

Often, people lovers go to the victims, go their interests - and all that the beloved person does not get upset. Suppose you dreamed of living in a metropolis all my life, and your partner insists on moving for the city and does not want to hear anything. You do not need to immediately enter the hot spore - try to find a compromise, but if any persuasions do not help, think about whether life is suitable in the shade, where you do not have the right to make decisions? At the same time, no love for this person will make you happier if your opinion for the partner does not mean anything.

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