Smooth path: Guide for different methods of epilation


In the summer we should look flawless. And this is, including the lack of extra vegetation. To get rid of the hair in the "wrong" places, many of us are spent a huge amount of forces and money, but the result is not always the one on which we expect. Together with the founder of the BELLE ALLURE Institute, Elena Vasilyeva, we made a guide for you on various types of epilation.

The most important question, the answer to which for some reason all women do not always know - how, in fact, depilation differs from epilation.

"Depilation is a medical service that removes or destroys the hair rod with the preservation of its follicle," Elena Vasilyeva explains. - Depilation gives a temporary aesthetic effect. And epilation is a medical service that destroys the structure of the hair follicle. "


Depilation methods:

- shave;

- plucking with a tweezers or a home epilator;

- bioepilation;

- The use of chemical depilators.

Epilation methods:

- electroepilation;

- photoepilation;

- Laser hair removal.

With depilation, every woman came across. But on Epilation methods It is worth stopping especially.

Electroepilation It is carried out using accurate introduction to the hair follicle of the needles, according to the current.

Benefits of the method: the ability to remove hair of any color (including light and gray); With competent performance, hair disappears forever; Low cost.

Method disadvantages: impaired integrity of the skin; soreness; formation of crusts; risk of infection; risk of developing hyperpigmentation; the risk of scar formation; Duration of the procedure.

Photoepilation It works as follows: the pulse light penetrates into a different depth of fabrics, the target for the beam is the bulb of the hair, as it contains a pigment - melanin. Absorbing thermal energy, the bulb of the hair is destroyed.

Benefits of the method: Suitable for any zone; saves time (5-30 minutes. on the procedure); removes hair for a long time (from three to ten years); After the procedure there are no "ingrown" hair; Practically does not hurt; Safe and efficiently.

Method disadvantages: not suitable for gray and very light hair; there is a risk of hyperpigmentation; not suitable for dark skin; Effective hair only in anagena stage; high price; Hair removal for a long time, but not for life.

Laser hair removal - Almost painless procedure at which the skin is not damaged. Its essence is this: the laser beam heats the hair, destroying and follicle, and the vessel that feeds it.

Benefits of the method: Painlessness, non-invasiveness, the ability to get rid of vegetation for a long time (from two to five years).

Method disadvantages: The procedure is quite expensive, moreover, this method has a number of contraindications.

Elena Vasilyeva

Elena Vasilyeva

Elena Vasilyeva

He graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M.Sechenova. Aesthetic medicine has been engaged since 1999. In 2007, founded the Belle Allure Beauty Institute in Moscow. At one of the congresses in Paris heard the threads of resorblift from polyolic acid, realized that this novelty was a real breakthrough in cosmetology, and caught fire for the idea of ​​bringing the thread to Russia. I concluded a contract, I was convinced that this drug is absolutely necessary on our Russian market. In 2011, the RESORBLIFT threads were officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the moment, the head coach of Resorblift nitime lifting experts is not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also around the world.

To date, there is a huge number of laser hair removal, so you can choose one or another it.

"In our clinic, you can go through the procedure of laser hair removal on the Lightsheer Duet apparatus," Elena Vasilyeva says. - This laser refers to diode. Its feature is that this is the All-season laser, it can be done at any time of the year, on any skin color, including on tanned too. The uniqueness of the apparatus is also that it is equipped with a vacuum gain technology. "

This laser has a record large nozzle, which gives a light spot of the maximum size. This reduces the number of pulses to cover the entire epilation zone, and therefore increases the speed of the procedure. With the help of Lightsheer DUET, it is possible to remove the epilation on large surfaces in a very short time, somewhere three to five times faster than on the usual laser. Therefore, the time of the procedure is only 15-20 minutes. Bikini's epilation takes only four (!) Minutes, the axillary region - 30 seconds, legs - 10 minutes.

"The basis of laser hair removal is the method of selective photothermolysis, - continues the story of Elena Vasilyeva. - This technique allows you to selectively affect the pigment of the Volos - Melanin. The absorbed laser light is converted to heat that destroys the hair rod. When passing the full course, we guarantee the removal of unwanted hair forever. "

We plan to leave

We used to postpone preparation and fees on the trip at the last moment. And this applies to those of different procedures. However, if you do not want to worry about extra vegetation on vacation, it is better to take care of the procedures in advance.

"I would advise you to choose a diode laser, but to spend the procedure better in two weeks - to already feel the smoothness of the skin, as the hairs will begin to fall out after 10-14 days," Elena Vasilyeva explains. "But, of course, if there is no time, then you can make the epilacation literally on the eve and the next day to fly to the sea - after all, the procedure itself originally slows down the hair growth."

Since the epilation is physiotherapy, it has standard Contraindications:

- acute or chronic diseases in the stages of exacerbation;

- pregnancy;

- Oncology.

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