Egor Konchalovsky: "Healthy adventurism is our family"


-Gor Andreyevich, tell me how Sergey Mikhalkov was Sergey, what did you learn from him?

- The last fifteen years of life, we were very close to him. Somehow they were very sad and we had a trusting relationship, which was not with my father or uncle, Nikita Sergeyevich. We and our grandfather had one big common topic - the girl, and he, I will say honestly, there was something to learn. He was an incredibly charming man and liked women at any age. Once at some reception, he liked one young lady, and she behaved impregnable. He fell to her and suggested to play one game: she asks questions, and he answers her in rhyme. And he spoke with her poems and two and a half hours. After that, the chosen was conquered for them for life.

He was also a very modest person, always walked in the same costumes, only outweigh the awards. I remember, he had a car, Mercedes with a tape recorder, so he traveled for a long time before understanding that there was a tape recorder with music in Mercedes.

This suggests that in everyday life he was absolutely not a demanding person, although he could afford a lot.

- According to his contemporaries, Sergey Vladimirovich helped many, not even asking what kind of man. Just walked and worried about him if he asked for help. It's true?

- The phone constantly called in his office, and he was asked for something all the time. Someone help knock out housing, someone - get a job, someone had to be protected. He helped the poet Andrei Voznesensky, when he had nowhere to live, at the writing congress, when the magazine "Spark" threatened, and he was under the threat of a breakdown, Mikhalkov got up on his guard of protection, and the magazine managed to defend.

Grandfather saved someone who was saved by someone, taking advantage of his authority and influence. He was a generous and open person. Even there was a case when the director Alexander Stefanovich, with whom he worked for some time on Mosfilm, and then he lean money for a wedding for some time, and he lent money for a wedding, otherwise the events were under the threat of a breakdown.

We had a very trusting relationship with our grandfather. The only thing he did not like is what I smoke. That's for this he scolded me. And then I myself once saw cigarettes from him. It was in a hotel in Paris. I told him: "Grandfather, why do you smoke, you can not". "

And he answered me that they were without tobacco and nicotine. I asked in bewilderment: "Why?" He waved his hand: "Yes, so, we increase in Moscow." He had a crazy sense of humor, loved all sorts of draws. I can talk about him infinitely.

Sergey Mikhalkov. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

Sergey Mikhalkov. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

- Tell us about his draws?

- He somehow at Mosfilm led to watch a new picture of one solid man in a gray suit and explained to everyone that this is the chief viewer. All strained, thought it was a person from the nomenclature, from the CPSU Central Committee, from the Ministry of Culture. The whole view was sitting, trembled, then this man went away and everyone rushed to Mikhalkov with questions that it was for the person from where and what structure.

To which he calmly declared that this is his driver of Yura. And then spoke to the director: "Don't you make a movie for the Minister? You are shooting for easy people. If you liked Yura, then everyone will like it. Look at how Jura laughed, he almost died with laughter. So, the film will have a tremendous success. " And he was right. His sense of humor was awesome.

Of course, the presence and availability of such a grandfather - the deputy of the Supreme Council - automatically counted me to the "golden youth", to the nomenclature, but, thank God, I managed to break this situation. When I graduated from school, I was sent to study in England, away from all temptations. Although the grandfather was categorically opposed to my departure, he believed that I would immediately apply to the CIA.

- And how did you live in England, have any funny memories of student years?

- I studied at Cambridge. This is such a quiet town where everyone fell asleep early, it all closed early that students do not "buhali." But we still managed to get drunk. After the six-eight Pinte Beer began lately, it wanted to eat scary. And I added to a dish called "Fish & Chips". Such a Fast Food version. "Fish & Chips" should be sure to be wrapped in a fresh today and cost all these prices. In England, I generally learned to eat on the minimum number of monetary signs, one pound a day. So almost all students fed.

So, the only place where it was possible to buy food at three in the city of Cambridge, that is, this simple hamburger, it was such a hole in the wall, from which a hand with a convolution was turned out, and drunken students, leaning against the wall, otherwise they would Fit, received their portion.

While you came under the small drizzling rain back to myself in a galley and eaten the Hamburger on the road, you, firstly, I became missing this vocal fat, and secondly, you had a feeling of satiety on your body. It still causes a nostalgic memory. Sometimes I go to the restaurant, I order the same thing, but it's not that.

- Do you like to cook at home?

- I usually help only morally, because the cook of me, how to say, so myself, so it's not worth waiting for me surprises. But my mother and wife Lyuba (actress Love Tolkalina) are preparing canceled. In our country house, your mother has its own separate kitchen, and with Luba, because two mistresses in one kitchen is unthinkable. And I only run between them and eat. By the way, Masha's daughter is very tasty prepares desserts. And we are going mostly with the whole family only for the holidays.

- What are your favorite holidays?

- The most beloved holiday, of course, the new year. We have such a tradition - to eat well and drink, and then under the battle of the chimes, burn notes with cherished desires. Recent years I do not write notes - all my desires came true. And all the relatives come to the holiday, and if we snatch into the room, there is simply no place - before that there is a lot of us. I love such events.

- Do you continue the tradition of Mikhalkov - Konchalovsky to collect everyone at one table?

- Grandmother Natalia Petrovna was a hospitable and hospitable hostess, and people who make up the Golden Foundation of Russian Culture - Simonov, Aleksin, Chingiz Aitmatov and many others, do not list everyone. As my father remembers, they were then young and thought, just like a bottle of champagne from the table to steal, and nothing they say these great people, which later were strongly regretted. There are no such personalities at one table with one table, then the time passed irretrievably.

As for our family traditions ... When our relatives gathered, then sometimes the grandfather was even jokingly complained that she was going for lunch for forty man and he had no half of these people. In fact, he also knew it was nice that these traditions were holy by relatives.

- What are your favorite homemade dishes?

- To be honest, your favorite dishes are cutlets. When my mother left for shooting, I left Katya's sister together, and my mother left the cutlets that could be stretched for several days. In fact, it is very difficult to answer the question that you love more - Bitles or Eros Ramazotti. The simplest children's things that I remember the schoolboy were due to our Soviet life, and did not have to choose. Now, of course, you can also shook. But, since in Soviet times everything was getting out of the floors, it was not necessary to pick up.

True, the grandfather had good ladies. Remembering, I understand that this is the usual food except for caviar. In general, we have a lot with caviar. When the father lived in America and was without work for four years, he has become caviar. And I remember this time when he brought home several kilograms of caviar, but it was impossible to eat. And when he spent her across the border, he spoke to customs officers that this is a caviar for receiving during the film. Customs officers believed and missed. He sold her and two or three months lived modestly in Los Angeles. So with a small ornament business, American Career director Andrei Konchalovsky began. In general, to be honest, then I, too, a couple of hundred cans of caviar sold. We have such a family chip to sell caviar.

- It turns out a favorite dish - caviar?

- I watched a program a couple of times about how the poaching caviar gets, and in Moscow, it is mostly selling poaching cheap caviar, and the whole appetite disappeared to Icru. Probably, Fast Food is not good, but agree, if every day there are beautiful pies with mushrooms and different delights, it is also low. I think that there is nothing bad in the fastfood, if there is moderately. Sometimes, driving past some Fast Food restaurant, I will gladly eat a hamburger.

- All cooks have a secret ingredient of cooking. Do you like the director, what is the secret ingredient of cooking your kinoblyud?

- You know, it would be nice to have a budget. At the very case of cinema - this is a thing that is like a dish of a famous master - can get talented, and it can be weak. There are no special recipes, everything is always different. In particular, the actors are a secret ingredient and a certain portion of difficulties. The more difficulties, the better. When everything goes smoothly, it is not always good. Difficulties are special seasonings, and difficulties may be very different. Now I once forgotten Mironov at the bottom of the swamp. They tied, lowered into the water, and then something jumped. When they spun ... In general, I rescued the artist. He had all the difficulties worth it, and the picture turned out good. I have many such funny and sad stories during the work happened. One thing I can say for sure: the movie is the art of missed opportunities. That's if they say that you did not get percent for thirty, then consider it good luck.

- What are you working on now?

- The other day I passed the picture called: "Baku, I love you." This is a large-scale international project in which an international team from actors and directors participated. The story of Baku and Baku People, the history of the country. Project Manager - Leila Aliyev, and I acted as a producer. It remains to wait for the ambulance premiere, I hope the viewer will like the picture.

- And you would like to take pictures about your family? After all, you have a relative, the personality.

"I would love to withdraw a full-length film about my grandfather, about his life, full of dramatic and joyful events. After all, he passed the Great Patriotic War, was a military correspondent, he was injured, contusion.

It is a pity that Artem Mikhalkov, his second grandson, aging, he is extremely similar to Sergey Mikhalkov in his youth, just one face, I, of course, would invite him to play his grandfather.

I myself am not similar to my grandfather looks outwardly, but everyone notice that in recent years there are similar voices. All relatives took the features of similarity to little by little.

- What unites the friendly and legendary family of Mikhalkov - Konchalovsky?

- Despite the fact that Sergey Mikhalkov was a wise and diplomatic person who felt the time and atmosphere, he had extraordinary quality - healthy adventurism. And this quality went to all. It absolutely defined my father, about Nikita Sergeyevich and there is nothing to say, I got the inheritance from my father. Fit into all sorts of film directions in a good sense of the word - we have a family. I also wanted to say that Mikhalkov-Sr. was a huge train, he knew how to enjoy life, was a good man, absolutely not able to envy, revenge, so he lived for a long time. Here are these qualities, I think in our family priority, in any case, I bring up these qualities in myself.

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