Why do men try on heels and skirts?


"Only a real man who understands women in women can play a woman," said Alexander Kalyagin, after filming in the film "Hello, I am your aunt," in fact, a truly woman play difficult. You can only portray it. Because she is a higher creature on earth and unpredictable enough. Like elements. " And Kalyagin can be believed, because the actor seriously worked on the embodiment of the image of Donna Rosa. He recalled gestures, Mimika his mother, aunt, girls in love with. And then repeated all this on the set - the manner to shoot with eyes, coquetry, one or another pose. By the way, in order to comfortably feel in a suit of the Great Matrona, the actor did not shoot him in the interruptions. It is said that one day in such a dress he went to the buffet Mosfilm to dine. In the queue for Kalyagin, there was some kind of gentleman, who several times either by chance, or specially pushed Alexander Alexandrovich. He, immediately putting the Mask of Donna Roses, turned to the pinch: "A man, enough to push and cuddle! Also me a cavalier! " A couple of minutes, tired of the heat, the actor removed the wig. Standing behind a man, already asked at the sight of Lysin. And the false lady turned to him and grinned, said: "Yes, Lyke. Life is such - then one is squealing, then another. From perturbation hair and fall out! " It is unknown, it is free or not, but this bike is still retelling in the studio smokers.

If Alexander Kalyagin in the iconic film comedy got the role of a man who hiding from the police, disgreed into the Brazilian aunt, then Oleg Tabakov had a better way to try on one hundred and female images.

George Millar brought fame the role of Baba Yaga. Photo: Archive MK.

George Millar brought fame the role of Baba Yaga. Photo: Archive MK.

For the first time, he played Babu Yagu on the scene of the Student Theater in a children's fairy tale, but his second character is a buffet holder from the play "Contemporary" theater "Always on sale" - became very noticeable, and even was named the best role of the season. It remains a mystery why a woman was offered to play a male actor. But Tabakov coped with the task perfectly. Even invented the crown gesture of his heroine, which was seen from familiar girls: the claus puts the leg on the stool, and flirting flirting. The most funny, Oleg Pavlovich was so great in the girl's image that immediately after the premiere at the service entrance fans were crowded with flowers waiting for the artist, playing a buffet. The fact that the performer's program was a man, most of them were regarded as a typo. Watchman tried at first to explain that they don't have such an actress, and the buffets played tobacco, but no one wanted to listen to him. Then Oleg Palych himself, going out on the street, announced the gathered: "And the claw has already gone, how did you miss her!" Only this statement made the rippers break home. The third female image of the artist embodied in the cinema - malicious Mrs. Andrew from the film "Mary Poppins, goodbye." Depicting a sterrecting Englishman, an artist had fun film crew in his free time. He was a flirtary, then Croquinized, then scandal. At this unplanned show was resorted to see the cinearians employed on other projects, which at that time were filmed at Mosfilm. Who became the prototype Mrs. Andrew remains a mystery. True, Oleg Pavlovich's colleagues, they say that after the release of the film on the screen, the master of the artist stopped talking with him, because he discovered his own traits in a colorful "household" and decided that Tabakov decided to immediately dispake her to the whole country.

Girls pranks

David Gukhovanov did not play women in the cinema, but in television humorous shows (on style similar to the project of the first channel "Big difference"), a couple of times was a couple of times, famous singers and actresses. "It costs me to wear a skirt, I'm just pulling to pry. What is so impossible to keep it, "the star of" secret materials "complained. At the set of the film "Evolution", the spiritual periodically made raids on the costume cleaner for the crowd, picked up a dress, which was put on his courageous launch figure, and mixed his colleagues. On behalf of popular TV presenters, singers, business woman he begged the director to give him a role in this film.

But not only David Damsky outfit provokes to extravagant actions. So on the set of the film "Super Suit", Mikhail Efremov, dressed in a dress and grated under the lady, expected to start shooting, which took place on the street near the Kazan Station, "and he suddenly wanted to shake. Seeing nearby married couple, he approached them and turned to a man. "And where did you disappear? Why do not you call me? And who is with you? " The woman immediately reached, and began to scold her husband that he was walking unknown with whom. Poor man tried to justify: "Yes, I see it for the first time in my life! I do not know her! " The actor was not confused: "Good people, you look at what is happening! He alleged me not knows me. And my doda was pregnant from whom? And you threw her alarm! " Family couple began to scandal. The spouse immediately remembered her husband, all his campaigns "left", about which she was already known and gathered to apply to his plug half of corporal punishment when Efremov, seeing where his joke was started, stopped the angry lady, explaining that it was a draw.

In film

In the film "SuperTaschka for a loser", Mikhail Efremov moved into their own mother-in-law. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

By the way, on the set of the same film, Dmitry Kharatyan was distinguished, whose hero was also disguised as a girl. Removed the episode when the artist in the image of pregnant beauty catches the fellow on the highway. Near him, a certain "film" car was to be stopped, where he was honored to sit down. But when they turned on the camera and Dmitry went out on the track and began to vote, a random car was parked nearby, which had nothing to do with the shooting. The artist decided to joke. Says to the driver: "It seems, I give birth." He is in full responding: "Sit down faster, went! Here is near the hospital, I got the wife there. Now MiG is recent. " There is already haratyan confused: "Thank you very much! I'll wait for another car. " But "privately" turned out to be stolen, began to persuade the "pregnant" to go to the clinic, even promised that he would not take money. Dmitry explained to the compassional man that it was a joke, no one gives birth and in general the cinema is removed here. The chauffeur laughed and left, without realizing that he was not a woman, but a man.

Dmitry Kharatyan easily reincarnated into a pregnant beauty. Photo: Alexander Cornestikhenko.

Dmitry Kharatyan easily reincarnated into a pregnant beauty. Photo: Alexander Cornestikhenko.

Baby on a million

Of course, the most difficult thing to have actors who get the images of real women, and not guys who wear the ladies. "Such a role and in nightmarish dreams could not dreamed," said John Travolta, who played a caring mother in the comedy "Hair Varnish". When the actor was given to read the script and explained what kind of character it is offered to him, Travolta perceived it as a joke. Why suddenly?! After all, this is a purely female "party", and in no way, especially since the heroine expresses feminist glances. Super John, as it is called in the US, has long refused. There is a version that he agreed to participate in this project only ... on a dispute. If you believe the rumors, the Travolta agent told the artist that producers, unlike the director, doubt that he can play well this person. And he proposed to conclude a bet - the actor is able to convincingly portray a woman or not. John was offended and wishing to prove his professional consistency, signed a contract. And further in his life began solid torment. "If men knew how many" garbage "are forced to wear every day, they would otherwise relate to their wives and friends," said Travolta, - and if you knew how much time they spend on makeup, hairstyle, manicure ... This is a murder! Guys, it is not only time, but also money. Love your women, what they are and telling them about it. Otherwise, they will try to look better, no effect for you, but the bill from the beauty salon will be solid. Turn on the brain, and then it will cease to beat you on the pocket! "Playing Mamasha, Travolta began to perform for the natural female beauty.

And the other Hollywood Macho Rob Schneider turned out to be a woman in order to return his beloved. Shortly before that, the artist quarreled with his girlfriend. She was offended and left him, warning that he would return only if the unlucky lover on his own skull would feel what to be a woman. Rob spoke about this to his friend to the director, and he who after a couple of months he suggested the scenario of the film "Chick", where the Schneider had to play a teenage girl. For the sake of his beloved Rob agreed to this role. True, how he himself tells himself, he had seven months before the shooting to communicate with the Starlets to draw their behavior to the manner and understand that they actually care. As a result, the actor delivered a lot of trouble to his friend - director of the paintings, as he acted and spoke at all on the scenario, but focusing on those actions and statements that landed in the process of communicating with youngsters. Schneider so beautifully played the role that his beloved returned to him. But apparently, the immersion in female psychology has radically changed the thinking of the actor, since a girlfriend, for which he "changed the floor", Schneider threw a month after reunion.

Fortunately, for Adam Sandler, the execution of the role of beauty Jil did not lead to personal tragedies. On the contrary. When the artist brought the script of the film "Such different twins", where, he was assumed, he will play roles and brothers, and sisters, his cousin came to help Adam. First, she taught him to wear women's hairpins. "Heels are something," Sandler laughs, "just to stand five minutes on heels is already akin to the Cascader trick, and a couple of meters and do not fall out - the highest pilot!" Secondly, most of the manners of their heroine Adam copied with a cousin. "I noticed that, unlike male, the woman's face is always moving. So that it says, she accompanies with the Mimico, looks, "explained the actor. According to the plot in Jil, the movie star Al Pacino falls in love, who played himself in this film. Looking at the muthes of Sandler on the set, Pacino said that he would never agree to fit in the female outfit. Still, after all, Adam complained to a colleague, how hard to walk in the skirt, constantly "thinks", the bra - presses and prevents walking. But the most opposite is tights, just that there is ten minutes to pull them! (And then with the help of the costume screen), so they are also rushing at the most inopportune moment.

Complained to stockings and another Hollywood actor - Mel Gibson. In the film "What the groom wanted," his hero is trying on women's clothing. On the shooting of this episode left the whole day, Gibson could not tighten the stockings, they rushed. As the actor himself told, it took more than forty pairs of stockings in order to extract this moment. "I'll ever agree to play a woman, then only if it is to wear socks, not tights," said Mel.

The most charming and attractive

In the entire history of the Oscar award, only one case is known when a man is nominated for the "best execution of a female role" - Dustin Hoffman for the film "Tutsi".

Dustin Hoffman - the only actor nominated for

Dustin Hoffman is the only actor nominated for Oscar for the best female role. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

"I was preparing for this role. Communicating with different familiar women, trying to understand that they were bothering most of all, which hurts for living. " - tells the actor, "at the same time, if you communicate with a married couple, often a woman has one look at the situation, and a man is completely different in a man. This once again proved that we are different, we see in different ways, we feel, we accept the rules of the game called Life. I even tried to read the favorite Women's Chivo - "love novels." At first I was boring, then I did not understand anything, because I did not see the reasons for the suffering of the main character, and it seemed to me that she herself would commit the raised actions, which forced her to suffer and surrounding, and eventually the compassion and I was aware What I begin to understand women. "

All participants in the shooting process were constantly given the artist tips, how and what should be done to be like a woman. But Hoffman did not listen to them, preferring to follow his own observations. Once at the court, the costume device began to criticize Dustin, they say, no one straightens her hair in such a gesture. And a minute later she herself repeated the same gesture. Many on the set noticed this and began to laugh. Seriously treated the actor and to the choice of clothing for his heroine Dorothy: "I wanted my hero Michael to dress into a woman looking naturally, and not gay, a transvestite or a parodist. Therefore, it was important that Michael-Dorothy will be dressed in. And some things proposed by the costumes, I rejected, they seemed too ridiculous. But at the same time I am very grateful for how carefully chose my shoes. After all, women's shoes for a man is a nightmare! They are very hard to walk, and then the legs are buzzing like an inexperienced athlete after a long jogging ".

By the way, Dustina Hoffman was able to play a woman and in real life. "Looking at the film" Tutsi "one of my daughters, Jenna, expressed doubt that in life I would succeed at least to deceive such a masquerade with dressing up. But as with any woman, it was easier to argue with her, but to prove that she was not right. We agreed that I would come to school under the guise of her aunt - allegedly my native sister who had arrived from another city. Honestly, in front of me there was a task not from the lungs: Teachers Jenna have repeatedly seen me, in addition, they watched the film "Tutsi". But I still managed to fool them. I especially liked the words of one of the teachers: "You are not at all like your brother. You are too different - and outwardly, and on temperament. But now I know who he sketched his Dorothy. Of course, with you, my sweetheart "... so ... and I advise all men: do not argue with women. This can offend them or they will simply be silent, but will remain in their opinion. Women better convince facts. But it is necessary to do this not intrusive, otherwise they will decide what you put on them. "

Whatever it was, if the actors were well adapted to portray the ladies' gait and manners, then the female psychology and the logic could not comprehend them. That in other matters is not surprising, because the woman is a mystery, to solve that even her own.

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