Wife dreams: why foreigners dream of a spouse from mysterious Russia


Probably, everyone heard about the incredible traction of foreign men to Russian women - foreign men, unfortunately or happiness, live in illusions, which, like most of us, create by reading information on the network. You can check it elementary - it is worthwhile to register on a dating site, where there will be mostly foreigners, or just starting a page in a popular foreign social network, you will get a dozen messages from men who risked to cause the interest of "Russian beauty". We decided to assemble the highlights that were always attracted and will attract foreigners in Russian women.

No feminism

Today, most of the Western world is fighting for the rights of women - men becomes just scary to look at a woman who can be sued at any time for a "offensive look." In the understanding of a foreign man, a Russian woman is far from these manifestos for their own rights and more attention pays for her man, although the movements for women's rights are gaining more and more popularity. A foreigner is still - he is sure that the Russian wife will definitely not argue with him and will admire and endlessly love. This is quite possible, but recently, women's independence is gaining all large revs, and therefore aliens can wait for hard disappointment.

Postedness - distinctive Russian trait, according to foreigners

Postedness - distinctive Russian trait, according to foreigners

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Russian wife - good mistress

As we have already said, "at home" foreigners suffer from a lack of attention to their personality, and therefore any manifestation of caring from a woman can if not to keep, then a man's hilariously attracted the attention of the male caress. There are no less legends about Russian cuisine than about the beauty of Russian women, and of course, foreigners want to find out how new Russian girlfriend will be a good mistress. Be prepared that your familiar foreigner will ask to cook your favorite homemade dish and not at all because it does not want to go to the restaurant - he is important to check you, he heard so much!

Russian women are incredibly feminine

This is no longer a myth, but a real reality. A huge number of models for which the largest modes are fighting are Russian. In the top of the main doors of our country, every second foreigner calls the beauty of Russian women, and men and are at all agreeing that the Russian wife is a real gift of fate.

Russian wife rarely argue

Another point that incredibly attracts foreign men is the storage of Russian women. Thoughtful European people have long indicated their men in their place, which is logical, not satisfied with the second. Foreigners are confident that such a Russian wife will not accurately not happen, and therefore fell dating sites in the hope of attracting the attention of the Russian woman who liked, with which a man hopes to build a relationship stronger than one evening.

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