Clairvoyant about Lolita Milyavskaya: "For karma she is a single woman"


The news about the divorce of Lolita Milyava and Dmitry Ivanova for many became the thunder among the clear sky: it was the fifth marriage of the singer, laughing nine years old, and fans were sure that Lolita finally found her man. But on July 4, Milyavskaya said that they decided to decide with Dima.

"We very much began to treat each other lately. In order not to turn into people who constantly find out the relationship, this is a way out! " - explained the star. I decided to learn from the clairvoyant and Tarologist Saona, why every marriage of the singers sooner or later disintegrates.



"Lolita has an iron character, she is an incredibly powerful woman. It is she initiator and quarrels, and parting, and reconciliation. In life, everything should go according to her scenario, and she absolutely does not want any changes in one way or another. It is important for her that the car be spinning and drove to where she herself will send it. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that all these actions with parting are absolutely predictable. In the family plan we can say that it behaves sometimes very arrogantly. She will not tolerate husbands from her husband: bring, feed, post. She is the queen and queen. She has a difficult character, it is impossible to argue with it. She has its bad habits. A man who is next to her must understand all this and take into account the specifics of the relationship. Sometimes it can be coarse. A man should be clearly stronger than her - only then she calms down and stop themselves to behave, "said clairvoyant.

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Мы с Димой решили, что наступила пора расстаться. Мы очень ровно стали относиться друг к другу в последнее время. Чтобы не превратиться в людей, постоянно выясняющих отношения, это выход! У меня был замечательный «молодой» муж целых 9 лет). Я ему желаю всего самого лучшего совершенно искренне. Честно, переживала неделю), а потом плюнула))). Горжусь его смелостью, ведь мог бы остаться и терпеть меня всю жизнь. В обиду не дам моего бывшего тем, кто будет пытаться писать гадости!! Пожалуй, всё. Статус свободен, но это не значит, что я сейчас буду искать себе новое приключение. Поживу одна и буду наслаждаться семьей и работой))!...

Публикация от Лолита Милявская (@lolitamilyavskaya)

"I will say another moment: all her men can be said, repentable. At some point it becomes bored with them, and she just gets rid of them. Next is looking for a new man. Energetically, she completely "eats". I do not see if it honestly, such a man will appear in life, who will put it in place, will take the one that it is, and they will live happily and happily. Moreover, she will finish her life alone. According to Karma, she is a single woman, and she will also change her husbands as gloves, easily with them, "Sona signed.

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