December 11-17: Thiege the love formula


This week, catch a wave of a good mood. When you are filled with positive energy, it's time to cook New Year's presents for loved ones. Such gifts will delight new owners long. It's time to give your love, and it will be only more of it. Strive for self-improvement and do not allow any doubts about your own.

Love yourself - to say very easy. As an astrologer, and as a person, I know perfectly well that for many it is a very difficult task. Surprisingly, the lack of love is visible even in the natal map. Astrology is very well helped to understand the deepest problems of personality, understand what qualities you are braking, and which - give impetus to development. Plus - in a very fast diagnosis of such moments. For example, you may need several visits to a psychologist so that he understands which luggage you are dragging from childhood. The astrologer needs 5 minutes to introduce your data into the program, build a natal map and see the Clay qualities accumulated throughout all your lives.

I will reveal the secret: the strongest brake in the development of personality is dislike. At times, she visits everyone. We will draw a simple diagnosis on the example of relationships with children. I am Mom, and I am very close to a children's topic. Your child brought a bad assessment, decided to quit additional classes or he, in your opinion, the worst drawings in kindergarten. What is your reaction? If you sincerely said: "Nothing terrible, fix it!" - I applaud you, you can not read further. But with a probability of 99% you are unhappy. It can be expressed in different ways: either you break down on the child, either attense discontent inside, but then tear off on someone else, even though on the store's seller is completely different. The essence of these emotions is one - my child did not reach that I am for my mother! If you simplify the thread of the challenge, then the disappointing conclusion remains - I'm bad! This phrase is almost for any of your angrily, discontent, for any scream. The child has caries - I'm bad! At his daughter or son, the village of Vision - I am bad! Now I can't buy a toy that baby asks - I'm bad! Weekly dirt on the floor in the apartment - I'm bad! Did not prepare a bunch of food - I'm bad! And all this causes a terrible mood, breakdowns and screams.

Now I will suggest a simple formula to cope with this state. When you feel that I have accumulated and you are ready to break into a child, a husband, a cat - just go to the bathroom, look in the mirror, breathe deeply and tell me, looking into your eyes: "I love you. You are nice!" You can repeat several times. Only after that you can go talking to your loved ones. "I love you! You are nice!" - This phrase you forgive yourself for the fact that something has happened today, but you know that you make every effort to work in the future. And, by the way, if you have long wanted to make yourself a gift, but you used to spend money for yourself in the last place, tell me: "I love you! You are nice!" - And immediately understand that you deserve this gift.

Only through the love of themselves, you will gain confidence and create a happy atmosphere of comfort and warmth around them. Love yourself!

Anna Pierzheva, professional astrologer, Facebook group "Astrologer kitchen",

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