When a woman stops painting?


Most of women are confident that their attractiveness depends largely on the use of decorative cosmetics. Recent studies have shown that 80% of beautiful ladies are so worried about their appearance that they are waiting for at least a month before submitting before the new lover without makeup, Meddaily writes. And this is not the longest time. About 17% of respondents postpone the moment of communicating with a boyfriend without Maika for two months, 16% - by half a year, 8% are not solved seem not painted during the whole year, and 3% never show a man's "present" at all.

As it turned out, a third of women even gets up earlier than their second half, to imperceptibly put up before his awakening, and 60% of women do not wash off cosmetics before bedtime, if they spend the night with a new lover.

The main reason for such a dependence on decorative cosmetics lies in the uncertainty in its natural attractiveness: 58% of women are just afraid to seem in public without makeup, as it is confident that cosmetics their colors, 28% complained about a reduced self-esteem, 12% were afraid that seeing without cosmetics The partner will no longer be desired with the former force, and 2% were even afraid of the possible termination of relations.

It should be noted that more than 75% of women experience pressure from society, which makes them paint, and 68% without makeup feel "bare".

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