Alexander Morozov: "We are together everywhere and always"


The Yeans Years Alexander did not assume that his fate would be associated with music. He planned to become a coach for jumping in height and precisely for this purpose, leaving his native Chisinau, came to Leningrad and entered the Pedagogical Institute. But life changed dramatically when the song of a talented student "herbs smells smells" unexpectedly became very popular. One of the first performers, Willy Tokarev, laughing, remembers: "I have earned so much money on this song!" Realizing that creativity, which is closer to the heart, can also bring income, who failed the mentor of future athletes began to engage exclusively with music and got into the world of pop. Such a career turn did not like the soul of the first wife of the composer. As a result, they divorced. The second marriage did not work out. Alexander's father complained: "Well, you are not lucky with women! You would like a girl like Marinochka, your sister's girlfriend. Then you would be happy. " His words were prophetic, though, they were destined to come true only in twenty years.

Marina Paresnikova: "Our story began in 1980, at the Olympics. I participated in awarding athletes, in the same group of girls was Sasha Sister Light, who came to the capital from Chisinau. We became friends. She came with me, and I visited her in Moldova. Of course, from her dad, and from her, I heard a lot about Alexandra. At that time, he was already a famous composer, and his songs "in the edge of the magnolia", "Dad, give me a doll," "love, while I loved the whole country."

Alexander Morozov: "I was also heard about Marina. So our acquaintance was at first I was absent. For the first time we met a few years later. One day, Marina invited me to take part in the TV Shoven Lady television program, the leading and producer of which she was. I remember how we sat against each other, I sang my "dawn Aluu" and looked not in the camera, but for her. It turned out that I was singing the song. And at that moment something happened to me, inside everything was stuffed. Probably, it happens with real strong love. She comes with a gust, suddenly, and does not let go. "

Why didn't your union be afraid? Marina, you did not answer reciprocity?

Marina: "No, this spark burned both. But when we realized that we had serious feelings, we decided ... to part. "

Alexander: "I was married for the third time at that time, there was a small child in the family. Marina was also married, brought up two children. Therefore, people closely could suffer from our relationships, first of all our little children. We could not allow this. "

Marina: "We completely stopped communicating. Up to the fact that if I was invited to visit or some event, where frosts had to be present, I immediately refused. Nobody knew about our novel, so familiar looked head, guessing why we began to avoid each other. If you quarreled, then because of what? Knowing me and Alexander (and both people are non-conflict), the reasons were difficult to come up with. And then I left in the US. "

Alexander: "And my wife persuaded to move to Cyprus, where we lived for three years. For me it was a difficult period, I did not write a single song. "

Alexander Morozov on the question:

Alexander Morozov on the question: "Who is in the light of all miles?" Always replies: "My wife Marina." Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

Well, how, is the folk wisdom "from the eye, from the heart of Won"?

Alexander: "Of course not. I still remember, think, you think. And even life itself presents some situations that you return to your feelings. For example, I was offered to write in the US album with my best songs. Being in America, I drove to visit Mishe Shufutinsky. Then he asked me and Ilya Reznik Write a song for the Marina girl, which Mikhail wanted to thus congratulate on his birthday. So Born the song "Marino-Marina". This name was not a stranger for me for me, and working on this hike, I thought about my marina. And he didn't even guess that at that very moment she was here, in California, fifty kilometers from me. "

Marina: "I then worked in America on television."

Why did you decide to return home?

Marina: "The American lifestyle fell not to taste my son. He said that if we do not return to Moscow together, he would run out of the house and find how to get to Russia. "

Alexander : "As for me, I lived abroad for the sake of family. I liked my wife there, and in general to move there was her initiative. Therefore, when the spouse caught up with the idea of ​​purchasing a four-room apartment in an elite house in Moscow, for which it was necessary to sell our real estate in Cyprus, I immediately agreed. I wanted to return home. But when we arrived in the capital and flattened a little in a new place, I realized that I could no longer live in a golden cage. The child has already grown up by that time. So I gathered and left. I left my wife's wife, and he moved to an unfinished country house. There was only the first floor, there were no doors, the windows are alone naked walls. From things - synthesizer, the mattress, on which I slept, an electric stove to prepare food, and a TV. "

Marina : "At that time I headed the holding" Podium Expo ", which herself created, and led the program" Top Top Model ", which went in the morning television."

Alexander: "And here, by turning on the TV in the morning, I came across this broadcast. Seeing Marina on the screen, I felt an irresistible desire to meet her and talk. I called the editor, there was a personal phone there, I naturally did not give, but advised to contact her holding. "

Alexander Morozov and Marina Paresnikova. Photo: Personal archive.

Alexander Morozov and Marina Paresnikova. Photo: Personal archive.

Marina, how did you perceive the return of Alexander in your life?

Marina: "At first I resisted, because we agreed that they would no longer meet. And I adhered to our joint decision. So when my secretary reported that Alexander Morozov calls me, I asked to answer that I was not - they say, went on a business trip. But the next morning he tried to catch me on the spot. And on the third day, when I came to work, I saw Sasha near the office. So years later, our first meeting took place. In order not to find out the relationship with strangers, I invited him to my office. And was amazed at how he looks like. The eyes are extinct - the spark disappeared, completely gray. Outwardly, he looked older than now, although ten years have passed since then. I saw that he needed to speak, share what he had in the soul. And he proposed to go to the cozy restaurant near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. "

Alexander : "Our conversation then lasted for about four hours, because so much had to be taught to each other. I told what happened to me over the years, as I live now. Marina told about the terrible accident, in which she got, and about how after her was on the verge of life and death. "

Marina: "Yes, it was. Near the country cottage, the construction of which I was then engaged, a car hit me. I lied for a long time in resuscitation. And then it took a lot of time for treatment and recovery. We must pay tribute to my husband who passed all the tests with me. Starting with the fact that he handed over blood for me and fed me from the spoon, and ending with the fact that he helped me stand on his feet and physically, and morally. But, by the way, after all this, the attitude of the spouse has changed to me. He no longer saw a woman in me. And our marriage was united only by children, we even lived apart: I'm in the city apartment, and he is in that ill-fated cottage. "

Alexander: "We were talking about, and there were few of these four hours."

Marina: "True, it is not known how our relationship would be further, if B Sasha did not come up with a faithful preposition to resume our communication. Soon his anniversary concert was to take place, and he turned to me as a producer for help in organizing this event. In the same way, he lured me and home. He said that I'm just obliged to listen to his new music to know, by producing what exactly I do. Iron logic. Therefore, I came to him. And, frankly, he was amazed in what conditions he lives. The mattress, unfolded on some bricks, who served him a bed, clipped windows and doors ... But all this ceased to exist for me as soon as he approached the synthesizer and began to play. "

Alexander : "Vladimir Shainsky attributes such words:" I can achieve any woman, just need to bring it to the piano. " So we have happened. Everything decided music. "

Marina : "Soon an explanation with my husband took place: I admitted that I loved another person. And returned to Sasha, this time comes. "

Alexander : "Since then, we do not part. We are always everywhere together: both at home and concerts, and on tour, and on vacation. "

And decided to get married immediately?

Alexander: "No. For a while we thought, whether we need to form our relationship officially. All doubts allowed Joseph Kobzon. Once, hearing our reflections on this topic, he said that it was necessary to get married. How else? We are when we go with tour of the country, we live in the same hotel room. And if there is no stamp in the passport, conversations will go that frost goes to concerts with a mistress. Here are a storehouse for the yellow press! "

Marina: "Then we decided to sign and began to prepare for the wedding."

Alexander : "First of all, I told the Father that I am going to marry. I did not say on whom, so Dad began to discourage me. He was afraid that I again burned. But when I said that my bride is the same Marina Paresnikova, he asked him from joy. He knew that we would be happy. But the magnificent wedding did not work. "


Alexander: "The celebration was appointed on September 1, 2004. There were many guests, among whom were, of course, the stars and officials. But the Beslan Tragedy happened in the morning of that day - the hostage seizure at school. And we simply could not imagine that we would walk-to-appear when children kill children at this moment. Therefore, we canceled the wedding. Wedding noted modestly: my dad was attended, who came from Chisinau, and Marinina Mom. "

Alexander Morozov:

Willie Tokarev was the first performer of the song "The grass smell like a met", which completely changed the life of Alexander. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Morozov and Marina Sailhouse.

How did they spend the honeymoon? How is the artists - on tour?


"Yes. Joseph Kobzon organized a concert tour of Ukraine, in which many Russian pop stars took part: Lola, Natasha Queen, Valera Meladze, as well as immigrants from Ukraine, including me. In each of the twenty-five cities where the speeches were held, with the light hand of Joseph Davydovich, who did not forget to report that among the artists there are newlyweds, the toasts and screams "Gorky!" Sounded in our honor.

It can be seen that in marriage with the Marina Sailfish you, Alexander, found what was searched for so long - not only love, but also understanding and support.

Alexander: "With the advent of Marina in my life, a completely special," lifting "period began. It is difficult to explain, but I like wings rose. In co-authorship with the poet Anatoly Transverse, I wrote more than two hundred songs! I also work with the poet Eugene Muravyov. Marina during this time released more than twenty albums, including the author, with Joseph Kobzon, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Vitas, Vika Tsyganova, the artists of the theater and cinema ... Well, of course, my solo wheels: "Raspberry" on the verses of Anatoly transverse, "Grand" with Golden hits in my own execution, chansuine "life is good moments" on the poems of Gleb Glebovsky, "in the Hubber of My Light" on the verses of Nikolai Rubtsov. Add turbulent tour activities to this. We completed the house, then the studio, the pool and even our own concert hall. "

Alexander, you worked with different famous singers, but not so long ago, your songs have a new performer - your wife. How did it happen that Marina Pope?

Alexander: "Two years ago, Marina became a grandmother: her daughter Dasha gave birth to her son. I made my wife a gift - I wrote a cheerful humorous song "Grandmothers". In the same year, we were going to celebrate the birthday of Marina with a concert at the stage theater. This song was supposed to sound on the evening, but with the performer we have not yet decided on the moment. And somehow since I heard the Marina sings "grandmothers-bumps." And I realized that the best candidacy than she would not find. As a result, at that concert, Marina performed several of my songs. And now we are touring together. If earlier I was at the end of the program represented by Marina as a talented general producer and "part-time" my wife, now she goes to the stage with her rooms "Grandfish-Susting", "Cognac", "Zyntak". And the song on the poems of Lena Derbenueva "Ship Belenki" we recorded a duet. She gave the name to our first joint album released this year. "

Marina: "So our new project" Maestro and Marina "appeared. Now we are together and on the stage. "

Alexander: "The poet Yevgeny Muravyev who knows a lot about our life, writes texts specifically for us and about us. In these songs, you will again hear the history of love that we told you today. "

Alexander, how are you going to celebrate the anniversary this year?

Alexander: "Concert. He will be called "Maestro and Marina invite chanson stars on the anniversary."

Marina: "To congratulate Sasha and fulfill his songs will come Joseph Kobzon, Willie Tokarev, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Elena Vaenga, Alexander Kalyanov, Alexey Buldakov, Vika Tsyganova, Katerina Golitsyn, Rada Paradise, Valery Kuras and Sergey Kurik."

Alexander : "And of course, you can hear our duet with Marina."

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