I said that: what to do if a man in bed turned out to be an egoist


Of course, most of us are looking for from proximity to the first pleasure that the partner's desires need to be installed on a par with their own, thinks about half of the sexual partners, if you believe the statistics that psychologists offer, based on the number of people and women's appeals, whose sexual life It is impossible to name harmonious. How to give to understand your partner that your intimate meetings bring you less satisfaction, what could? In this we tried to figure out.

Tell me right

Other people do not know how to read our thoughts, so hope that it will "come", he "guess, after all, not a fool," very arrogant and, most likely, you will indulge in the desires of the Egoist and on. Many men are confident that if a woman does not express his opinion, it means everything suits her, and therefore it becomes unclear for your disappointment after proximity, because in his understanding you have everything in a relationship. Ideally, build the boundaries of the permitted you should "on the shore", even before the moment when you are "tightened" the relationship, however, it does not mean that you should hump up at any stage of relationships - talk, talk and talk again.

Be honest

Whatever tactful person you did not count myself, imitate orgasm and talk compliments when you remained the only person in the bedroom, which did not receive satisfaction from the process at all. Of course, it is not worth telling the truth "in the forehead", especially in the very full of "events", if you understand that the man is almost at the peak, and you have not even "dispersed", try to pull the climax, switting the attention of the men by yourself. A woman always needs more time to tune in for sex, try to convey this thought to a man and do not play out of politeness.

do not silent if you are discomfort

do not silent if you are discomfort

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

According to your example

If you just started meeting, the first few times you can not experience pleasure from the intima with a new partner, it is quite normal, given the fact that you have not yet studied each other. But if after a few months the situation does not change - you still do not feel satisfied, which cannot be said about your partner - gently direct it: Show in the process, which zones are best responded on its touch, and how exactly you need to handle your body.

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