Affirmations: what it is and how it works


What is affirmation? Affiraimations are a set of phrases that are recommended to the client to download every morning from 30 to 90 days. Why are people faced with disappointment about affirmations?

Affirmations - This is a set of statements that are a kind of program for a person's subconscious. That is, the person thus gradually change the complex of beliefs that do not bring benefits, and sometimes they destroy life to a complex of beliefs that are creative for his life. The program should compile a clear algorithm of actions that contains logic to install the program at the conscious level. That is, consciousness must be coordinated with the subconscious. For example, the program "Trust Men's World" will work, relying on the program "Trust of the emotional sphere and intuition".

Olga Romaniv

Olga Romaniv

Example of the program "Trust Men's Mire":

- the confidence of the emotional sphere and intuition.

- Trust feelings and emotions safely.

- I hear my feelings and emotions.

- I trust your feelings and emotions.

- I appreciate my feelings and emotions.

- I protect the boundaries of my feelings and emotions

- The trust of intuition is safe.

- I hear my intuition.

- Trust male peace.

- Trust male world safely.

- I trust the male world.

- I trust the male world, relying on my intuition

- I choose men, guided by his intuition.

- I build a relationship with men, relying on my intuition.

Even if you are not ready to agree with a new statement by 100%, download programs anyway

Even if you are not ready to agree with a new statement by 100%, download programs anyway


What should be remembered by loading allegations:

1. Even if you are not ready to agree with a new statement by 100%, download the programs anyway. Do not think about it, but simply repeat the allegations. Restructuring programs will occur gradually, and this process requires time. Gradually, old neural communications of the non-working program will be collapsed, and new ones are created.

2. It is important not only to upload new programs, but also consciously use them. Monitor yourself to teach yourself actions on another algorithm. The process of transformation from the caterpillar into the butterfly is also quite time-consuming and takes time.

3. The approval must always be positive, without a particle "not". The subconsciousness does not read the "not" part, and as a result, the program can turn into a destroying actions algorithm.

4. The approval should be brief and rhythm, which can be easily pronounced and repeat. Sometimes it can be two words that will have a capacious meaning.

5. Before you download a set of new beliefs, you need to unload non-working programs. Non-working programs also require a clear wording, the "not" particle is not allowed in the wording. The destructive program still needs to be pulled out from the chain of life and see it. It is more likely to implement this process that this process is necessary - "X-ray" is required for "lighting" programs. Various methods of psychology: deep coaching, gestal therapy, teta-hiling, psychoanalysis, various projective techniques, help.

6. Deep reprogramming is possible in a certain state of the person's subconscious, which allows you to see the necessary information, to withdraw and upload entire programs.

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