Marina Devyatova: "Our daughter is growing real artist"


Folk songs Marina Devyatova for some pores, and a happy wife and mother. The singer married three years ago, and a few months later Daughter Ulyana.

- Marina, how did your life change after the child's birth?

- When the first child appears, it seems to me that the woman is born again: it is transformed and acquainted with him completely new. Because all his free time is naturally devoted to the child. In my situation, it was not easy: I had almost no maternity leave, I went on stage in two months. I did not have less work, but the life of the household became rich. And of course, my spouse was resorted to the nanny services, because without this person we just do not do. My mom lives with us, she helps us.

- The birth of a child was scheduled or happened by chance?

- It was a surprise for us with her husband. Especially for me as for workArchik. It seems to me if this surprise did not happen, I would have toured a long time, while in the status of my wife, and not moms. We with Alexey we know each other for a long time, in our relationship was different. We met, and parted, and again met. We passed, probably, all the circles of development of the relationship of a man and a woman. But the birth of Ulyana very much changed her husband, despite the fact that Alexey already has a daughter from the first marriage. But when Sasha was born, he was conditionally twenty years old, and now, when for forty, the appearance of a child is perceived quite differently. They have their own relationships, their games. But the most important thing is that they have a connection, that thread, from which I feel incredible pleasure.

For Marina and her father, the famous singer Vladimir Devyatova, the folk song became a family business

For Marina and her father, the famous singer Vladimir Devyatova, the folk song became a family business

Photo: Personal archive

- Alexey for a long time he courtes?

- When we met, I was an adult girl enough. I had a little boyfriend in my life, and I perceived all my young people as future potential husbands. I myself am a passionate monozyub. Alexey is a reliable man, good, brought up in an intelligent family. Unfortunately, his mother recently gone, who, I think I was the best mother-in-law. It was my real friend. And so I did not have a special desire, so that Alexey was sought. He cared, as he knew how, because of his capabilities. We quickly started living together. Maybe somewhere they committed mistakes, but at the same time I understand that the sharp corners we tried to bypass the party.

- What is his attitude towards the fact that you are a popular singer?

- I always say him: you married not on a woman, but on the artist, on the audience. He is not easy, he is a normal man who also has jealousy to the men who want to give me flowers, hug, kiss. But he tolerates it all, understands that he has a wife - an artist.

- You in youth imagined what should be the man of your dreams?

- My husband did not coincide with this idea at all. What we are drawing is only fantasies. I saw the cartoons, good fairy tales and now we are waiting for us that Romeo will start singing serenades under the window. But I am a creative person, I need a knight who will come to me on horseback, will conquer my heart. I have always been such a vanity. And these fantasies interfere very much. For example, it sometimes seems to me that everything, and first of all my husband, should think just like me. And men by nature are practical guys. My husband says: Well, tell me, what do you need? And I: "Well, how so! You must guess! " But men are trying differently. And ideal men, as well as women, it seems to me, does not happen.

Marina Devyatova with mom and little daughter during the discount from the hospital

Marina Devyatova with mom and little daughter during the discount from the hospital

Photo: Personal archive

- You say that I have been familiar with your husband for a long time, and when the moment came when you understood what was created for each other?

- I do not like to talk about how people are created for each other. The strongest marriages sometimes fall apart. We all happen: we quarrel, and we swear, believe me, I am a very difficult passenger in family life. Alexey, too, as a real Taurus, born in the year of the Baran, in general, double-humped man. And I as a woman who leads her team is also not easy to come home and become soft and fluffy. Family is such a correctional colony, in which everyone first is working on their ego. Because we are all egoists, we want to enjoy: with each other, with them, surroundings. And first of all, of course, you need to learn to appreciate the day every day. I understand that Alexei gave me to me with my qualities of God, and he, with his qualities, was also very difficult, gave a singing wife. We have a good difference in age, the husband is older for ten years, so somewhere he is wiser, somewhere hectare. And Alexey is a good father. And most importantly, we have, is our Ulyana Alekseevna, which grows a real future artist.

- So you already see it in it?

- Oranges will not be born from osinka. And this orange, in my opinion, I got very creative. As my mom says, Ulyana is my copy. She dances, her favorite artists - Mom and Grandpa. And if they suddenly sound not folk songs, she will not dance. She has concert dresses, she looks at my dancers on my speeches and some of their television traffic repeats. In April I had a concert in the Kremlin, and Ulyana appeared before the audience, absolutely calmly made her mother's flowers, did not frightened: 5700 people applauded it, and she came to her home. I sang all the pregnancy, and Ulyana never sank me, did not hit me. When a concert with seven to nine began somewhere, the child was silent, she always gave me to speak. And now it is suitable for concerts from seven to nine, her own solo program. (Laughs.)

Marina Devyatova:

"Mom says that Ulyana is my copy. She dances, she already has concert dresses"

Photo: Personal archive

- When there are two beautiful ladies in the family, then the wardrobe, probably, is rather big? ..

- I was born in the Soviet Union, when there was nothing. We have already lived enough when parents divorced, Mom began to work in three works. All Soviet children left the clothes of older brothers and sisters. And, apparently, this deficit now I compensate for Ulyana. I have been told: the child is so much need! But I try working on myself. Although in defense I can say that I have someone to give what we did not even wear.

- How did your famous Father Vladimir Ninatov responded to the birth of granddaughter?

"My dad was waiting for a very long time when I became my mother." Often said: "Marina, what are you doing? These are all songs, tour ... Yes, who needs these awards! It is necessary to establish a personal life, get married. " And when I learned that I was in a position, I was very happy. It seems to me that the Father has changed lately, began to softer to me. And when the Ulyashka was born - so at all. What to say: he himself is a young father, my sister is four years old, and he knows well what children, sleepless nights, diapers ... We have excellent relationships, we are always in touch.

"You didn't think that a brother or sister appear?

"My husband and I really hope that a brother or sister will appear at Ulyana Alekseyevna. It's very cool, because I have an elder sister Catherine. We are both moms, and, of course, this seven-year difference is not felt at all, we are the best friends. It is important that you have a brother or sister, native monitoring.

- Marina, Husband your concerts often visits?

- He is generally Meloman. It seems to me that now Lesha was reborn, he would have become a musician. He is generally a master of sports on pole jumping, he was engaged in sports, but the music has now become his hobby: he is with Ulyashka branded on the guitar. Before acquaintance with me, he did not understand what a folk song is, and now he is buzzing from any authentic Cossack romances like a "black crow". When I have concerts in Moscow, he visits them with her daughter.

Marina and Alexey are familiar for a long time, and in their relationship there were different stages. They met, parted, but eventually became families

Marina and Alexey are familiar for a long time, and in their relationship there were different stages. They met, parted, but eventually became families

Photo: Personal archive

- There is not so much information about your wedding. How did she go?

- We had no wedding, we ran into the registry office - I was already in the position. The painting from the series "I flew yesterday from the Far East, and tomorrow I flew to Chelyabinsk." We did not tell anyone about it, our friends even upset a little and offended, only in the evening they gathered mothers and already directly in dinner said that they were painted. So we did not have a big and gorgeous wedding. Maybe we will ever take advantage of such a story, but now there is not enough to do this. Now we need to build a house. While we remove the house and already understood how well we feel outside the urban turmoil. The plot is already there, we bought it. By the way, this is another stage of relationships: build a house, make repairs and manage with all this without divorce. (Laughs.)

- Now many are just obsessed with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. Are you trend?

- I am a vegetarian already fifteen years old, but this is not a call, but my lifestyle is primarily due to humane considerations. As for the form after childbirth, it seems to me that my extra five kilograms still have. And it is always very hard for me to lose weight because of the touring lifestyle. I try to control the weight, to maximize the sport in everyday life and meet your requirements. It does not always succeed. I am faster losing weight in volume than in kilograms, many nutritionists say that it is even better. I have to easily feel myself on the scene. In general, I was never thin, and in our family we have thin little. I try to listen to my body: if the body is good - it means that we live further, if not, I try to eat more fragile, more drinking liquids and play sports. Follow the diets and keep a diary I simply do not have time.

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