Why the ears hurt in the summer


In the hot season, the ears can inflame for several reasons.

Supercooling. In the heat, we strive to room with air conditioning, which drives the jet of ice air, we take a cold shower, drink drinks with ice - all this can cause supercooling and promotes the development of infections.

Bathing. Most of us seek the sea or river in summer. To plunge into the water with a head on a hot day like many. But it is in such situations that water gets into the ears. A special danger is dirty reservoirs, sising by bacteria and other pathogens. In addition, due to heat in the ear, a wet environment is formed, which contributes to the development of fungal infections.

Air travel. The pain in the ear occurs when the pressure is disturbed between the middle ear and the environment. At the same time, pain may appear both in young children and in adults.

Mechanical injuries. These leads to the careless use of ear sticks, as well as matches and other items that are not adapted to care for the ear shell.

So that in the summer of the ears did not hurt, you need to be neat and follow several rules. Do not sit under air conditioning and a cold jet of air. The difference in temperatures in the room and the street should not exceed seven degrees.

Water in the ears falls in any bathing. But not everyone can get rid of it. Old Dedovsky way is to attach a palm to the ear and jump on the foot located on the side of the squeezed ear. You can not allow water to enter the auditory passage. To do this, roll a cotton ball, lubricate it with a vaseline and insert into the ear. After bathing, take out, and before entering the water to make a new one. Ears necessarily need to wipe and in no case pick them in them with chopsticks or maizins. You can roll out tight sticks from cotton, or, as they are called, Tourunds. And gently insert into the ear. Sit down a little until the wool absorbs all the water.

There are several ways to get rid of unpleasant sensations during the flight. The most common is to blow the ears: close the nostrils with your fingers, squeeze the lips and exhale the air from the nose with force. Still helps yawning. You can switch the mouth and try to swallow. For kids, you need a bottle with drink, for older children and adults - lollipops or chewing. They will also help cope with the lack of ears. Before the flight, many are recommended to use thundering drops for the nose. Especially they help the kids who will not be able to yaw or blow ears themselves.

And most importantly, if, after the flight or bathing, the ears bother with unpleasant sensations, embezzlement or even pain, then you need to not engage in self-medication, but seek help from a specialist.

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