Make the body by summer


"The hardware methods of getting rid of fat are good in that with the effect, comparable to plastic surgery, they practically do not require anesthesia, a long rehabilitation period and pass completely painlessly," Elena Samokhvalov says, a dermatologist, head of the Cosmetology Department of the Cosmetology of Aesthetic Medicine "Ottimo" . - In addition, after the procedure, the patient has no bruises, nor edema.

Another pleasant "side" effect of the hardware burning of subcutaneous fiber is a kind of lifting effect. The fact is that during the procedure, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, due to which the skin is pulled up, and this occurs evenly and simultaneously with the departure of subcutaneous fiber tissue, therefore there is neither burgher, nor lymphosy, neither swelling. "

Let's get acquainted!

The Israeli Apparatus Reaction, which is in the "Ottimo clinic", is an innovative combination of radio waves and a vacuum, which gives a powerful effect of rejuvenation in the shortest possible time, and also corrects the contours of the body, removes cellulite, pulls the flavored skin and body skin. A surprisingly delicate technique of the device makes all the procedures on it safe, precisely controlled and absolutely painless.

This is one of the few technologies approved and recommended by the Association of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology Clinics. The device is also approved and recommended by the Ministry of Health of the United States, Canada and Russia. Principle of operation - heating subcutaneous fatty fiber and collagen

and elastin fibers up to 40 degrees, as a result of which the cell triglycerides are split and stimulation of more dense collagen threads, which contributes to tightening the skin. Additional plus - provision of lymphatic drainage, which increases the tone and elasticity of the skin. Effectively Reaction manifests itself if you need to remove the so-called convex zones and hard-to-reach local fat deposits: above the knees, on the inner surfaces of the hands, forearm and hips, climacteric hump. Procedures on the device can be carried out at any time of the year.

When the Italian VIP Lipo Line apparatus is working in Ottimo, shock ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 1 MHz are used, which are used to treat a number of cosmetic flaws on the body. The multifunctional machine is designed to reduce excess fat, cellulite treatment, improving skin texture, changes in the body contour, increasing the supply of oxygen, stimulating the production of elastin and collagen to restore fabrics. VIP Lipo Line allows you to get a quick, reliable and durable result.

What do you do?

Lymphodenage (on the VIP Lipo Line apparatus) is a general procedure when dealing with excess weight, the facility of the purification and improvement of the body. During the procedure, the patient's lymph is driven through the lymphatic system seven times, which ensures a kind of detox effect.

Course: two times a week. If there is a tendency to swelling or problem

With veins, then it is better to increase the number of sessions up to three times a week. The course is five to ten procedures.

Effect: The body is fully cleaned, all slags and toxins are derived, the metabolism is accelerated, which leads to the natural care of excess weight, the condition of the skin is improved, the manifestation of cellulite signs decreases, the leakage of the menstrual cycle is normalized (painful manifestations are reduced).

Thermalifting (on the Reaction apparatus). During the procedure, fat is burning in the literal sense of the word (heating the subcutaneous collagen layers and elastin fibers up to 40 degrees), the cell triglycerides are split

And it is stimulated by more dense collagen threads, which contributes to tightening the skin. The procedure is recommended to those who want to get rid of fat in hard-to-reach places (the inner surface of the shoulders and hips, back, knees).

Course: Every seven or fourteen days, the most important thing is that the period between the procedures does not exceed fourteen days. The course is from four to eight procedures.

Effect : Reducing the amount of at least two centimeters, a decrease or complete disappearance of cellulite manifestations, an increase in skin tone. The effect is maintained during the year.

Ultrasound cavitation (on the VIP Lipo Line).

During the procedure there is a so-called cellpage. This is a kind of massage at which the cell from the ultrasonic wave is first expanding, and then narrows.

From such a "loosening" triglycerides in the cell begin to collapse, then exit, respectively, fat cells are reduced in the amount, while it seems that the body is thinner himself.

Course: Twice a week, the course is from ten to fifteen procedures (on average twelve). However, the positive effect is noticeable after the fifth procedure.

Effect : Skin pulls up, the volume of the body decreases, while the fat is not due to weight, but by volume, the muscle tone is enhanced. It is an uncontapplying alternative to liposuction.

In addition to the main procedure - ultrasound cavitation - on the device

VIP Lipo Line has the ability to simulate the body and increase muscle relief thanks to Transion functions

and isogei.

Transion feature (on VIP Lipo Line) is a minimization, it provides a decrease in volumes and an increase in body relief and skin tone due to the twisting of the muscles (the load that cannot be achieved during sports). In this case, the body does not feel fatigue, there is no load on the joints, the spine. Contraindication - Mioma of the uterus (when exposed to the abdominal area).

Effect: Instant reduction in volumes and an increase in muscle tone, complete cellulite elimination. The results are tangible after fifteen minutes after the start of the session.

Isogei function (on the VIP Lipo Line apparatus) is designed to contour the shape after weight loss, creating muscle relief. During the session, everything (even the smallest) muscles are being worked out, to train which is independently impossible, which makes it possible to achieve the effect of a roast body, adjust the shape of the buttocks, chest, thighs. Contraindication - Mioma of the uterus (when exposed to the abdominal area).

Course: two or three times a week, course

It can be up to ten procedures.

Effect: Simulation of the figure, the rapid strengthening of each muscles group, mini-lifting of the skin, improving the elasticity of the chest, buttocks and hips.

"For conducting procedures, long-term preliminary preparation is required. The only limitation is to keep the drinking regime during any course and there is no fat food two hours before and after the session itself. No diet, except the above, is not prescribed, because the goal of the hardware burning of fat is weight loss with the preservation of the usual way of life of our patients, "Elena Samochanov explains. - There is no so-called cancel effect, that is, if you stop doing the course at some point to make a course or go to support procedures, then nothing terrible will happen, because the hardware slimming is still cosmetology, and not surgical intervention. "

More newcomers!

If you need to give a figure in order, it is necessary as soon as possible, it is worth paying attention to the new Telo's Beauty clinic.

Radio frequency association-bath liposuction (on the body of Body Tite) is a mini liposuction

And lifting in just one procedure. The impact on fat deposits occurs with the help of radio frequency signals, the energy of which literally melts fat. Thus, the effects of the formation of body circuits are used. He is ideal for those who thought about liposuction, but not yet ready to lie down under the knife of a plastic surgeon. In addition, after the procedure, the skin pulls up, its structure is improved. Session passes painless and safe for health.

Course : The result is visible immediately after the procedure, the maximum effect is manifested in two or three weeks. After a session, we need to carry special compression linen (from seven to fourteen days).

Effect: Getting rid of local fatty sediments, lifting, improve skin structure.

And for those who have already completely gathered on the beach and is not ready for any, even minimal intervention, the absolute novelty of this season is ideal - radio wave loss

Using the TITEFX non-invasive technique (on the BodytititTM Medical Platform). Thanks to the triple exposure to the applicator (Radio Frequency Energy, Vacuum Massage and Electroporation), amazing results in the correction of the figure are quickly achieved: excessive centimeters in the abdomen, hips, waist. At the same time, skin suspenders occurs. In the zone on which the action of TITEFX is directed, some heat is felt, which is replaced by almost imperceptible redness, enduring a little time later. In this case, the device acts exclusively on fat fold, without any influence on the internal organs.

Course: On average, it is recommended to make procedures for two to four weeks, and the session itself lasts from fifteen to twenty minutes.

Effect: The ideal tightened body contours, a decrease in volumes in each problem area of ​​about three centimeters per month, lift and eliminate leather flabbiness.

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