What do we dream of nightmares?


Many of you love to watch horror films. Many and those who avoid the "horrors", then not to shudder in a dark alley or with an unexpected rustle.

But all of us without exception is a nightmare. Usually people wake up in a cold sweat, with a strong heartbeat and in an immense horror.

Gradually consciousness clarifies, and we calm themselves that it is just a bad dream that it is necessary to tell someone as soon as possible.

Let's try to figure out what the nightmare dreams are indicated on the real example.

One of the frequent types of nightmares is a dream, where "in the main roles" our left relatives and loved ones. Perhaps, in a dream, a meeting with them was not terrible, but after waking up the thought rolling: "They came for me ..."

Every time it is worth reminding myself that all images without exception in a dream are the parties of our own personality. Even people who do not have a relationship ended. One of the useful methods for analyzing sleep with different people who are no longer in our lives for one reason or another, is to check unfinished cases with these people.

In Gestalt psychology (one of the practical methods of working with people) there is such a concept as "unfinished business." This means that there are some feelings, secrets or experiences, which remained unspoken these people. Or these people themselves did not express us something that we wanted: words of love, recognition or tenderness.

It is worth thinking what desires or secrets remained secret in these relationships, what feelings in relation to each other could not express.

The second option of nightmarish dreams is fantastic, terrible monsters or any other scary images in a dream.

They are not explained in any way with logic, with everyday life are little connected.

Such images allow us to be very allegorically and veiled to worry about the absolutely real threat. I repeat again that sleep helps us cope with the feelings with which it is difficult for us to cope in the usual, "day" life.

The more we forbid themselves to be afraid of something, inflated and trying to seem older, more confident, stronger, the more anxiety and fear are growing inside, and the more often the nightmares are shot.

You can be afraid - it's natural and simple. By allowing yourself to worry fear, we can increasingly stand up for themselves in real life and reduce the number of nightmarish dreams. And - while our loved ones are still alive - do not be afraid to speak to them in more often about their love and tenderness, as well as take their care and love.

Did you dream of sleep, and you want Maria to shut it on our site? Then send your questions by mail [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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