Bunk, Love and Faith Star Raggi and Prophet in His Fatherland Bob Marley


Marley claimed: "I am not standing on the side of a black man, I do not stand on the side of a white man. I am standing on the side of God. " And as otherwise, because she was mixed in his veins, and the other blood. The Father was the Naval Marley Naval Military Force officer, and his mother - the usual black girl Sadelles Booker. They met when the sailor was chosen ashore and sent as manager to Jamaica's plantation. At the time of this meeting, he exchanged the sixth ten, and she barely fulfilled sixteen. In 1945 - that year, when the Second World War was over, their son, the future musician and the pacifist appeared. Norval insisted that the baby be called Most Robert. Robert is the name of Norval's native brother. What meant "Nesta", he did not explain. However, on the recommendation of the immigration service, the mother of young Maril changed the order of his names, because it sounded "more courageous." As for the father of the boy, he did not accept much participation in his fate. Family of the brave sailor did not burn with the desire to maintain related ties with his black sibling. They could not assume that in the future this guy will glorify the name of Marli to the whole world! For all the time, young bob saw dad only twice, and when he was ten, Norval died of old age.

Bosional childhood

In search of the best life, Sedelles decided to move with his son from a poor village in the capital of Kingston Island State. They settled in the Trenchtown area - in slums, in essence. School Bob did not love, often strolled classes and the school did not finish it. He said that the arithmetic was for him - after all, he would become a musician! By the way, according to the inhabitants of his native village, the guy possessed an amazing gift - to predict fate, and it was often treated for advice. Perhaps really saw and your future.

In Trenchtowene, at first, Marli had to be disassembled. The lightest shade of the skin than the peers gave out a stranger in it. Jamaica remained the colony of Great Britain, and white people did not complain local residents. It was necessary to fight for a place under the sun with the help of fists, but sometimes he surrendered and smeared the face of the Wax, so as not to stand out too much. Perhaps then the first principles of his philosophy were laid: "I can't support any war. Wars lead new wars. You hit someone, you declared him war - so he will hit you in response. What do you do when he answers you? Hit it again. "

In his songs, Bob silence Rastafarian faith, but more sang about the troubles and joy of mankind. Musicians went through the names for a long time and finally chose Wallers

In his songs, Bob silence Rastafarian faith, but more sang about the troubles and joy of mankind. Musicians went through the names for a long time and finally chose Wallers

Photo: Rexfeatures / fotodom.ru

Acquaintance with the same poor boy from slums, Neville Livingstone on nicknamed Bunny, the world has bloomed with new paints. Music fascinated both. Guys were interested not only by black performers, they listened to American radio, especially they liked the Novoorlean radio station, where Curtis Mayfield's compositions were twisted, Ray Charles, Banton Brook, Fatza Domino. Yamaican singer Joe Higgs, who lived in the same area, agreed for free to give boys the lessons of vocal. In co-authorship with him at sixteen, Marlley recorded his first single "Judge Not".

At that time, when the disk came out with his song, Bob worked as a welder and spent the whole salary on her "Promotion" in the nearest eatery - there was a musical machine there. The singer included his song so often that in the end the owner of the institution could not stand: he threw the record in the trash bin and sent the young star to the farm. A year later, not without the help of all the same Joe Higgs, the boy's Band "The Wairers" appeared. The guys experimented with different names, but in the end they stopped on this - "Posterkers", - in their opinion, it has characterized the life of their native district very much. The first single of the SIMMER DOWN group was headed by Jamaica's hit parade and smoked more than eighty thousand copies. Young musicians performed popular at the time of SKA - Jamaican variety of Novoorlean rhythm-n-blues - and quickly became an island celebrity. However, outside Jamaica, the group was not known to anyone. In 1966, the team collapsed due to internal contradictions.

Sedelles, who by that time managed to marry the second time and move to the United States, invited her son to himself. She even bought him a ticket. Bob stood just eight months: the routine work at the automotive plant categorically did not suit him. Jamaica rhythms sounded in the soul, and it was drawn to his homeland. In addition, his beloved woman was waiting for him.

Do not cry, woman,do not

In 1965, shortly before his departure in the United States, Marlley met the Anderson alpharritis. A black 18-year-old girl also fond of music, but at that moment she was generally not up to the songs, because he had to spend a lot of time to give a chest daughter Sheron. For a short novel with the father of the girl ended with the fact that the beloved threw it and left the island. Alpharitis along with the baby lived in the house of the aunt. The path of Bob Marley went to the studio just past this house. The musician often saw a nice girl, but was so shy that he did not decline to speak with her. In the end, he asked for a friend to transfer a note in which he reported to Rita, that he really likes, and appointed a date to get to know the closer. He was sure that beauty refuses, but she came. In addition, they turned out to be a common passion - music. Later, the alpharita became one of the back-vocalists of the reborn Bob Marley & The Wailer team.

At the very beginning dating, the young woman hid that she had a child. True, it opened quite by chance: once during work in the studio, the Rita flowed milk, and the bob noticed it. He was surprised why she did not say anything about the baby, and literally fell asleep with her questions in which sincere care was felt. After that, I began to let her go home early, and barely had money, I spent them for baby food. "We were so in love! Bob was romantic and faithful, and I thought it would always be so, "Rita recalled. - rehearsing, we looked at each other in your eyes and sang, and then kissed. It was some kind of magic. "

In 1966, the couple got married. Marley launched a baby sheron. And soon the world began to appear their own children - one by one. There were four of them - the son and three daughters. And in addition to them, the musician had seven more children from other women. But about it a little later.

Boba Marley could not be called handsome, but women were crazy about him

Boba Marley could not be called handsome, but women were crazy about him

Photo: Rexfeatures / fotodom.ru

Rita tried to cope with their Nishchensky life - dragged buckets with water, prepared on a fire, every night was erased by the only set of underwear of her husband, so that he put it on, clean. In his memoirs, she recalled how once Bob raised his hand on her due to the fact that she prepared me for too long: "It happened because we did not have a kitchen. I had to cook on the ground in front of the door. Every morning and every evening I had to light coals, inflate them to appear flame, and wait until it defeat how it follows. It was not easy if we consider that one child did not even die, and the other was still holding a skirt. That evening, dinner I prepared particularly late, we came up. "

They lived in the house all the same aunt, and at times he reminded the real salon, where the musicians hurt around the clock, they spoke, rehearsed, smoked herb. Bob was busy with creativity, and domestic troubles went to his wife. "I had to think about practical things: take care of enough food, pay for electricity, which we spent ... And when my thoughts were not busy with the next dinner or bill for the world, I was worried about how we pay off behind the bed and wardrobe bought on credit in the furniture store. " She was also engaged in selling the groups of the group in a small shop, which was located in their house, - until 1972, when Marley signed up his first contract with ISLANDS Records Records Studio.

Riot, love and faith

By the time Jamaica, the movement of the Rastamanov, which turned out to be close and gauze. In his music, he tried to reflect new ideas. His songs praised the Rastafarian faith, but more often they said about joys, troubles and dreams of all mankind - Bob considered all people brothers, regardless of their skin color. "He was good, he had many friends, I think the money did not change him ... He wrote about the most obvious, accessible. His songs were like sayings, he just folded together simple things, "recalled a friend and catcher Bunny Melody.

Album "Catch a Fire" became the first project of the group that went beyond Jamaica. And in the mid-seventies, Marlles with their team was recognized as a world leader in the musical style of reggae. The songs that expressed "Riot, Love and Faith," were very popular with intellectuals. In the homeland, a group that returned from the tour was greeted as the most real stars. "My father influenced Jamaica residents than anyone else. His influence was both in the music itself, and in life. The father showed us the light to which you need to strive, "says the son of Bob, Siggy Marley. By the way, he also became a famous musician, fourfold owner of the Grammy Prize.

Ros and political authority of the musician, he was considered almost a prophet. At that time, the Civil War was brewing on the island, and the leaders of the opposing groups tried to drag it to their side. At the invitation of Prime Minister Michael Manley, the singer was going to speak with a charity concert "Smile Jamaica" and call on citizens to refrain from the escalation of conflict. However, he himself was on the hairs of death. During the day before the event, the House of Marley was fired by rifles. Among the victims were Bob, his wife Rita and his manager Don Taylor. Nevertheless, it did not prevent the musician to go on stage.

Bunk, Love and Faith Star Raggi and Prophet in His Fatherland Bob Marley 24287_3

Bob was not indifferent to beauty. "Miss World 1976" Cindy Breakspir became the mother of his child Damian Robert

Photo: Rexfeatures / fotodom.ru

And the whole royal rail

Rita, accompanied her husband in every tour tour, was very proud of them, but at the same time suffered. Women were hung like a new star on the neck. "In every country where he came, Bob met with some Miss or from the local queen of beauty. At night, she came to him in the bedroom and did not hurry to leave in the morning. Of course, I saw it all because I was a back-vocalist in his group and his wife. I was very painful, I was covered with jealousy. "

"When the whole point in one person is love," said Marlley. Apparently, Rita was not love of his life. Moreover, when once the musician asked if he was married, he replied that no. And Rita him as a sister. It even came to the point that he led to his home children born from other women, not doubting that the wife would take care of the kids. And it's not for nothing that she disliked Korolev's beauty! Returning from the tour in the UK in 1973, Bob said that he had two news for his wife: one girl in London is waiting for a child from him, and he also has a novel with Cindy Breakspir, beauty with Jamaica (which three years later became Miss World ").

Cindy was interested in two things in life: Career Models and Music. Under the influence of the beloved, she left the model business and took up singing. Bob she loved very much, and in some sources it is indicated as a musician wife. By the way, the son, whom the model gave birth to Bob, also followed the footsteps of the Father. Damian Robert performs reggae music and today is the owner of three grammy awards.

Close friends Bob did not see anything special in his adventures. "According to the laws of Rastafari, he had many children from different women, and all his friends were very beautiful," said the musical producer of Tony Calder. "Yes, he loved Women very much," the cannon of melody ends him. "There is nothing strange on Jamaica that a man has children from different women, and if you are a great musician, like Bob Marley, you have more opportunities."

But Rita had its own opinion on this. "I told him simple and clearly: if you're going to continue to change me, no sex between us will no longer." And then the shameful event occurred, which the musician widow still recalls with disgust: Marley took possession of it forcibly. Rita shouted that he hates him, but it had to be squeezed and this humiliation. In nine months, their daughter Stephenia appeared. However, a woman came up with her way to revenge and also began to change her husband. Nevertheless, she remained his faithful companion and support, brought up children, including the extramarital. Here is such a strange love.

Bob Marley dedicated his wife one of his most famous songs - "No, Woman, No Cry". In the original version "No, Woman, Nuh Sry". In the Yamaici dialect "NUH" - an analogue of the English verb "Don't", which literally means: "Do not, woman, do not cry."

Rita was not only his wife, but also faithful companion. With sons of artist

Rita was not only his wife, but also faithful companion. With sons of artist

Photo: Rexfeatures / fotodom.ru

You can't buy life for money

This famous phrase Bob Marley said to his son Sieggy on her deathbed. The music was the main passion of Bob. Football was in second place. According to the reviews of those who are lucky enough to play with him in friendly matches, the musician could well enter the Namaica national team. His cumiors were Pele, Maradona and Oswaldo Ardiles. According to the tragic coincidence, Malignant Melanoma, which thwarted him at the thirty-six years, was discovered after one of such matches.

During the amateur game in London, Marlley greatly injured the thumb, but at first did not give it values. But the pain did not pass, and he turned to the doctor. As a result of the examination and was diagnosed: cancer. Medical luminaries advised amputate leg, but Bob was opposed. How he, cripple, will perform on stage and play football! In addition, his Rastafarian faith did not allow, "so that a person disassembled into parts."

He managed to stretch four years, but in 1980, during the morning jogging in the park, he lost consciousness. The famous Medic in the field of Oncology Joseph Islas put it in the Bavarian Clinic and fought for the life of the "Ruga King" eight months, but the disease progressed. The musician began to fall out his famous Dredans, had to cut them, and along with them as if life was gone. When Bob realized that he was dying, he expressed the desire to return home to Jamaica to say goodbye to his wife and children. But managed to fly only to Miami. The faithful Rita gathered all close people so that they could say goodbye to Bob. Including Cindy Breakspira arrived. Here, at the mortal evidence, an old enmity was forgotten.

And how could Rita could not forgive? After all, she sincerely loved - and not abstractly all mankind, and this, quite a specific person, even if not perfect, but it did not change anything. "The fact that he had other women does not mean that he was not a good husband. He knew that I was not because of the brilliance, whiches or fame, but because I loved him. And I intend to keep the memory of him. "

Now Rita Marley is headed by the Bob Foundation Marley on Jamaica and leads his own charitable society, which helps children from poor families.

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