Dilbar Fayseeva: "Sometimes nightmares dreams, as if I slept the morning air"


For her, a new work day begins in deep at night. And, whatever happens, she always smiles and tells the country: "Good morning!" Dilbar Fayzieva shared the secrets of a good mood at any time of the day.

- Dilbar, your program begins to broadcast at five in the morning in Moscow. But at this time in the Far East day. How do you take into account this time difference?

- We are working live. But there are cities that wake up before Moscow, for them we write the program on the eve of the evening when, for example, in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky or in Vladivostok already dawns. As we write, and we go to rest. But I still go to bed closer to the night's o'clock. Habit. Get up an hour before the ether - at four in the morning, I quickly come to myself and begin to prepare.

- They say that in "Ostankino" do you even have your clamshells?

- Yes, we have clamshells and even individual bedding. True, the cleaners interfere with sleep, according to the corridors, some noisy equipment rumble. And on the knocking of heels you can guess who walked. At least a man is or a woman, you will definitely understand! (Laughs.)

- And how many hours per day do you sleep?

- Essential days - three or four hours.

- Do you have enough of this?

- Yes, I even manage to sleep. And then you can also sleep a little day. On the benefits of day sleep everyone knows. I thought somewhere that several Japanese corporations are injected at home a day break. As for non-working days, you get used to and jump in the middle of the night.

During a five-hour direct ether, everything in each other's studio is supported and kindly foul

During a five-hour direct ether, everything in each other's studio is supported and kindly foul

- You have an unusual job: you create a mood for the whole day of the whole country. How do you tune up for a working day?

- I have fun colleagues, they in the morning how will start joking, I still can't stop laughing. Sometimes jokes do not let go of the evening! And if seriously - a sense of responsibility will not allow me to tune in somehow different. The bad mood of the leading should not spoil the morning to the audience, and we have millions. I sometimes help the mirror - you look at him, you will smile and understand that you can share it!

- All who are present in the studio during the morning ether, support each other?

- Do you mean leading? Well, how to say ... (smiles.) Sometimes mock! But kind. In the studio, except for the leaders there are operators, sound-operators, light specialists - all of them are very friendly people. We can be wandering after the ether, sometimes we argue for a long time. And the essential hardware is always in touch, they are in the "ear"! And they are also encouraged by jokes. Direct ether is full of surprises, requires the intelligence and instantaneous reaction. In such conditions, it is convenient to work in a pair - one forgot something, the other picked up and added. This is especially saves when we work on the street where there is no text where the likelihood of technical problems is great. For example, if a microphone stopped working on the air, while the problems are eliminated, another one can say.

- Probably, during the ether, liters of coffee are drunk, so that the eyes do not stick?

- I almost swollen coffee. During the ether, I constantly drink water, sometimes hot tea (this is if we work in a mobile studio, and it's cold outside). Eyes stick out, but not because I want to sleep. And because we laugh a lot!

- And what happened that someone recruited the ether?

- In "Ostankino" it is impossible to sleep - we will go away! But you need to go to the mobile studio, so the alarm clock usually wakes up. And I can recognize, sometimes I am shot by nightmares - as if I slept the ether and on the clock there are already ten in the morning! But no, no one has shielded.

- For life out of strength, remain? You still learn ...

- Yes, by the way, you can sleep on boring lectures. (Laughs.) After the ether in classes, however, it is very difficult to stop. I am a graduate student of the first year of study at the Faculty of Journalism MSU, and while we are not so loaded. But soon research will begin, and then there will be for a few more hours of sleep.

- You are also engaged in yoga, running and Burmese boxing. What is the difference between the Burmese box from the one we see on television?

- Only hands are involved in the usual box, in Burmese - hands, elbows, knees, feet and even head. Apparently, he is called "science of nine limbs" for it. This type of martial arts is considered the most rigid. Rivals go to the ring with barefoot and without gloves, they have special dressings on their hands and on the legs. In Burma, fights pass in the fresh air ... By itself, I can say that physical exertion only add forces.

Dilbar was born in Tashkent. She is perfectly preparing pilaf, truth, Vegetarian. For several years now TV presenter does not eat meat

Dilbar was born in Tashkent. She is perfectly preparing pilaf, truth, Vegetarian. For several years now TV presenter does not eat meat

- Time at meetings with friends remains?

- At pleasant meetings with close people, I will always find time! I often call them to visit. In general, I love to eat tasty in a good company, we go to a few proven time of establishments, there are always cozy and preparing perfectly. In general, I can and one go to the exhibition's interested thing, for the long-awaited film premiere or a few hours in a bookstore cafe. It is important to learn how to get around with yourself.

- To parents in Tashkent, are rarely chosen?

- Recently I try to fly more often to them. Every year I miss more and more.

- They do not hint at you, what is it time to get a family?

- No, they understand that it is impossible to rush with it. Everything has its time.

- Probably, not every young man will endure such a schedule as you?

- It will endure only loving. When there is love, there is a mutual understanding.

- Fans do not offer hand and heart?

"It seems to me that the girl should not allow the young man to make an offer if not ready to accept him. Otherwise, she can hurt him. While I see a man whose proposal I would take without thinking. Therefore, I do not admit this opportunity and do not encourage fans.

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