Pupilian Tais Urumidis Natella returned to Moscow


Natella has always been one of the most active actresses on the stage, experimented a lot, shared the platform with such stars of the pop past, like "brilliant", "arrows", "hands up!", "Outways scammers" exploded the esters of musical channels with juicy clips, I changed the image several times, and then ... unexpectedly went to live in Sunny Spain. There, she not only successfully performed with her songs, but also dealt with DJing, starred in telecommunication and cinema. However, longing to take the top, and she decided to return to the Russian scene with a new program and fresh ideas.

The other day I found a singer in one of the metropolitan clubs and asked a few questions about February 23, the image of an ideal defender, mentality of national sports, cunning female gifts and many other things.

- Natella, what is the image of the ideal "Defender of the Fatherland" for you?

- This is a bold, strong, fearless man, able to protect his woman, family and homeland, a potential hero. Of course, we live in peacetime and, thank God, you do not need to climb into the trenches, but a real man should be ready for this. Russian officers of the tsarist times have always caused me lightweight and endless respect.

- Is it taken in your family to celebrate the 23rd February?

- Yes of course. In our house there were five people, including grandfather and grandmother, who passed the whole war. We have always congratulated them together.

- Do you create your songs after all, for the beautiful half of humanity, or men can also find something close in them for yourself?

- I never put the challenges to write a purely "female" or "male" song. Everything happens spontaneously: inspiration, illumination, thoughts, rhymes, melodies come. And I think every my song can find a response and in male, and in female hearts.

- You somehow said that without fear would go to the army. Could the same to declare professional sports? The difference is essentially small: and there, and there - discipline, large physical exertion, but in the sport also awards, prizes, folk love ...

- Yes, professional sport is cool, it is adrenaline, excitement, competition. I, as we need to say, "the former swimmer", was engaged in the sport class on swimming. Sport love very much, although it did not reach the big heights and divened with the head. The difference in sports with the army is really small. They are combined by heavy loads, clear discipline. Even in our swimming, there were several workouts per day, in the morning jogging a few kilometers, training in the hall, and then the pool. What is not an army? (Laughs.)

- Are such power sports such as rugby, hockey, American football attractive for you?

- I believe that rugby and American football is alien to our Russian mentality, but hockey is our game. I adore this sport, constantly watching the broadcast. I remember my cheerful childhood: my grandfather was an avid fan, so I knew well from the least years in the rules, I knew all the hockey players, and together we were loudly sick for our, shouted, shout. Moreover, I played hockey myself, was a goalkeeper of the courtyard. And the boys from neighboring courtyards even fought for whom I will play, really appreciated me, because I was fearless and literally caught the puck with bare hands.

- What kind of sport drives into boredom and cause sincere bewilderment?

- Sport and boredom are incompatible, because it gives energy, a good mood, it is working on myself and strong emotions. I have always been engaged in active sports: skates, skis (ordinary and water), bike, rollers.

"Do you consider the injustice and a cunning male strategy that February 23rd is celebrated before the female holiday on March 8? Men look at a gift that women make them, and dyed according to the resulting.

- There is some truth of life in this. After all, women, of course, cunning creatures. And as a rule, on February 23 give socks or shaving cream, well, and on March 8, the mountains of tulips are waiting, diamond rings and crystal shoes. Women's logic is quite clear here: the most expensive woman has already gave a man - herself. (Laughs.)

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