Hidden talents: Skills that are almost every


Most skills we get in the process of life, we learn both on our own success and mistakes, but few know that almost each of us has hidden talents and skills that we may not suspect most of your life, or simply not Give them values.

Himself alarm clock

You noticed that there are days when we wake up just a couple of minutes before the alarm clock is silent? There is nothing surprising here, because there is a biological alarm clock in each of us, just not everyone knows how to use them correctly. If you live according to the schedule, do not knock down your rhythm, then over time the body begins to live literally on the machine - even in those days when you don't need anywhere, you still wake at the same time. Try to "enable" the internal mechanism, if before that they did not try - perhaps the classic alarm clock will never need you anymore.

Learning during sleep

It is believed that the brain about sleep time is not able to perceive information, as it is engaged in processing the day already received. In fact this is not true. As the experiment conducted by American psychologists shows, a person in certain sleep phases are able to memorize some information and reproduce it after waking up: so the subjects were given to listen to the classic musical works in the short phase of sleep, then walked and again allowed to listen together with new compositions. 9 out of 10 people were able to remember those works that heard in a dream.

You can make much more

You can make much more

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Actions on automatic

Our brain has a lot in common with the computer processor, it is especially clearly noticeable in the ways to sort information. As soon as something begins to get well, our consciousness transfers this skill to a separate area of ​​the brain, which puts an action on the machine, this is exactly from this, our multitasking occurs when we carry out one of the cases, while the result does not lose as .

Wide Agricultural Overview

No, we can not have extra eyes, like not looking, but this does not mean that our viewing angle ends at 90 degrees. Remember whether you have such that you literally have felt what is happening from behind you? There is nothing surprising, because we perfectly help to navigate the rest of the feelings, for example, a rumor, which is just responsible for the emergence of a diskcomer feeling, when someone is watching us - we know that someone stands behind, but we don't see it . Thus, our brain can build a picture of what is happening in the "blind" zones using our natural resources.

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