Olga Buzova: "David is my choice, I love my man"


When Olga Buzova was only offered to take part in the "Ice Age" show, she did not agree immediately. And when the skates already put on, I realized that everything was much more complicated than it seemed at first glance. Watching the progress of the beginner figure for the fourth gear. And, of course, we could not do not communicate with the star about the news of the sports sense and romantic.

- Olga, start with a burning question. Tell us how you experienced this difficult summer-autumn period. Many artists complain that they never entered the usual working rhythm ...

- Indeed, it was not easy and morally morally. It seems to me that this summer has become difficult for everyone, because we all turned out to be deprived of our usual life. But I tried myself not to drive into a depressive state, because it is very difficult to get out of it. In addition, I am such a person: I try to find the pros even where they would seem to have no, because I am a megapositive person. And in a situation where everyone rested, and simply put, did not do anything, I worked a lot. In general, work for me is the best salvation in all life situations. I continued to engage in creativity, removed the video at home - it turned out to be stunning. I would probably not remove such a clip at another time because I usually have other scales. And she also tried to entertain himself in this situation and their audience with some funny battles. I myself came up with the classes that I have allowed to go out with a proudly raised head, a more or less comfortable feeling and with the hope that everything in any case will fall into place. I still worked on television, engaged in sports. I even did not eat goodies for the night. (Laughs.)

- That is, you actively follow the figure, try to limit yourself in eating sweet?

- Well, of course. Because we are Russian such people: when we start to do something - it delays us. And when you keep yourself all your life in a tone, it's easier not to relax at all so that it was not difficult to return. This, you know, when we come to Moscow after vacation, it seems to us that huge traffic jams, although they were always. It seems to us that we are very tired, although in everyday life we ​​are tired even more. This state after vacation is the most unloved, because everything is difficult. (Laughs.) Therefore, it is even easier to rest in order to be in constant tone.

Even during the difficult period of a pandemic, the singer does not allow himself too much and follows the figure

Even during the difficult period of a pandemic, the singer does not allow himself too much and follows the figure


- You did not rest this year?

- I managed to break out literally for a few days. And then I literally forced myself, because it was difficult for me to allocate time - I have so much affairs! Just until the end of the year I will not have a weekend - many projects. And one of them, as you know, this is the "Ice Age". So I needed a change in the setting, getting vitamin D and the opportunity to stay with my beloved. Although it is impossible to sleep for the future, relax for the future. Now, if it were possible to sleep like this day, so that later all week calmly get up early. No, we want to sleep every morning. The same with rest: I wanted to break out to rest for a year ahead, but it does not work. Many are sleeping on Sunday, but I have Sunday - the most downloaded day. Because all I do not have time to do during the week, I leave on Sunday. On Fridays, shooting on the frontal place in the project "Dom-2" at midnight. And I speak to myself every time: the classroom friday-sludge at work. (Laughs.) With us, artists, a little differently draws a schedule.

- But where did your so long-awaited and the only vacation this year?

"I ran into the Red Polyana for 4 days, and I managed to relax a little. I went with David. We fell out, enjoyed each other and breathed fresh air, we went to ride on the yacht and were fishing. But the main thing was the desire to be together and enjoy each other. Do you know how to sleep in hotels? You can soar in the crib, not to rush anywhere. And it is a great pleasure when you understand what you can be in the state of Nontelia. But without curiosities, rest did not cost. We always ordered breakfast at 10.30, because they thought that if he was already standing, we would stand and eat. Breakfast was brought to us, we opened the door, we left him, and after that we continued to sleep. After some time, we were shy to bring it. (Laughs.) These beds at the hotel are something ...

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Busy actress rest succeed rarely

Press service materials

- And who decided to go to Sochi: You or Daw?

- We somehow decided together. Just both working a lot and are very tired. Therefore, our desires coincide perfectly: and slept, and they got tasty, and went to the spa.

- Olga, admit, and often your chosen one surprises you?

- Sure. For example, on vacation, he arranged to me a surprise - a stunning salute in my honor. Not the first, by the way. It is very nice. In general, I generally broadcast such a thought and I think it is correct that young people always need to pour girls to saturate each other's life and cause emotions. Here are some men say, and I do not understand them, they say, flowers to give - it's so trite ... Well, so we need this banality, we do not need a supernatural. No, of course, it happens, I want something special, but we are all realists: we all understand and all for goodbye, we accept the circumstances as they are. But such trifles like flowers are always needed. Somewhere romance to arrange, somewhere fireworks, balls. I am very pleased that it is present in our relationship, because I am a very romantic thin nature. I generally love beauty in all its manifestations: in actions, in humans, I love to create beauty. For example, the option to eat on the fly is not about me. I want to sit down and eat with feeling and enjoying pleasure. And it seems such a trifle - put candles on the table, and already a completely different atmosphere! So please, men love us, holte and laled. There is such a law: a happy woman - happy and man.

Olga Buzova and David Manukyan

Olga Buzova and David Manukyan


- David can be called an ideal man, or would you still want to change something in it?

- When we are talking about someone to change, it seems to me that it is no longer about love. Love is not a scheme. We even in choosing clothes are inconsistent, and as for feelings ... We can draw one image in your head, but it will appear completely different. He does not order a heart: the feeling comes even when you do not run after him. You can draw one world, and the heart will react to completely different. In this case, I succumbed to my emotions and allowed it to experience this feeling. It seems to me that I used to be most afraid that I could not love to love with all my heart. David is my choice, I love my man. And about changing ... You can adapt all my life on trifles, people are torn to each other. Of course, it is difficult to force everyone to think as we think. Everyone has its own position. In the global plan, I would not want to change it, and in some trifles we, wise women, can send a man to the right direction, and in the end it will make it good. (Smiles.)

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Chosen Singer Do not forget to make bright romantic surprises for her


- It feels that you obviously prefer to negotiate with a man peacefully and without scandals ...

- Agree - it's about me. I love to discuss everything, decompose on the shelves to be a clear understanding. I believe that in a relationship, of course, you need to negotiate: do not quarrel and not swear. And this is possible when people respect each other, respect the opinion and in disputes come to the truth. When people find out something, it says that they are alive that they have emotions and feelings. When we begin to meet, at first chemistry comes, and then awareness: you accept a person or not. And so if you take, everything else is your choice. You can always agree on everything if there is a desire to be with each other and make a friend of the arc happy.

- It is not a secret that some time ago there was rumors in the network that you actually broke up with the front, because it was a contractual relationship. What can you answer gossip?

- I have long taken the fact that my name and surname cause a huge hype. People constantly want to think about and inventing something. I want, first, to say in the first and last time: Believe only what I say. The most reliable source is me. Now, if I come and inform about it, it means that you can take the basis. And rumors around me a huge amount. But I do not have time to take them. Sometimes it comes to the absurd. We relax together with David in Thailand, and comes out the news that Olga Buzova is hiding from his man and his beatings (laughs.) We, of course, laughed and removed Storsis about this. In general, I do not want to react to all this, because if you give the reaction, then you touches it all. And it does not concern me. As soon as something happens and I want to share with you, you will learn about it.

- Olga, admit, and how does it refer to your participation in the "Ice Age"? Isn't it afraid of you?

- Everyone is afraid for me. (Laughs.) And the more you are afraid for me, the more I am afraid for myself. Of course, it is very scary. But letting me strongly supports me. I am very nervous, worried, besides, my family inspires me. I want my grandmothers to look at swallow. (Smiles.) My mother still calls me. David recently said: "My swallow". I am so pleased. I am straight to imagine how I pull the leg ...

David, of course, does not understand how to ride it right, but he always configures me correctly when I share my experiences. In general, we are usually rejected by each other and support each other.

- Tell me how it was generally prepared for participation in such an unusual show. It was not difficult?

- I was very lucky with the first coach. I want to tell about her. Thanks to the hands of Maria Orlova, who kept me, and her professionalism, the ability to teach, I stand on ice. In the hands of the partner, I went a little later, because if he saw me at the side at the very beginning, I think he would turn around and left. I imagine how difficult it is champions - get the body and not understand that you can do with this body. (Laughs.) I am very grateful to the whole team of the show, because I am such a person who needs to be customized and saying: "Olya, come on, through pain and overcoming!" And Masha helped me a lot. And everyone frightened me, they say that it is so scary! But I try not to think about it. I have a desire to amaze, learn and be the best. And it is much stronger than any fears.

The desire to surprise and be the best in the ice show for Buzova is stronger than her fears.

The desire to surprise and be the best in the ice show for Buzova is stronger than her fears.

Press service materials

- Are you probably completely immersed in this project?

- Yes, the show takes a huge amount of time in my life now, but I, fortunately, I can distribute my schedule. The plan is about me. I have everything clearly, I paint in advance and I know everything that will be next week: that I wear, where I will go and so on. My life is so rich that there will be chaos without a plan. I am Capricorn, standing on Earth, and I need it to be clearly, specifically. In general, the ice project is a very important event of this year. Because every time something new happens, I study something, overcoming and winning, it inspires me to be more victory.

- And you thought for a long time, is it worth it to be decided for such unsafe participation?

- I thought, analyzed. It seems and want, and ourselves. It was necessary to make a decision and be responsible for it. Because it is a long story. And if I start something, I used to do it better than everyone and win. So I tried to appreciate my strength and understand if I could I? To be honest, I overestimated my strength a little, because everything turned out to be much more complicated than it looks like. When I looked figure skating, I did not ask the question, but is it difficult? Because they are all so beautifully doing, fly so easily ... It turned out difficult, but nothing. Previously, rolls were only sushi, and now cross rolls appeared in steps. We all know what the highway is, but these are also steps. I open the world of figure skating STEP by STEP (step by step - approx. Ed). Here I chose such tactics. But simply impossible to choose another, because it is not easy to get up and go, as I thought initially. (Laughs.) So I have a principle: you go quiet - you will go further. Although when you go quiet - even worse. (Laughs.) And, of course, I am very worried about my feet, and hands. Ilya Averbukh, our curator, fully controls the process and sends, supports, but also scolds when something fails. I hope I can surprise you and I will be proud of himself.

Olga Buzova:

Olga Buzova: "To be honest, I overestimated my strength a little, because everything turned out to be much more complicated than it looks like"

Press service materials

- You have recently changed the image and let go long hair, which caused a storm of discussion. It happened, by chance, not within the Ice Show?

- In general, if we talk about the "glacier period", then there is generally more comfortable to ride without hair, bald. (Laughs.) In fact, long hair is convenient. Then you can do different beautiful hairstyles. And then, I am a fan of long hair. Why did you decide to change the hairstyle? Just periodically I change something, because I am an artist, I try myself in different experiments. For example, participating in rock projects or even recording rap, as it was within the framework of the collaboration with the cloust. Also with hair. I live on this principle: I want - and do. And when, if not now?

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