Cinnamon - assistant in the struggle for slimness


This sweet odor, intense, slightly burning, as if there is a pinch of pepper in it, it is impossible to forget. The aroma of cinnamon causes us the most pleasant associations: baked buns that baked mom, coffee or tea with spices, burning Mulled wine ... He likes everything, with a rare exception. This explains the popularity of oriental spirits with the chord of this spice. However, cinnamon is indispensable not only in perfumery. This is an excellent antioxidant, a remedy for a cold and assistant in the struggle for harmony.

It is difficult to imagine that because of the usual cinnamon, which can be bought in any store, once the real wars flared up, the uprisings were raised, there were huge states on it and they ruined. After all, the dark powder obtained from the cortex of the cinnamon tree was appreciated by the weight of gold in the literal sense of the word.

The most famous classic spice is familiar to humanity from time immemorial. Mention of it are available in the Old Testament. Written evidence of the fact that in ancient Egypt, it was used as a currency. The Greeks were also aware of the taste and aromatic properties of the spice. Herodotus and other authors of antiquity wrote about cinoon. But most of all glorified her Roman emperor Nero. During the funeral of his wife Poppy Sabina Tyrant managed to burn the annual supply of spices on the burial bony. It was sixty-fifth year before our era, a kilogram of cinnamon was then most affordably expensive. Now it would be equivalent to lighting the fire with packs of money. A wide soul man was what you say.

Monopoly on sale cinnamon always retained Arabs. But at the beginning of the XVI century, the Portuguese, led by the navigator Lorenzo to Alma, opened the Isle of Ceylon, which is now called the name of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Then then well-being in this paradise corner of the Earth and an end came. The island fell into colonial slavery for several centuries, and enterprising Portuguese built a fortress here and took the trading gems in their hands. After some time, the reign of the board first turned to the Dutch men, and then to the warlike British. Prices for a spice, fortunately, have dropped significantly since then, but Sri Lanka still remains one of the main world spices manufacturers. It is Ceylon cinnamon that is valued by perfumes above all. Cultivate cinnamon trees also in Vietnam, in India, in Seychelles, Java, Sumatra, Madagascar, and even in Brazil.

About the aromatic properties of spices are known from antiquity, but the fact that cinnamon enhances mental activity, affects the metabolism, reduces the feeling of hunger and works as an antiseptic, scientists have proven recently. Due to the pinch of spices, metabolism accelerates twenty times. And this means that excess fat in the field of waist and the hips will be postponed less, even if you allowed yourself a "stopping" piece of cake. Wraps and massage with cinname oil, by the way, also contribute to the decrease in volumes and hated "orange peel". Consider this moment when you get together once again at the spa.

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